Much of my family had close professional & personal ties with ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries), Billingham and I used to spend time, as a boy, in the social company of that ICI Plant's serving CEO during the mid-1960's. In Aldous Huxleys' insightful novel
'Brave New World' - Resident World Controller of Western Europe is
Mustapha Mond. He presides over one of the ten zones of the World State, the
global government set up after the cataclysmic
Nine Years' War and great Economic Collapse. Sophisticated and good-natured, he is is an urbane and hyperintelligent apologist for The Brave New World and its
velvet-gloved totalitarianism. Aldous Huxley visited the newly-opened and technologically-advanced Brunner and Mond plant at ICI, in Billingham UK & the introduction to the most recent print of Brave New World states that Huxley was inspired to write the classic novel (wherein Mond figures as a character), by his Billingham visit. In fact, this plant was so immaculately efficient, so Spick and Span that my Aunt from nearby Norton, by Stockton-on-Tees, who had struggled beneath the Glass Ceiling at the ICI Billingham Plant, for all her working life, was driven to commit suicide shortly after she retired, aged 60,
closely following Mustapha Monde's predestination model as alluded to in this audio extract of a reading from Orwell's Book.
Click this title link to download 'Brave New World' allusions to Mustapha Monde (extract). B)
Click this link for Melvyn Bragg analysis of the Mustapha Monde Character.