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Popular BBC DJ (jock) shipped out to Mexican Border Conflict, now comforts Irish

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Author Topic: Popular BBC DJ (jock) shipped out to Mexican Border Conflict, now comforts Irish  (Read 1252 times)
Jonnie Goodboy
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The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.

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« on: October 07, 2010, 10:44:17 am »

I'll explain: This Staunch 65-odd year old Ex-Irish showband musician and now popular LondonDerry (Northern Ireland - heart of 'the troubles') Radio Jock responds to my call on Radio Foyle today. That's me speaking and giggling at him. I sound just like PJW, don't I. I know, that reminds I need to move on to a more liberal media where I can actually have a voice.
My first comment is just a bit of humour and is personal between him, his regular listeners and me. It's a repeat of what Thin Lizzy Front man Phil Lynott once said to him in the Public-Toilets of a Irish Concert Venue at the peak of Lynott's popularity, when he was both mega popular and completely broke, and ashamed to admit it in public.

Texan Border Warning to Irish.

Right Click >

In the process of our talk, which I'd wanted to be about Guitars, knowing who he was speaking to, he managed to keep it solidly on track about THE MEXICAN BORDER problem.  He had just explained to his audience the origins of the Phrase 'GRINGO'. From 'Green Grow the Rushes Oh', a melody the US soldiers would be singing back in to the days of THE ALAMO, and surrounding extended conflict.

Anyway, he tells us that last year he was in Mexico, right on the front lines, or behind them, by the sound of it, having a good clear embedded look at the conflict on the Texan border. Is the BBC doing this to all it's staff, shipping them out to view this engineered TEX_MEX Drug wars and 'Broken-Borders'™ conflict. I hear a lot, and I mean a lot of BBC documentary makers (Anderson Makes documentaries too) talking candidly about the current Mexican Border War, as if it's not something completely alien to them.

Then, as a former particicipant in the bloody sunday or rather to be precise, the civil rights march and stone throwing episode which lead up to it, in the fake 'official story' of how Bloody Sunday and 'The Troubles' dragged out, he leads into a cleverly worded warning for Northern Ireland. This Guy is a Catholic, ok, not some stoolpigeon, but a genuine hardworn & once poverty strucken Londonderry former club-musician from 'Derry City who struggled as a down-trodden musician for decades. He's doing what he does, and at his current level, he's saying 'things aren't so bad, in N.I; it could have been so much worse, look at the Texan Mexico Border, where 28,000 have died'. This guy is listened to by everybody in Northern Ireland on both sides of the Protestant/Catholic Divide, and liked for his light-hearted yet realistically grim take on the events of the past, in which he also participated.

A public pole in Derry yesterday revealed that some 30++% of N.I Republicans currently support the real I.R.A, who carried out the fearful OMAGH Bombing, in 1998, that killed ~27.

So, he manages to use his last year's BBC funded & embedded experience, (I don't know maybe it was his own privately financed trip, I guess I'll have to find out), to warn Irish people about how things could have been much worse there in Derry, where only 3000 died during the 30-yr period of 'The Troubles'

You see how media works. It's manipulative, cunning, clever, forward-planning and always covers it's back.
I'm just trying to figure these Salauds out.
See also:
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 12:14:09 pm by Two Tenners » Report Spam   Logged

"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2

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Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833

The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.

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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2010, 12:13:09 pm »

Fortunately not all his callers are as easy to deal with as I am disposed of ... since he eventually cut me off ... and sadly I do not have the cunning beguiling abilties of one regular caller.

From today's same show:
A bit of Stick O'Toole for Anderson

Right Click »

Ach well ... What Can you Do?
See also:
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 12:55:43 pm by Two Tenners » Report Spam   Logged

"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833

The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.

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« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2010, 08:05:15 am »

Fortunately not all his callers are as easy to deal with as I am disposed of ... since he eventually cut me off ... and sadly I do not have the cunning beguiling abilties of one regular caller.

From today's same show:
A bit of Stick O'Toole for Anderson

Right Click »

Ach well ... What Can you Do?
See also:

For those who ask 'what has this got to do with Bringing down the Globalists and their thugs'? If you can't make the connection between the effort this old fellow makes in the face of all adversity, to retain his freedom of speech, on the radio, then you're too young for this game.

So I wondered who this grand old feller who calls in and professionally rakes through the muck is, completely taking the mick out of Anderson's BBC pomp, and whether he's genuine or some actor, although I've never considered the latter as likely. I googled and found:

(Europe Intelligence Wire| March 16, 2004 | COPYRIGHT 2003 Financial Times Ltd. This material is published under license from the publisher through the Gale Group, Farmington Hills, Michigan.  All inquiries regarding rights should be directed to the Gale Group.)

A PENSIONER known for his cameo appearances on Radio Ulster last night said he would not be silenced by the masked men who beat and robbed him at his home.

Geordie Tuft, renowned as a regular caller to the Gerry Anderson show, told the News Letter he would not hide away or have his life destroyed by the attack which left him with injuries to his hands, ribs and a leg.

"The reason I am speaking about what happened is that these people do not frighten me and I want other pensioners not to be frightened because I am not the first to go through this and I won't be the last," he said.

"You cannot let these people destroy you … "

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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2010, 01:30:15 pm »

Glad to have you join us, two tenners.

You have a way of getting the stories
that most of us
would not dream of.

Keep up the excellent work, my buddy !

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