Title: Why the Male Blow-Hard over Testoserone and Resulting 'Male Estrœgenophobia' ? Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on November 16, 2012, 04:27:05 pm Video found in Ads panels on PrisonPlanet. http://livingresearchinstitute.com/men/4Dangers/indexw.html -"Estrœgen Promoting Toxins" "If you didn't fall on your Ass recently; - hold on, you're about to" - Willie Nelson Biographer. "The Horror ... the horror ... The Horror ... the Horror." And there is a LOT OF RUBBISH IN THIS. Basically it promotes the idea that because you're in a war, and WE ARE, then it's possible for Delta's and Epsilons (of the Brave-new-World) to become Supermarket Alpha's by taking Chemical Supplements. So you'll be able to run around with your Clubs knocking things on the head but now know that you're doing it because you're as good as the Alphas. Whilst in reality you are probably still no better than an Ork with 'Green Screen' Backdrop. — A Health News Service for the Deeply & Jealously Disturbed! (http://juntawatch.ukginger.net/images/neanderthal.jpg) Though there is hope for HUMANITY which doesn't come from Body-Building Formulæ. FOR IF THE GENETICISTS are right, as evenly contested and suggested in JG's very prevous post on this forum, then the body CAN ADAPT to any circumstance. And JG is a living example of that. And you can come out on top by not following these 'Official' Mens' Health Issues. Men who take body building substances to excess, natural or not, will wear out their bodies and develop other forms of disorder. And also the video is all ABOUT SEXUAL PROWESS. Sir Isaac Newton was one of the biggest success stories in the 'Evolution' of Mankind that JG can have come to mind in a split second. — And Newton was a Practicing Christian. JG does not necessarily picture as a "Super Successful Male", a Pro-Wrestler or 400M sprinter when prompted to .. They are just athletes! JG once provided security on the helicopter-pad for Britains's fastest 400m Hurdles Sprinter: Sally Gunnell. (http://maryhoneyballmep.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/gunnell_sally_action_1.jpg) Sally Gunnell is one of Britains most popular female sportswomen of all time. SHE IS TINY. SHORTER THAN JG. She must stand at little more than 5ft 4inches. JG stood next to her, as she disembarked the chopper, and on the lawn, JG looked down on her by a few inches. JG is diminutive, on a normal day! Achievement: It's got very little to do with your Physical Prowess! — It's all about OPPORTUNITY. Take away the Motivation that often accompanies Opportunity and you lose. JG is 56 yrs old. Has all his own hair, can run 100m in 13seconds, despite suffering a Major Leg Fracture in 2003 and Looks no older than 40, tops, on a good day. Reality is not about what the AGGRESSIVE DOMINATOR 'ALPHA' Competitor Virile male says it must be. You're as YOUNG as you feel Jim. And you affect how young you feel without focussing on Testosterone. — I believe. Then again JG may well be the ubiquitous 'Fittest Man in The Valley', as He was once referred to by a Female Admirer, down in the Valleys ... The Video is AMERICAN CAPITALISM selling a Product on what will appeal to the target audience of competitor wanna-be Super-Men who are going to save the World in order to Breed their own unique Blend of Genetic Material further into the Inheritance of The Planet .... JG doesn't have a problem with Lovers of The Flesh, in particular, but would imagine that the Human Race could do with a bit of Improvement and Shaping-Up, and a Bit of a Work-Out in the Intelligence, comprehension, empathy, understanding, Imaginative, insightful & Visionary Outward-Looking Departments as well as the "Check Out my Six-Pack Babe". Having said that I'll give you a good kick up the Conk if you break my door in ... "Skeleton walks into a Bar and asks for a Beer and a Mop". — Willie Nelson References: http://www.creativeclique.co.uk/build/milkwood/speaker-catalogue/sally-gunnell-obe/ |