A forum Run by Professional Homeopaths Posted the following Action Alert.Posted by:
Alliance of Registered Homeopaths"Karin Mont" (email details withheld on GG-forum.)
Wed May 16, 2012 9:12 am (PDT)
Dear All,
'As some of you already know, the main homeopathy registers, and other
important stakeholders within the homeopathy profession (such as the
pharmacies) have been working together on a number of issues, to secure
patients' ongoing access to quality homeopathy. The most recent issue has
been the revision and consolidation of the 1968 Medicines Act, which is due
to be ratified by the Statutory Instruments Committee any day now.
ARH responded to the recent Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency
(MHRA) consultation in depth, and pointed out several potential problems
which would occur for both homeopaths and members of the public using
homeopathy, if changes were not included. Unfortunately, we understand that
our recommendations have not been acted upon. We are concerned that if
Government endorses the revised Medicines Act in its current form, this will
have an adverse impact upon our access to the full range of homeopathic
Details are given below, but we now need you, your patients, your family and
friends to take URGENT ACTION, and write to you MPs outlining your concerns.
A template letter, which includes the key points, is set out below.
We'd also be grateful if you could let us know directly, if you receive any
response from your MP. We realise that some MPs may be actively 'anti
homeopathy', but this should not deter you. If you write to them as one of
their constituents, they are obliged to act on your behalf, even if that
means nothing more than declaring that they have a concerned constituent. If
they suddenly find they have a number of concerned constituents, they really
have to take notice.
This is the first call for mass action from ARH to our members and all their
contacts. More will follow. Let's use this as a dress rehearsal to improve
our overall performance.
I am sorry but the formatting of the information below will probably corrupt
in this email, so please be patient and read through everything carefully,
even if it looks a bit confusing! Thanks in advance for your participation.
Together we really can make a difference.
Kind regards,
Your access to homeopathic medicines is under threat
The Medicines Act is being simplified, which is a good thing because much
duplication is being removed. However, as a result there are some key
elements which could adversely affect your access to homeopathic medicines
if the proposals go into force.
What will happen to my access to homeopathic medicines?
If the current proposals by the MHRA are endorsed by government the
following would occur:
* You would no longer able to get unlicensed homeopathic medicines
(the majority of our medicines) by phone or online
A face-to-face consultation would be required at a registered pharmacy, in
order to get any unlicensed homeopathic medicine. Unlicensed medicines
number in the thousands and make up the majority of homeopathic
prescriptions, while there are only 50 licensed homeopathic medicines. This
will also mean you cannot legally buy unlicensed homeopathic medicines
online or over the phone as you currently do.
* Homeopaths would not be able to dispense or prescribe medicines to
Homeopathic practitioners would not be able to dispense unlicensed
homeopathic medicines to their patients. This arises because homeopaths are
not recognised by this law as being supplementary prescribers and it will be
illegal for homeopathic pharmacies to supply them with the essential
(unlicensed) medicines required for their patients
* You would have to get your homeopathic medicines personally at a
handful of licensed homeopathic pharmacies in Britain
Hundreds of thousands of people who currently have prescriptions filled for
unlicensed homeopathic medicines will be unable to obtain their urgent
medicines. The estimated 6 million users of homeopathy in Britain cannot be
expected to be supplied medicines face-to-face by less than five licensed
What you can do to stop this from happening!
Write to your MP and tell him or her - especially if your MP sits on the
Joint Committee on Statutory Instruments or is involved with Health or
We are not asking to move mountains. All that needs to be done is a small
change to Section 10 of the proposed new Medicines Act to allow greater
freedom to dispense remedies to practitioners and could also overcome the
face-to-face issue which is unworkable.
Below you will find a few helpful bullets and links to assist you in
contacting your MP on this issue, if you need any assistance or have
concerns, please contact us at
info@a-r-h.org, or phone 01825 714506.
It is anticipated that the new Medicines Act will be put before the Joint
Committee on Statutory Instruments for approval in late May/early June for
implementation in July, so your swift action is critical!
Write to your MP: Medicines Act consolidation 2012
You can identify the name of your MP by using this website:
http://findyourmp.parliament.uk/You can find out who sits on what committees by going to this website:
http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/It is not necessary or recommended to include all the text suggested here.
It is critical that you personalise your letter with your own views and
experiences. Overall, try to keep the letter short (a page or less), and
emphasise any points that are relevant to the particular MP.
* I'm deeply concerned a draft proposal set out by the MHRA as part
of its consolidation and review of the Medicines Act 1968 could have a
significant impact on my ability as a patient to access homeopathic
medicines in the UK.
* In its current form section 10 of the proposal would only allow
unlicensed homeopathic medicines to be bought directly from a pharmacist
face-to-face, in effect outlawing the purchase of these medicines over the
telephone or via online ordering. This would mean I would be deprived of the
medicines that I have found to be so beneficial to my health.
* There are only five homeopathic pharmacies in the UK, so most
homeopathic medicines are ordered from these specialist pharmacies either by
phone or via the Internet. Therefore the enforcement of section 10 in its
current form will have serious consequences for the six million people in
the UK who choose to use this form of complementary medicine.
* If not revised the proposal would also have serious consequences
for more than 2,000 homeopathic practitioners, many of whom would find it
impossible to treat patients like myself because they can no longer obtain
the appropriate homeopathic medicine.
* I understand that a fundamental principle of government health
policy is to increase patient choice. Section 10 will eliminate choice for
people like me who want to be treated with homeopathy.
* I would like to call on your support in getting the Health
Minister to revise slightly the proposed language of the revised Medicines
Act to ensure that I have continued access to a full range of homeopathic
medicines and my right to choose homeopathic treatment is maintained.'