"Having behind us the producing masses of this nation and the world, supported by the commercial interests, the laboring interests and the toilers everywhere, we will answer their demand for a gold standard by saying to them: You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." --
William Jennings Bryan"Ron Paul has been the leading champion of sound money in the Congress. Here he explains why sound money means a new gold standard." --
http://mises.org/resources/3150In 1929 the
M2 money supply was approximately
$46.6 billion; four years later it was roughly
$32.2 billion. This 31% decrease was all it took to bring on a depression so severe and so devastating that it was called the "Great Depression."
Thus, when Austrian Schoolers insist on instituting a new gold standard under the euphemistic guise of "sound money," we would be well advised to consider what effect this would have on the M2 money supply, and hence on the economy -- and hence on our very lives.
Let's assume that a 100% reserve gold-based money system is instituted (since that's what Austrian School icon Murray Rothbard advocated); and -- since gold standard apologists are fond of waxing nostalgic about pre-1913 America (particularly the
Gilded Age) -- let's also assume that, in accordance with the
Gold Standard Act of 1900, each paper dollar is made "redeemable" in 23.22 grains of gold.
To determine what effect this will have on the M2 money supply -- which is
$8.9137 trillion at present -- let's further assume that the U.S. has all the gold that's ever been mined (even though it
doesn't) -- 165,000 metric tonnes, or
2.546336 trillion grains, according to the
World Gold Council. If we divide that figure by 23.22 grains, we have a maximum M2 money supply of $109.66 billion.
That's a minimum 98.8% decrease!This would make the 1/3 money supply contraction that occurred between 1929-1933 -- and the magnitude of the resultant depression -- both look
miniscule by comparison. The effect of such a severe contraction would be beyond devastating -- it would be GENOCIDAL!
Realizing this, what if we instead made each paper dollar redeemable in merely two grains of gold? The result would be a maximum money supply of $1.273168 trillion, and hence a M2 money supply contraction of at least
85.7%, which, although not quite as bad as the previous figure (98.8%), is
still far worse than the contraction that caused the Great Depression.
And if all this wasn't bad enough, there's also the issue of how the current trade deficit would (under the system in question) cause whatever gold we had to be quickly drained from our economy, thereby contracting the money supply
even further.
Byron Dale explains it
“Ok, so now we get that, which makes the total money supply for the United States roughly $1.6 trillion. Ok, if the United States has a trade deficit, like we do right now, of $40.4 billion per month (and it goes up and down a little), it would only take 3.29 years for the total money supply -- or all the gold -- to leave the country just to pay for the trade deficit. And they’re not bringing that money back -- or they’re not buying things from us -- or we wouldn’t have that trade deficit. They’re bringing this stuff over in big ships, and then the ships are going back empty. So the money flows over and doesn’t comes back, that’s why you have a trade deficit. Ok, so now, if we just went to that, with all the gold in the world, in a little over 3 1/4 years we wouldn’t have any gold in the country left -- and no money.
“Now what are we going to do?
“Now, if you borrow the gold back at interest, so you can have it back in your country, you’ve turned the whole thing into a debt money system again."
This is why
deflation-worshipping Austrian Schoolers never want to talk about specifics. They figure that, if they simply parrot the
euphemism "sound money" over and over again, everyone will just blindly assume that it's a good idea, and consequently refrain from determining for themselves what the actual effect of such a system would be.
Conclusion? Although Ron Paul is by far the most honorable politician in Washington, and although he's right on many issues, he is (with all due respect) sadly
wrong on the question of what we should replace our current debt-based money system with.
This is why the "end the Fed" mantra is so misleading. It causes people to falsely assume that, if we simply "end" the Federal Reserve System, a much better system will magically and automatically take its place. Yet as we now see, that's not necessarily the case. Not by a long shot.
The solution? Instead of merely "ending" the Fed, we must
replace it with the debt-free money system called for on page one of this thread -- a system that avoids both currency-destroying,
compound interest-driven hyperinflation AND economy-destroying
Anything short of this will prove to be, at best, the equivalent of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, and, at worst, the equivalent of burning down the house to roast the pig.
Must we find that out the hard way?