Your math is a little off. 14.4 X 100 = 14,400 not 144,000.
Why, you know my Hairy Brother of the Jungle, you are right ... So, taking a page out of the Michael Mann 'Hockey-Stick' book of Statistical
Tricks I've re-written the data to agree with the desired result. See
" ... NB — The Figure of 144,000, by way of statistics, is reached by taking
144 family members of each of 100 crime-families ... "
And then like a Real Scientist I then add to and re-word the proposition to fit in with the unnacountable need to adjust the data, thus giving ...
" ...that currently make up
EACH OF the 10 Brave New World Regional Governments ..."
There that should do. I'll go back to the Royal TheoFossical Society, or whatever they call themselves now, take my revised data to them and be assured that they'll not have even noticed the disparity.
But I still prefer the '14.4 family members' version ... It's got that enigmatic zing-a-ring about it so peculiar to pseudo-research.