State of Hawaii Says Obama “Birth Certificate” Not Valid May 15, 2009, the “unbiased” truth seeker that has published Obama’s Certification of Live Birth that they say proves Obama was born in America, in “truth” is operated by the totally biased Annenberg Foundation that gave Obama and Bill Ayres $110 million to spend on improving education. But Obama and Ayres actually spent the $110 million teaching Chicago kids to vote for his sponsor Mayor Daley. The Annenberg Foundation did a follow up study that proved Obama and Ayres did not improve educational test scores by any amount.
Want proof of Annenberg’s bias and dishonesty? Annenberg’s says that Ayres and Obama did not do know each other then!! Even though the Annenberg Foundation knows that Bill Ayres founded the Chicago Annenberg Challenge (or “CAC”) and hired Obama to be its President for five years, all documented by the Corporate Minutes of the CAC that U. of Illinios Prof. William Ayres donated to the archives section of the University of Illinois Library at its Chicago campus. Ie., this is not web chatter, it is documented in the University of Illinois Library Archives!! Commenters are calling me a liar. Go to Chicago and read it yourself! Annenberg certainly knows the name of the President of a group to which it gave $110 million, and that name is Barack Obama! So Annenberg has proved, with its own contradictory published statements, that Annenberg and its website tell lies to benefit Obama, and that its own website publishes lies.
Back to the Obama/ “Certificate of Live Birth.”
Hawaii’s official birth certificate is the “Certificate of Live Birth” which is different from the “Certification of Live Birth”. Changing the “e” to “ion” is all the difference in the world. Obama and only publish the “ion” version, which is merely a computer printout, and not a birth certificate. How else are they different? Read and weep.
Annenberg’s continues to publish, even today, Obama “Certification of Live Birth,” and Annenberg claims falsely that this proves Obama was born in the USA.
Annenberg’s corrupt factcheck,org published thousands of words about this but never once says that their document id the “ion” version, not the genuine “e” version. The most tragically comic statements on the corrupt is they quote people who “have seen” the “e” version.
Golly, Molly, if people “have seen” it, why won’t Obama produce it?
Only one answer: it doesn’t exist. You would think by now, after he has been President so long, the FBI could have cooked up a good forgery for him? Don’t worry, eventually some liberal progressive totalitarian creep will forge one, but the fact that they went so long without producing it proves that no valid birth certificatE ever existed or they would have produced it.
Here is what the State of Hawaii’s official government websites publish about the matter:
QUOTE: “The Certification of Live Birth is a legal document, but it is TOTALLY INADEQUATE when it comes to proving an individual was born in Hawaii.
The State of Hawaii DOES NOT EVEN ACCEPT the Certification of Live Birth as valid proof that an individual was born in Hawaii.
The Hawaii Department of Homelands, which administers programs to encourage property ownership for native Hawaiians states the following on its website.
“In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found ONLY on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth(a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL.“ [Emphasis Mine].
The bottom line is that the Certification of Live Birth can be erroneous. It has been reported that it was not uncommon for foreigners residing in Hawaii to bring their infant children to the Clerk of the Court, swear they were born in Hawaii and have actual Certificates of Live Birth issued to their children.
It has even been reported that foreigners residing in Hawaii, in some cases, produced birth certificates from foreign countries and the State of Hawaii still issued Hawaiian Certificates of Live Birth to the infants in question.