I often hear people in the anti-
America movement express frustration at their inability to get their friends and family members to realize just how criminal, illegitimate and predatory the
banker-owned U.S. government has become.
If you're one of those people, then allow me to alleviate your frustration by explaining why your inability to awaken others is -- in all or most cases -- not your fault, but that of the individuals to whom you're trying to reach out.
First, I'd say roughly 1/3 of the population (perhaps more, but no less than that) are in too much of a
zombified mental state -- due to the combined effect of
compulsory schooling,
habitual TV-watching and
chemical lobotomization -- to even qualify as
human anymore.
You can easily find such "people" sitting in pubs and taverns, staring glassy-eyed at
God the almighty
television. These are the ones who, if on the Titanic after it hit the iceberg, would -- upon being informed of the urgency of the situation -- respond with something moronic like: "Huh? Iceberg? Freezing cold water? Life boats? Oh, uh, well, I'm just not interested in any of that 'oceanography' stuff." (Sound familiar?)
Then, after looking at you like you're a weirdo for even having an interest in the matter, they'd go right back to watching the ball game.

The reason you can't awaken
them is that there is simply
nothing to wake up.
As for the remaining 2/3, the vast majority are either:
moral and intellectual cowards who fear losing the emotional comfort that their delusional,
ruling class-approved worldview affords them more than they do anything else (this category includes both "
rapture" cultists and
coincidence theorists); or
self-righteous, self-appointed know-it-alls who have too much of their precious egos invested in the presumed legitimacy of the parasitic,
eugenics-obsessed political establishment to admit to just how badly they've allowed themselves to be deceived, manipulated and betrayed over and over again by the bought-off politicians who front for -- and the media whores who
shill for -- that criminal establishment, and to what
arrogant pricks they've been in childishly ridiculing and demonizing anyone who
dared criticize their beloved establishment in a (gasp!) meaningful, factual, non-partisan way.
In either case you're dealing with people who don't
want to know what's really going on. Whether due to intellectual cowardice or self-righteous arrogance, these are the types who'd rather climb Mount Everest to be told yet another comforting lie by the establishment in which they've invested so much blind faith over the years than stand still and be told a discomforting truth by an informed critic of that establishment.
(That's not to say you should never try to reach out to them, just that, once it becomes obvious you're merely casting pearls before swine, it's best to just say "enjoy the bliss" and move on to someone with eyes to see and ears to listen.)
It's worth noting that, despite their differences, all three types -- the zombies, the cowards, and the self-appointed know-it-alls -- all have the same general reaction upon being told about such things as
false flag terrorism,
banker-engineered depressions, and the NWO agenda: they blindly dismiss them as (you guessed it!) "
conspiracy theories."
Through what I can only describe as a form of media-based mind control, hundreds of millions of Americans have been literally "conditioned" to have just that sort of mindless knee-jerk reaction.
If you're unfamiliar with
Pavlovian conditioning, allow me to provide a brief introduction:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_conditioningThe original and most famous example of classical conditioning involved the salivary conditioning of Pavlov's dogs. During his research on the physiology of digestion in dogs, Pavlov noticed that, rather than simply salivating in the presence of meat powder (an innate response to food that he called the
unconditioned response), the dogs began to salivate in the presence of the lab technician who normally fed them. Pavlov called these psychic secretions. From this observation he predicted that, if a particular stimulus in the dog’s surroundings were present when the dog was presented with meat powder, then this stimulus would become associated with food and cause salivation on its own. In his initial experiment, Pavlov used a metronome to call the dogs to their food and, after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the metronome. Thus, a neutral stimulus (metronome) became a
conditioned stimulus (CS) as a result of consistent pairing with the
unconditioned stimulus (US - meat powder in this example). Pavlov referred to this learned relationship as a conditional reflex (now called
Conditioned Response).

I assume everyone now knows what I mean when I say there are countless millions of people in this country who, no matter how
well-documented and fact-based the viewpoint in question is, all have the same
Pavlovian response to that viewpoint the moment they sense that it challenges the very legitimacy of the establishment in which they've been conditioned almost from birth to have blind faith:
"That's just a
conspiracy theory [and is thus, by definition, baseless, irrational and untrue]."
Does not the eery
cult-like uniformity of this mindless reaction in itself constitute smoking-gun evidence of
mass mind control?
IMHO, it most certainly does.
So keep all this in mind the next time you find yourself unable to persuade someone with **** facts and information, lest you wrongly blame yourself for what is in fact the
other person's fault.