birther truther tenther
« on: December 03, 2010, 06:41:41 pm » |
"Chemtrails" is a slang term, and when you enter chemtrails into a search engine, you will get a couple of reliable sites, but most of the search engines' results are websites comprised mostly speculation, hypotheses, guesswork, or outlandish kook stuff.
Once you find the right establishment "buzzword" and enter it into a search engine using Boolean operators (or the "advanced search" function), you will uncover so many white papers, scientific studies, and policy reports, on "chemtrails" your head will spin.
The buzzword in this case is "geoengineering" or more specifically "climate geoengineering"
Here are some more "buzzwords" or phrases to find more PDFs on chemtrail phenomenon:
Copy and paste the following phrases exactly how they are, and put them into a search engine: (I used google, yahoo, and bing, and each search engine found different pdfs)
"climate geoengineering" filetype:pdf
climate geoengineering filetype:pdf
"solar radiation management" filetype:pdf
inject atmospheric aerosols filetype:pdf
"aluminum oxide" climate filetype:pdf
"aluminum oxide" particles filetype:pdf
"mount pinatubo" climate filetype:pdf
You can also find PowerPoint Presentations too, just change the input for the boolean operator to PPT. For example, copy and paste the following into a search engine:
climate geoengineering filetype:ppt
The first result I had when I put that phrase into Google was a PPT from NASA "science talks", where they "explore" the possibility of climate geoengineering, with the disclaimer they have no intentions of doing it, but they do cite studies where geoengineering experiments have been done.
I highly recommend downloading these PDFs, and burn them to CDs, printing them, or storing them on a separate server, because they do get taken down! I don't like tooting my horn, but I have blown some of the biggest documents cited in the truther/patriot community before, and they disappear quick from the original source. Luckily, facsimiles of those documents are still circulating around the four winds of the world wide web, thanks to people reposting! I couldn't give two hoots about taking credit, because I just want the information out there, because I want to expose and crush the NWO scum so bad, as that is my only purpose in life.
I'm still sifting through all of this data, but from the puzzle pieces that I have found, there is a NASA connection, Rutgers Climate Lab connection, Hughes Aircraft Company (which has been acquired by Raytheon and Boeing) connection, a Lawrence Livermore Laboratory connection, a Berkley connection, a UN IPCC and East Anglia connections, a FAS connection, a CFR connection, a Royal Society connection, and many more connections to list.
I am going to sift through this data, with all of your guys' help, and try to connect the dots. Eventually, we can name names, and find out who is responsible for the chemtrail mess, so we can hopefully have them prosecuted for conducting unethical studies against unwilling participants.