Watch and download the shocking new 2 hour film by B.A. Brooks. This 2010 release is a follow up to "The Decline And Fall Of America" which was released in 2008. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" details news items that all people should be aware of such as the economic collapse of The United States and the formation of the a New World Order. See what has really been going on in America today and the world we live in. Is the USA headed down a road to fascism? Will the dollar be replaced by a new world currency? (All Rights Reserved - 2010)... "Please feel free to download my new movie and share it with others... Save it, Share it, Send it, Burn it or just watch it"..... B.A. Brooks 11/14/09
IMDB Description:
A very powerful and revealing look what is really going on in America and the world today. A follow up to his 2008 DVD release 'The Decline And Fall Of America', B.A. Brooks has started to develop a unique style of movie making in which he uses current news clips, archived news footage and user generated YouTube content to make his points heard loud and clear. Covering topics such as the coming economic collapse of The United States Of America, the forming of a new world order, the militarization of our local police departments, the formation of National fusion centers who are now targeting normal everyday Americans as terrorists, coming martial law and much much more. For those who are aware and awake, this movie will be a great reminder of what you already may know to be true. If you are not up to date with current news from America and around the world, this movie might just be a shocking reminder of what our county's founders spoke of and warned us all about so many years ago. "The American Matrix - Age Of Deception" stars George Bruch, Alan Keyes, Dr. Ron Paul, David Icke, Steven Crowder, Chuck Baldwin, Lou Dobbs, Barack Hussein Obama. / DownloadWindows Media (161 MB)Windows Media (595 MB)