Title: Why don't BilderBerks come to Britain: UK is a European Home Safe-Fortress.Yes? Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on June 01, 2012, 02:52:52 pm People Sirens at Bilderberg 2012 (http://juntawatch.ukginger.net/audio/bilderberg.mp3) Right Click » Save As: *._mp3 (1Mb only) 2min 32seconds. Because if they came to the UK, where this week the entire country is ceremonially covered by a million miles of Bunting for the Diamond 69th Jubilee celebrations, they'd have to use most likely, like it or not, almost certainly, THE MET POLICE. Because the MET would apparently be volunteering. Boris Johnson and David Cameron, whoever, it doesn't matter would openly justify the deployment of THE MET, as 'back-up' to any such event's security. But the minute the MET got involved, all 'The Dragons' Teeth' of Hades, and mythological Greek story-telling, would suddenly be unleashed. The dragons teeth myth is where the ashes of the bones of the ancestors are scattered on a battle-field to conjour up terrifying skeletal warriors ... An archetypical movie was made about it ... THE MET are (as the 1984 miners strikes proved) the most ruthless, uber-violent gang of thugs for hire this side of the 'Iron-Curtain' (at the time) They will go anywhere, for anything. Battle of the Beanfield, - where they travelled a hundred mile or so to once again crack heads open, at a travellers site. I cannot even start with a list. But you know what that's all about. Through the looking glass again. Because these guys are so ruthless, local municipal forces get to see them that way, and their relative innocuous, effeminate powers, in comparison become psychologically preferred, to the gun-ho madness of THE MET. The MET were even setting up road-blocks back in the 84 miners strike and again during the road-haulage strikes of 2000. They just set themselves up, wherever they like, totally unnacountably, arrest who they like and impound any vehicle they seize including coaches. They are, once let lose, quite simply a manifestation of 'The Dragons' Teeth'. The French has the CRS (commissariat Republicain du Securité). They are feared. We have THE MET. When you see them coming, contact your local funeral Parlour, and reserve a cardboard box. There is a reasonable chance you won't see the morning. Maybe they just blinded you? But you see: there's our alternative. "There is no Alternative" in the sagacious quotes of Margaret Thatcher. It's either the local softies who couldn't find a cold day in december, or the Met Mentality; -which is full-blown Police-State stuff; just to keep the paradigm of Whimps versus Knuckleheads hanging over the British people - the British Native subjects of her Majesty. There's nowt much wrong with 'er maj. She's told us she doesn't want to know what's going on. "There are Dark-Forces at work in this land, of Which WE have NO KNOWLEDGE". Hear no, See no, Speak none. Under the present system we are burdoned with the effite local cops and the municipal courts of bias and 'distant laughter'. The thing is: bad as it's been in the past. It's not even started in this country. The people of this country are trained to be afraid of the threat of freedom and the right to justice ... and what it might bring. They'll probably ere on the safe-side and bet on Death-Camps as the safe-option, just so they can be assured of Peace through Security, in the future of the UK. I know I will; - as long as it's not me getting dragged off to one. I think Bilderberg would have their PR-image drastically wrecked if they came here. The number of protestors willing to take part would not be in the thousand, but as at GreenHam Common, Cruise-Missile Occupation site, when The ladies there 'opened the gates' to all visitors, including men, and some hundred and fifty Thousand turned up .... The Brits love a good Demonstration when the Target is so blatant a one, - so blatant a criminal activity, endangering common-sense, basic-freedom, and so forth - let alone a criminal cabal meeting to plan the next phase of Militarised, Global Criminal Nexus International Implosion. What? |