Jonnie Goodboy
« on: December 02, 2010, 11:37:58 am » |
N.U.S Public statement: It's Time MP's kept their promises:" At the general election, Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg made a great deal of politicians needing to 'be more honest', and 'for promises to be kept'. The Liberal Democrats also suggested that a new 'right to recall' procedure should be introduced whereby MPs who break promises or are found guilty of impropriety should be vulnerable to a constituency petition of (10%) that MP would face an immediate by-election.
The 'right to recall' promise sadly itself represents another broken promise by the Liberal Democrats, and may never actually be introduced. However, in order to show the strength of feeling by the voting public against those MPs who vote for the raising of University tuition fees and/ or for the scrapping of the Education Maintenance Allowance, we ask you to sign up to call for them to be recalled – this way, perhaps this broken promise can be put to some use!' University Tuition Fees:' The coalition Government is proposing to triple university fees- despite the fact that the coalition agreement agreed to judge the Browne review of fees against the "impact" on student debt. At the election:
Lib Dems promised to "Scrap Tuition Fees", and to "Resist, Vote Against, Campaign Against any lifting of that cap". Now they propose the opposite. Worst of all, they promised an end to "broken promises" if they were elected.
Conservatives said that a fee rise could only be justified if students and parents could be shown that they would get "a better student quality student experience". Even after fees are paid they are proposing 40% cuts in the universities budget- students will pay more for less.' Read more, see YouTubes at:
"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh". — Prov 29:2