This week Heathrow airport announced there will be 4,000,000 more passenger flights per year from the new and expected terminals. Great Good and wonderful I immediately heralds, jumping from my seat and punching the light fitting ...
But Hey wait a minute ... when I walk out my door two/three days later this is what I sees in the skies ...
Scroll down to the bottom to see how the initial and same trails fanout over the next 1½ to 2 hr period.Pics from my front and back doors don't ya' know... over the period of just two hours, in two batches.

1st early morning shot ~ 10.00am

10.30 onwards.

NOW look at the same trails as expanded with time through Moisture Aggregation (Cloud formation)
— Their Weather Modification PurposeThese images are not zoom enhanced. All pics taken with same low res (180px) Fixed focus $5 camera.
~11.30 noon - 12.00 noon.

Yes, I live under a major traffic route, known possibly in James Bond Circles as "Blue-2", but either way it's the major Heathrow to Prestwick and onto Shannon, Ireland, to New Foundland & US, LORAN guided Route.
And then by 2.30 PM the natural cloud creeps in from the West. And that somewhat diminishes the impressiveness of these dreadful chemtrail boggies.

~12.30 - 13.00.
So, Looks like I need to get a BARIUM and ALUMINIUM compounds detector. This is the potential disadvantage of living under a flight-route, although the frequent prevailing high-altitude Westerlies tend to blow these chem-trails away pretty quickly towards the central belt of the Scottish borders.
Some decent half-respectable scientist worth half his mettle needs to do some research on these artificially produced weather modification plumes.