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Amsterdam Leads EUROPE in assault on Anti-Social Behaviour with 'Scum-Villages'.

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Author Topic: Amsterdam Leads EUROPE in assault on Anti-Social Behaviour with 'Scum-Villages'.  (Read 1861 times)
Jonnie Goodboy
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« on: December 04, 2012, 01:46:54 am »

 NB. The Idea of Isolated 'Villages-of-The-Damned' , devoted entirely to the housing of anti-social elements is NOT A NEW IDEA.
 It was Practiced in the British Isles way back in the 1950's through early to mid '60's.

 As the Telegraph Article below reports, it was also used in Holland Back in the Day too.

 And in JG's opinion, the option needs to be investigated once again, and sooner rather than later !!!!
 Because if the Chancellor's Words as today reported on BBC have any truth in them, namely that:

 — "The austerity is going to be biting hard until 2018, and this is only the beginning of Hard Times." 
 That's what a Conservative MP said publicly today; - We can't afford to have Scum ruling the street!

Amsterdam to create 'scum villages'
- 03 Dec 2012

Amsterdam is to create "Scum villages" where nuisance neighbours and anti-social tenants will be exiled from the city and rehoused in caravans or containers with "minimal services" under constant police supervision.

Holland's capital already has a special hit squad of municipal officials to identify the worst offenders for a compulsory six month course in how to behave.

Social housing problem families or tenants who do not show an improvement or refuse to go to the special units face eviction and homelessness.

Eberhard van der Laan, Amsterdam's Labour mayor, has tabled the £810,000 plan to tackle 13,000 complaints of anti-social behaviour every year. He complained that long-term harassment often leads to law abiding tenants, rather than their nuisance neighbours, being driven out.

"This is the world turned upside down," the mayor said at the weekend.

The project also involves setting up a special hotline and system for victims to report their problems to the authorities.

"The new punishment housing camps have been dubbed "scum villages" because the plan echoes a proposal from Geert Wilders, the leader of a populist Dutch Right-wing party, for special units to deal with persistent troublemakers.

"Repeat offenders should be forcibly removed from their neighbourhood and sent to a village for scum," he suggested last year. "Put all the trash together."

Whilst denying that the new projects would be punishment camps for "scum", a spokesman for the city mayor stressed that the special residential units would aim to enforce good behaviour.

"The aim is not to reward people who behave badly with a new five-room home with a south-facing garden. This is supposed to be a deterrent," he said.

The tough approach taken by Mr van der Laan appears to jar with Amsterdam's famous tolerance for prostitution and soft drugs but reflects hardening attitudes to routine anti-social behaviour that falls short of criminality.

There are already several small-scale trial projects in the Netherlands, including in Amsterdam, where 10 shipping container homes have been set aside for persistent offenders, living under 24-hour supervision from social workers and police.

Under the new policy, from January next year, victims will no longer have to move to escape their tormentors, who will be moved to the new units.

A team of district "harassment directors" have already been appointed to spot signals of problems and to gather reports of nuisance tenants.

The Dutch Parool newspaper observed that the policy was not a new one. In the 19th century, troublemakers were moved to special villages in Drenthe and Overijssel outside Amsterdam. The villages were rarely successful, becoming sink estates for the lawless.

"We have learned from the past," said the mayor's spokesman. "A neighbourhood can deal with one problem family but if there are more the situation escalates


 In the 1950's Yorkshire, England had villages, which still exist today, near Driffield, and Wansford, en-route to York, which were set aside entirely for anti-social families. I can speak honestly, because I've been out there to see them, accompanied by a former SAS man.

 The residents were picked out of the communities in which they already had residence and placed in these semi-detached former army-base type housing for prolonged periods.

 Well, the Mayor of Amsterdam is going one big-step further and designating converted Shipping Containers for anti-social individuals or groups ....

 So, not all our EuroXone MP's are completely without insight, Vision or Masterplan?!
— And Oh no, we're not leaving ALL good aspects of our glorious Empiric Pasts behind, ...
 - I fully support the idea you Fecking Bastards!

But sadly this all goes hand in hand with the parallel fascistic like moves to ban the **** cafés of Amsterdam. A harmless enough, psycho-stimulant that has numerous Recognized Medical properties.
And of course, if it has such 'useful health promoting properties' (sic) then it's got to be regulated and handed out on prescription only ....

The rest you ban. Whilst er, yup, you got it.
I would LOVE A WAR on ALCOHOL to be initiated in the WHOLE OF EUROPE. Imagine the reaction at the Munich Beer Festival ... Picture it! SHARIAH-LAW Muslim Immigrants Smashing Bottles and Chairs over Inebriated Teutonic Twat heads all in the name of Allah and New World Social-Order ... Beautiful!
 - You've Gotta Love it!

Moreover, the SAS companion, mentioned at top of this piece, in the Yorkshire village of The Damned, also suggested over a pint that the plan He Had in Mind (in other words as common an idea amongst the working-people as dog-****e) is that all these generic anti-social types should be put on a boat, floated out into the North-Sea and the craft subsequently sunk. Just a short step on from the Shipping Containers for Scum Model.

And now in retrospect, a logical Step, I think!

So all you feckers who think it was real good entertainment putting those bricks through my window.
I can safely say that I've had enough of you SCUM.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2012, 03:29:56 pm by Jonnie Goodboy » Report Spam   Logged

"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2

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