You know already the story: March 2011
(...The men were detained at the compound of an agricultural company ...
Hypothesis: By prior agreement, could they have been intending to instruct rebels on the methods of fabrication of IED's and aid the procurement of fertilizer for home-made bombs?)
William Hague our Foreign Secretary admitted on the BBC today that he has personal contact with both Gadaffi's Regime and Rebel Forces there. He also said that Diplomatic relations are fully engaged with Libya.
(Therefore no need for such clandestine SAS intervention, as the BBC admits on radio today, an inference that backs up any suggestion that these men were intending acts of terrorism)
The upskirt of all this, is that so-called 'Diplomatic relations' is nowadays a cover for Special Forces operations and any number of other misdemeanors.
Also today William Hague stood up for the diplomatic work done by Prince William who has been in the press the last week apparently, for having close personal ties with a convicted Paedophile.
The Connection is that the immunity of UK Diplomacy work is an ideal cover for paedophiles. In about 2007 I encountered a person with close American ties, who claimed to have been recently in the employ of the British Diplomatic Service and that some of his associates had been detained after 'messing with young children' during their tours of duty.
He swiftly and completely disappeared off the radar. I'd say that these people are the ones seeding both armed revolt and staged terrorist acts to further anger a psychotic regime whilst getting their jolies with young kiddies during the lunch-break.
Speculation yes, but face it ....