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Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
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Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
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Topic: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult (Read 19311 times)
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Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
December 06, 2010, 02:30:41 am »
Parenting 101 Case Study: Julian Assange
Thu, 12/02/2010 - 12:11 — Kerrie
How To Create a Self-Loathing Psychopath with Delusions of Grandeur:
Originally I was going to write a tongue in cheek article on Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks, the "whistleblower" site that has leaked highly secure military and diplomatic documents that not only put lives at risk, but also strains international relationships. I find now, that I can't find a single thing to laugh about in this instance, a rare occasion indeed.
Instead, everyone should know all about the real Julian Assange.
I can't claim to know much about Assange's father, and in fact I'm not entirely certain what he himself knows about his own father. His parents ran a "touring theater company" in his home country of Australia. By all accounts that I have come across,
young Julian was raised like a feral animal
, especially after his mother remarried. Her new husband was a disgusting individual.
Christine Assange remarried in 1979 to a member of a "new age" group called Sanitniketan Park Association, or The Great White Brotherhood, led by a woman named Anne Hamilton-Byrne
, who taught a type of spiritual yoga.
She drew the disillusioned and mentally disturbed to her side. Fully one quarter of the group members
were nurses and physicians, who ran a private mental hospital in Kew
. Because of their new found "beliefs", these medical personnel subjected their mentally fragile patients
to LSD doses, electro-shock therapy
, and lobotomies.
Anne Hamilton-Byrne kidnapped or "acquired" fourteen or more infants between 1968 and 1975. Some were children of members of the cult, others were obtained through illegal adoptions taken care of by members, and a few were newborn infants of patients at the mental facility, who were told their babies died at birth.
These lost children were raised at a remote location called Kia Lama. Their names were changed, they were taught that Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and they were kept out of the public eye. Hamilton-Byrne even went so far as to try to create a master race, even falsely. She ordered all her "children's" hair be kept dyed blond.
For a short time, this is the life Julian Assange knew. And although it may have only lasted three years, the fact that his mother Christine found this life acceptable for her son is troubling.
In 1982, Christine Assange divorced her cult member husband, and took her two sons, kidnapping Julian's half brother, and went into hiding over the next five years. Moved from place to place and school to school, young Julian couldn't have easily formed any relationships with any peers who may have had a more positive input in his life. Instead, he was saddled with a crazy mother who raised him as if he were a wild dingo.
At 16, when most boys were driving, partying, and experiencing their teenage years to the fullest, Julian's mother bought him a computer. It was 1987, and the young Julian created or joined a group of hackers. In this atmosphere, Assange gained acceptance. The group's goals were simple: to hack into any computers available, with only a limited set of rules. "Don’t damage computer systems you break into (including crashing them); don’t change the information in those systems (except for altering logs to cover your tracks); and share information".
In 1989, Julian landed himself a girlfriend, and they had a son together. However, after authorities raided his home over Assange's hacking into numerous computers across Australia and Canada, she took a hike with their son. After a bitter battle, no custody agreement was met until 1999. In an hysterically ironic turn of the screw, Julian and his mother, who was a known parental child abductor herself, created Parent Inquiry Into Child Protection. This activist group is centered around the supposed need for a central "database" for unaccessible legal records related to child custody issues in Australia.
A mathematics and physics wiz, Assange went on to attend six universities in three years, keeping alive his wandering ways, a habit he continues to this day.
In 2006, he created Wikileaks. The rest I will naturally assume you all know and I won't bore you with the details.
As of this date, Assange is wanted in Sweden for ****, and he is hiding in the UK, which has refused to turn him over.
Julian Assange speaks in absolute monotone, and shows almost no emotions whatsoever, as if he is no more than a shell of a person.
While he is obviously a genius, one must wonder if he has stepped over that invisible line into whatever realm other geniuses have crossed. It seems as if Assange is in the downswing of life despite his age, as if nothing is left other than bitterness and revenge.
I could almost feel sorry for him, except that he's put countless lives in danger in his childish temper tantrum against the everyday society that has obviously long rejected him. As each country refuses him citizenship, he will find he's become the hunted animal of the people he's betrayed in his quest for world glory. Not all are as nice as the American people; indeed, I would imagine he's ruffled the feathers of some less than savory people who will be only too happy to become the hunters. While his own followers have already turned against him, how can one doubt the potential outcome?
Julian Assange is a man without a country, certainly without a conscience, and if he's not careful in his dealings with those in high power, he may find himself a man without his life as well.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #1
December 06, 2010, 02:31:41 am »
MK Ultra alert for Julian Assange. Big ass red flag:
In 1979, his mother remarried to a musician who belonged to a cult led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
The Santiniketan Park Association, also known as The Family and The Great White Brotherhood, is a controversial New Age group formed in Australia under the leadership of the Yoga teacher Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
During the late 1960s and 1970s Newhaven Hospital in Kew was a private psychiatric hospital owned and managed by Marion Villimek, a Santiniketan member; many of its staff and attending psychiatrists were also members.[4][5][6]
Many patients at Newhaven were treated with the hallucinogenic drug LSD.[7] The hospital was used to recruit potential new members from among the patients, and also to administer LSD to members under the direction of the Santiniketan psychiatrists Dr John Mackay and Dr Howard Whitaker.[8] One of the original members of the Association was given LSD, electroconvulsive therapy and two leucotomies during the late 1960s.[9]
Although the psychiatric hospital had been closed down by 1992, in that year a new inquest was ordered into the death of a Newhaven patient in 1975 after new claims that his death had been due to deep sleep therapy. The inquest heard evidence concerning the use of electroconvulsive therapy, LSD and other practices at Newhaven but found no evidence that deep sleep had been used on this patient.[10]
Kia Lama
Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired fourteen infants and young children between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the natural children of Santiniketan members, others had been obtained through irregular adoptions arranged by lawyers, doctors and social workers within the group who could bypass the normal processes. The children’s identities were changed using false birth certificates or deed poll, all being given the surname 'Hamilton-Byrne' and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uniformly blonde.[11]
The children were kept in seclusion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rural property usually referred to as "Uptop", at Taylor Bay on Lake Eildon near the town of Eildon, Victoria. They were taught that Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and knew the other adults in the group as 'aunties' and 'uncles'.[4] They were denied almost all access to the outside world, and subjected to a discipline that included frequent corporal punishment and starvation diets.[12]
The children were frequently dosed with the psychiatric drugs Anatensol, Diazepam, Haloperidol, Largactil, Mogadon, Serepax, Stelazine, Tegretol or Tofranil.[4] On reaching adolescence they were compelled to undergo an initiation involving LSD: while under the influence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone apart from visits by Hamilton-Byrne or one of the psychiatrists from the group
Sarah Hamilton-Byrne memoir
A few children managed to escape. One adoptive daughter, Sarah Hamilton-Byrne, later wrote a book, Unseen Unheard Unknown, in which she claimed, among other things, that children were stolen.[14] She claimed that her biological mother had come to get rid of a baby and that members of the medical establishment in Melbourne and Geelong took part in a process where women were told that their babies had died at birth, when they had actually been taken away and eventually passed on to Anne Hamilton-Byrne.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #2
December 06, 2010, 02:32:35 am »
These lost children were raised at a remote location called Kia Lama. Their names were changed, they were taught that Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and they were kept out of the public eye. Hamilton-Byrne even went so far as to try to create a master race, even falsely.
She ordered all her "children's" hair be kept dyed blond.
Hmmm... interesting.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #3
December 06, 2010, 02:34:03 am »
Julian Assage: MK-ULTRA zombie?
By Andrew W. Griffin - December 5, 2010 5:57 PM
OKLAHOMA CITY – Referring to Julian Assange as being an “MK-ULTRA zombie,” conspiracy researcher Webster Griffin Tarpley told Alex Jones on his Sunday afternoon show on KLBJ 590 in Austin, Texas that the WikiLeaks computer guru may be working for the CIA or some shadowy group while under some sort of mind control.
This would make sense, considering his strange past, connected to an Australian cult and his travels around the world, from Norway to Kenya to England and points in between. Assange, who seems to lack any discernible emotions, could very well be under some MK ULTRA-type mind control, as Tarpley suggests. One can look at the events in 1978 in Jonestown, Guyana, which was connected to CIA covert operations, and make a comparison to the group Assange was allegedly a part of.
Indeed. Assange, some say, came out of the bizarre “Family” (aka White Brotherhood) cult near Melbourne, Australia, led by yoga-teacher-turned-cult-leader Anne Hamilton-Byrne. This group, which Assange refuses to fully admit he was a part of as a child, abused the children and dyed all of their hair blond. Assange’s hair is a strange whitish-blond color.
Back in May, the Australian newspaper The Age met with Assange, in the wake of the release of disturbing Iraq War footage via WikiLeaks, and noted that “conspiracy theories abound that WikiLeaks is a CIA cyber-ops plot.” It also noted his skills with computers and his reluctance to talk about his personal life or his past, although it is fairly clear that during the 1980’s, Assange and his mother were “on the run” from an abusive step-father connected to The Family.
As one website put it last month, “Julian Assange spent early childhood fleeing ritual abuse cult with intelligence ties.”
He told The Age his hair went white at 15 and that his “mother was never in a cult. I was never in a cult,” despite that he was from the area of Australia where the Hamilton-Byrne cult was discovered in the 1980’s. Assange is very cryptic about his past and about his parents.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #4
December 06, 2010, 02:34:54 am »
FTR #724 Wiki of the Damned
Posted by Dave Emory ⋅ October 19, 2010
Introduction: The first of two programs dealing with WikiLeaks, this broadcast examines an intelligence–connected mind control cult with which WikiLeaks kingpin Julian Assange appears to be affiliated. As well connected as it is ruthless and criminal, the Santiniketan Park Association of Anne Hamilton-Byrne conditioned children with drugs, sensory deprivation, sleep deprivation, torture and ritual sexual abuse in order to produce subjects who bent to the will of the group’s leader.
Although Assange (pictured at left) claims to have been “on the run” from the cult, his claims of links to Australian intelligence plus his strange, “platinum” colored hair (distinctive of children raised in the group) suggest that the connections may run much deeper. (Recall in this context that the group practices rigorous, sophisticated mind-control methodology and Assange himself may be sincerely unaware of the depth of his apparent links to the group. The organization also develops multiple identities for the children raised in its ranks, as well as obtaining multiple passports for them. Assange’s mother claims his hair turned white following a difficult custody case involving a child of his. As will be seen later, Assange claims that Australian intelligence has advised him, and there is an apparent link between Australian intelligence and the cult.)
The title of the program comes from two sci-fi/horror movies from the late 1950’s and 60’s called Children of the Damned and Village of the Damned. Both movies featured a generation of platinum-blonde children with psycho-kinetic powers, preternatural intelligence and a really, really bad attitude. The children are pictured in a promotional poster for the film in the upper left. Cult leader Hamilton-Byrne (inset) and her “children” are pictured above and at right. A still from the film is at right. Assange is pictured twice at left. Is this a case of life imitating art?
Possessing considerable wealth, in control of its own psychiatric hospital, composed largely of well-heeled professional people, utilized as an experimentation center by one of Australia’s leading Catholic psychologists, linked to the Australian minister overseeing that country’s intelligence service, the “Family” as they like to be called, used these connections to escape the punishment that would certainly have followed their activities. Available evidence suggests that the group is an intelligence front.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #5
April 18, 2011, 01:45:57 am »
First time poster here. I have read much about MK-ultra and whatnot over the last couple of years, and just recently I noticed that a series of photos of a young blonde boy in a SRA setting (on the Johnny Gosch website) look very, very much like Julian. I then found a young photo of Julian and am even more convinced, as the profile and hairline match up.
Take a look and see what you think.
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #6
April 18, 2011, 01:58:30 am »
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Re: Assange Under MK Ultra Mind Control From Intel Connected New Age Cult
Reply #7
April 18, 2011, 02:05:31 am »
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