The Big False Flag of 2012 is not going to be a physical attack .. .
It's probably going to be a major push to promote Marxist Thinking.
I just got an email from a person living in California's Silicon-Valley, who was involved with the setting up of the Darpa net and he agrees that a middle-way between fundamentalist Marxism and Freedom is the way ...
In fact just about everybody I know, living in UK, are complete DEVOTEES of Marxism; not by name but by the way they think and openly support the need to be blamed for enterprise and the right to own goods or even search for truth or meaning in life ...
It seems to me, that MARXISM
'could have been envisaged' to be a major Psychological component of the 2012 'End-Game'.
It's the end of Free market Captitalism wherein the Corruption and Sins of the FEW get attributed or projected (
in psychological terms) onto the average Joe; - Who must pay the Price. Clearly evident in tendencies already.
And then let the Double-Speak take care of the cover-up.And watch this documentary if you can:
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace - 1. Love and Power"The internet is evolving into a different form of Global Governance." — Alvin Tofflin — Digital Futurologist.
But it didn't and the programme goes into the Global/US economy post 9/11 and Greenspan's Responses to crises etc.