Clay Shoot. 14 Dec. is going on? Here are some facts as pertaining to the case in the UK-zone!
This is top level inside info. All names of documents and individuals are hidden to prevent unwanted snoopers derailing developments.
A Very Senior level and Very Busy Advocate for people on Disability has informed me that of his caseload, and he has many; this last year
4 died and of those 3 were suicides.Additionally, the designer of the Tests, (a Professor Hxx) which decide if people suffering already existent or developing physical or mental health problems 'are in reality, actually sick and not putting it on' (sic) are entitled to receive disability benefits, has submitted a highly critical 80-page document to the Tory Government heavily criticising the way the regime is
‘not helping people, but making them worse’.
The Government & UK parliament has accepted the submission in its entirety and ongoing campaigning is to be waged to seek beneficial changes, which will be drafted into law.
For instance: I got a medical 1st level tribunal review, after a great struggle in November, giving me time off sick, effectively granting me time to work on setting up my own business, which I would love at every level to do, and definitely not sit around being useless etc. Yesterday, yes the very day of the Clay shoot, I learned that I'm to be hauled up again in front of another Medical review panel whose sole job is to overturn any previous decisions by ANYBODY, no matter how beneficial, scientifically +/or medically verified and from competent medical Doctors/Consultants and Professionals senior to the 'Medical Services' (DWP Quango) immigrant doctor status, as Medical Services folk are in majority; by my personal experience. What a waste of time, but previously profitable for Lawyers who get paid £350 for each letter they draft on behalf of the Government, to clients.
You young people will in your own turn learn, that to be disrespected in perpetuity is an unfruitful and unproductive experience. And in my case, I am afraid, such continued plans will have to go the way of the dinosaurs; either the regimen of continued disgrace or me. Choose!