If anybody including Dr wakefield needed any actual proof that Agencies close to the Centre of UK Medical Policy and Government have always recognised the toxicity and dangers of Vaccines:
UK tribunals Service LOGO & Letterhead (
Quango -100% preserved during the reshuffle a year ago)
Since about 2+ years now renamed
"For Social Security, and Child Support". — No more direct inferrence of vaccines compensation or overt recognition of any responsibility going back to Pharmaceuticals/Vaccines. Although I dare say in practice they may have a more flexible attitude, it seems imprudent to blank out the fact that it was once considered relevant enough to be Printed as the Tribunals Service Letterheads, as sent to all the public who may have dealings with them.
So, who recommended these changes in the label. And who blackmailed them into removing the reference to Vaccines?
Of course these Vaccines were and do remain dangerous if not fatal, if the hushed-up stats are anything to go by.
You'd have to be stupid to try and cover it up. So, are you? Well Punk, are you?
I met a South African here the other day, who moved from Jo'Burg in 1986, to Britain. He was older than me, I'd guess.
He told me openly in front of other people that this country, after the US, of all the countries this well travelled fellow presumably knows, now most closely resembles the South African regime of the finger-wagging and disapproving dictator Bhotta who ruled that country before Apartheid Fell to Mandela's release from Robins' island.
Point being. Dictatorship stinks and those who recognise it will always point out that fact. Cover-ups of this nature go no way at all to dispelling the inference .... IMO