“SOFTWAR is the hostile use of global television to shape another society’s will by changing its view of reality.”
-Chuck de Caro, 1991
Read his PowerPoint Presentation here:
Here is one of his front companies Aerobureau which which is an "in-flight think tank" for media outlets covering disasters.
http://www.aerobureau.com/AEROBUREAU is a revolutionary development in news, information gathering and disaster assistance. Its design concept is simple: when major events occur on a scale and in locations that prevent traditional news gathering techniques and organizations from covering them adequately, AEROBUREAU uses a high tech system known as STARS (Strategic Television Airmobile Reports-via-Satellite) to provide a self-sufficient, fully mobile information gathering, processing and disseminating platform. By using state-of-the-art but off-the-shelf technology AEROBUREAU can get the raw information--and immediately begin processing and providing the powerful documentation including video--of events that are too big, too distant, too complex or too dangerous for ordinary information gathering organizations.
Principles of Strategic Communications
Only 6 pages