Title: Alex Asks: 'I wish we didn't have to go through this, that there was a way out.' Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on July 10, 2012, 01:37:31 pm This load below just took me about 20 minutes to Fathom-Up, Touch-Type, Re-organise, and Publish with all its' few remaining errors. — Worth learning to type therefore at upto 45 WPM as I can when needs be. Do it at evening class, as I did. Well, I'm 56 Years old, nearly, and I started thinking SERIOUSLY like this in about 1974. I only ever found one answer which purports to be a survivalist group, off-Grid, Non-Cult, Non-Demoninational 'Alternate' to the Imploded society. They've been around since 1971, when they bought 1700 acres of land in TN, at 17¢ an acre! http://www.thefarmcommunity.com/ I lived with the European Spin-Off (Started and maintained by Americans entirely) They were apparently in the NY Times, recently http://www.thefarmcommunity.com/press-Ina_May_NY_Times_2012.html By SAMANTHA M. SHAPIRO Published: May 23, 2012 But to Join this group, it has ALWAYS BEEN, since the outset, that if you visit this Community, you MUST HAND IN YOUR GUNS AT THE GATE. Then when you visited you had to stop using your own money. And when, and if, you joined the community, you had or were strongly encouraged by emotional Blackmailing to literally give most if not all your Personal Possessionsn over to the Group. — This is a policy probably still standing today, but with only a population of 175 down on the original 1700. The Walden 1 & 2 experiments of the 1960's and Buckminster Fuller determined back in the day that the optimum size perhaps maximum functional size for such an 'intentional community' was 300. Half that figure now, for the world's LARGEST still remaining Communal Living Experiment - as a solution to the Problems that we're all, more and more, going to be facing. But is the model worth buying into? And yes, once a member of 'The Farm', much as it was a great social and fun, hard-work experience with no State-Benefits allowed for anyone, you HAD to give up ALL YOUR PERSONAL MONEY and any WAGES to the Communities' communal Kitty. Sounds like Communism? Hindsight is a fine thing indeed. At the time it was AN ESCAPE, for me, rather than a belief that any of the above ideologies, except losing guns, (for americans) was an ideal alternative. I still WILL NEVER beleive that giving up all your money COMMUNIST STYLE to a communal FARM fund is the way to emancipation of the Human Spirit. Actually, since the original model of the Farm had a huge shake-out over these very issues in the mid 1980's, the Road-Map was somewhat revised. But you are also encouraged to believe in POST INDUSTRIALISATION, Global-Warming Climate-Change, and Peak-Oil Propaganda. But bear in mind, THE FARM is the location of World Renowned: ;'Solar Electronics International' who have since the 1980's been one of THE PLANETS' most successful manufacturer of Radiation Detectors, Hand-Held and Professional Quality as used All Over the US by Federal Agencies, Police, NRC, First-Responders, and anyone likely to attend Nuclear Incidents or requiring Quality Radiological Environmental Monitoring. That, in my mind, is an exceptional stand-apart from 'Post Industiralisation' but they are providing a service to a world in crisis, exploiting a market place. I knew the founder of SEI, personally. Shared house with him in London before SEI's days. WISE UP!! So, having not been there in a couple decades, I am in no position to say that they don't have a valid system. A lot of their ideas made a heck of a lot sense to me in the 1970's when I first started studying their 'philosophy', but at the time, when the Farm movement was big, populist, well known around the world, the FOUNDER, described the movement as 'a drop in the Ocean'. That droplet's ripples dissapated a while ago, but the group's main contribution, then, and still now, is the 3rd World NGO work they do, as the core to their ideology - 'Looking out from yourself'. Integrating in a pragmatic way the Christian Belief of Helping your Brother will bring you the things you need. It's definitely NOT For EVERYONE. Infact I think, it could be a lifestyle ideally designed for people WHO NEED, INDEED have to be lead. I can't be certain. Things change. It's stil just a droplet, in a big ocean. J.Edgar Hoover went up against this lot, nonetheless, because it is, at the end of the day, still all about a society out of CONTROL, based on suspicion, paranoia and potential Homicidal Mania. He hunted 'em down, tracked the members of the Farm for Years. Maybe I was even spied on, probably not, because I'm a NOBODY, fortunately! I didn't last out more than a couple of years. There's a huge clash of expectation and culture, there was, back in the day, just 5 Years after the end of the Vietnam war. Some members of 'The Farm' were Vietnam Vets, and were 'a bit Fascist' according to their own wives, in the way they treated softies from Britain and Europe. This caused the Farm experiment in Europe to Collapse. I was there when it happened. — ('The Farm' by the way, is a colloquialism for 'a Chain-Gang type Prison, in the US) - Accident or design? So my assessement is, there is not way-out. What's happening in the World under Globalist Tyranny is Murder. People like The Farm people should be interested in that, but they're on a different trip. — Compromise may well be an appropriate word. The establishment leaves them alone because The farm people have their own Hospital, own Ambulance Service, are 'Totally' Self-Sufficient in Food approvisionment and have several on-site Businesses. One being the New 'Eco-Tourism'! Shucks! I hate that crap. |