PATENTS-Benard Eastlund
1. Bernard Eastlund et al, "High Intensity Discharge Lamp with single Crystal Sapphire
Envelope, " U. S. Patent 6,992,445, January 31, 2006.
2. Bernard Eastlund et al, "Sapphire high intensity discharge projector lamp", U. S. Patent 6,661,174.
December 9, 2003.
3. Bernard Eastlund et al, "High Intensity Discharge Lamp with Single Crystal Sapphire Envelope",
U. S. Patent 6,652,334, November 25, 2003.
4. Bernard Eastlund et al, "Microwave energy ink drying method", U. S. Patent 6,508,550,
January 21, 2003.
5. Bernard J. Eastlund et al, "High Intensity Discharge Lamp with Single Crystal
Sapphire Envelope," U. S. Patent 6,483,237, November 19, 2002.
6. Bernard J. Eastlund, et al, "Microwave Applicator for Drying Sheet Material,"
U. S. Patent 6,444,964, September 3, 2002.
7. Bernard J. Eastlund, et al, "Microwave Energy Ink Drying System", U. S. Patent
6,425,663, July 30, 2002.
8. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Sapphire High Intensity Discharge Projector Lamp,"
U.S. Patent 6,414,436, July 2, 2002.
9. Bernard J. Eastlund and Andrew Bushnell, "Method and Apparatus Utilizing
Microwaves to Enhance Electrode Arc Lamp Emission Spectra," U. S. Patent
6,087,783, July 11, 2000.
10. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Method and Apparatus for Improving the Energy
Efficiency for Separating the Elements in a Complex Substance such as
Radioactive Waste with a Large Volume Plasma Processor", U. S. Patent No.
5,868,909, Feb. 29, 1999.
11. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Method and Apparatus for Ionizing All the elements in a
Complex Substance such as Radioactive Waste and Separating Some of the
elements from the Other Elements", U. S. Patent No. 5,681,434, Oct. 28, 1997.
12. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Method and Apparatus for a Large Volume Plasma
Processor That Can Utilize Any Feedstock Material", U. S. Patent No. 5,630,880,
13. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Method for Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at
an Altitude Above the Earth's Surface", U. S. Patent No. 5,038,664, 1991.
14. B. J. Eastlund, K. J. Schmitt, D. C. Anderson, "Tubing Collar", U. S. Patent
No. 4,861,074, 1989
15. B. J. Eastlund, K. J. Schmitt, R. M. Bass, J. M. Harrison, "Method and System
for Introducing Electric Current Into a Well", U. S. Patent No. 4,716,960, 1988.
16. Bernard J. Eastlund, Simon Ramo, "Method and Apparatus for Creating an
Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region of Plasma", U. S. Patent No.
4,712,155, 1988.
17. Bernard J. Eastlund, "Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the
Earth's Magnetosphere", U. S. Patent No. 4,686,605, 1987.
18. Bernard J. Eastlund, Kenneth J. Schmitt, R. M. Bass, "Well Heater",
U. S. Patent No. 4,678,034, 1987.
19. B. J. Eastlund, W. C. Couch, M. G. Ury, "Method and Apparatus for Curing
Three Dimensional Objects Without Rotation", U. S. Patent No. 4,208,587, 1980.
20. M. G. Ury, B. J. Eastlund, R. Bradon, C. Wood, " Microwave Generated
Radiation Apparatus", U. S. Patent No. 4,042,850, 1977.
21. B. J. Eastlund, "Non-Symmetrical Reflector for Radiation Curing",
U. S. Patent No. 3,983,089, 1976.
22. B. J. Eastlund, D. M. Spero, M. G. Ury, "Method and Apparatus for Generating
Electromagnetic Radiation", U. S. Patent No. 3, 911,318, 1975.
23. B. J. Eastlund, D. M. Spero, M. G. Ury, "Generation of Ultraviolet Light With
Microwave Plasmas", U. S. Patent No. 3, 872, 349, 1975.
1. Bernard Eastlund et al, "Reflector for UV Curing Systems, 20050115498
2. Bernard Eastlund et al, "UV Flux Multiplication System for Sterilizing air, medical devices and
other materials, 20040166018
Eastlund combined the ideas of MEV electrons in space with the technology to generate MEV electrons
using electromagnetic waves to create the idea of a missile shield and other applications of MEV
electrons by inventing a large antenna array in Alaska to project RF electromagnetic waves to intersect
with the earth's geomagnetic field at high altitude. The subsequent relativistic electrons would destroy
enemy missiles if they intersected with missile trajectories. See HAARPMEVELECTRONS.
The patents are:
"Method for Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earths Surface"
Bernard J. Eastlund inventor, US Patent Number: 5,038,664 Issue Date: 8/13/91,Assignee: APTI, Inc.
"Method and Apparatus For Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or
Magnetosphere" Bernard J. Eastlund inventor, US Patent Number: 4,686,605 Issue Date: 8/11/87
Assignee: APTI, Inc.
"Method and Apparatus For Creating an Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region of Plasma"
Bernard J. Eastlund and Simon Ramo inventors, Patent Number: 4,712,155 Issue Date: 1/28/85
Assignee: APTI, Inc.
Note that all of these patents were filed before any subcontractors were involved with the project.
The patent issued in 1991 had been held up because it was classified as secret for 5 years.
MEV ELECTRONS the HAARP system, or a system like it only larger, could accelerate copius
numbers of MEV electrons along magnetic field lines in the atmosphere, then, in our opinion, this could
be the greatest threat to modern military satellite technology. A geosynchronous satellite could be
eliminated within 20 minutes. There is some indication that other countries, such as China are working
on such technologies. See HAARPMEVELECTRONS
The first stage of HAARP had 950 KW and it was recently increased to 3600 KW or 3.6 Megawatts. The power
level in terms of what is needed to create MEV electrons is still low. The theory indicates at least 0.5 watt/ cm^2
is needed at 100 km altitude. The 3.6 Megawatt HAARP has just 0.21 microwatts/cm^2 at 2.8 MHz.
It is possible that the HAARP might be capable of pulsed operation in which the energy is stored for a
second or more and then released in a short millisecond burst. This could increase the flux at altitude
by a factor 1000 to 10,000. This would increase the flux to 2.1 milliwatts/cm^2. The HIPAS system in
Alaska ran in a pulsed mode in the 1980's. Also, we have heard that the recent upgrade actually cost
around $200 million. This could be because a pulsed capability was installed.
It is possible to create a "lens" in the ionosphere short of the desirable electron acceleration point and
focus the power on a much smaller area than assumed in the HAARP Calculator available on the web.
Such a method of operation could increase the flux a factor of 10 or more. If both pulsed and lensing
were used, the flux would be very close to the 0.5 watts/cm^2 in the theory.
The acceleration of electrons in the ionosphere to MEV energies was considered the most important
application of the Eastlund ARCO patents when they were under development. It may still be one of
the DOD priorities. This facility and the ARCO patents have been made public for a number of years.
Any country could build one. HAARP is not built with overly sophisticated technology. The technology
is easily available all over the world. Any country that builds a facility capable of missile defense or
ASAT applications such as envisioned in the original ARCO work, could severely destabilize the
world's military situation.
The core hypothesis underlying the ARCO patents was to generate copious amounts of MEV electrons along
magnetic field lines above the earth's surface as shown above. Resonance energy can be applied many ways to
objects. Wind was the force that created a resonance effect and toppled the Tacoma narrows bridge in 1940.
A resonant heating method of creating MEV electrons using RF waves was developed and exploited by the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Subsequent plasma devices have generated MEV electrons in the
laboratory with resonant heating. A figure from the "Large Helical Device" project depicts such electrons
confined by a magnetic field.
The ARCO patents by Dr. Eastlund, hypothesized a large phased array antenna located in Alaska with its RF
energy focused at altitudes 100km or more above the earth. The system is illustrated at the top of the page.
The frequency was t chosen to be in the 1-3 MHz range to create an electron resonance heating that would
create MEV electrons along the magnetic field lines. The RF beam is shown in yellow in the figure. The heating
process is depicted as a helix along a magnetic field line. The electrons spiral along the field line with
increasingly large orbits as their energy increases. MEV electrons are formed and a magnetic mirror force
pushes the electrons away from the earth along the magnetic field lines. When such electrons impinge on a
missile warhead or a satellite, they are buried in the material and heat components. In the case of a missile
warhead, this can lead to destruction, in the case of a satellite, it can make the satellite inoperative.
The first DOD contract regarding the ARCO patents by Eastlund was from DARPA and was entitled "The
Alaska North Slope Electric Missile Shield", contract No. DAAHD1-86-C-0420. The objective was to determine
the feasibility of generating the MEV electrons and determining the feasibility of the applications. A summary of
the work performed is available as a paper entitled "Applications of In Situ Generated Relativistic Electrons in
the Ionosphere", by Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund, December 13, 1990. ESEC Technical Report 136. Distribution of
this paper was authorized by DARPA in 1990.
Eastlund's Patent 5,038,664 estimated
electron acceleration power requirement of
0.1 to 1 watt/cm2 at 250 KM.
This hypothesis was verified theoretically by
Menyuk et al, Phys. Rev. Letters, Vol. 58,
Number 20, May 18, 1987 who were
supported by the “Alaskan North Slope
Electric Missile Shield” contract. The paper
concludes that 0.5 watt/cm2 at 130 KM
could accelerate ambient electrons to 5
Dr. Eastlund was the principal investigator
on the contract.
China radar at South Pole could sabotage U.S. Spy satellites, February 1, 2006
Beijing announced plans last week to build a high-frequency radar on the South Pole. Analysts say
the radar could be used to disrupt U.S. Intelligence satellites.
The radar will be built at China’s Zhongshan Station, where Beijing has set up of a space
environment lab.
The station will consist of 20 antenna units, including 16 units for the main antenna and four for the
auxiliary antenna. Each antenna is 20 meters high. The high-frequency radar can detect
ionospheric convection within a range of 3,000 kilometers. Chinese officials told Xinhua the station
would be used to measure the polar space environment.
The science of weather modification is in its infancy. When the ARCO patents were written in 1984, the only
scientific approach was salting clouds with silver iodide. One of the reasons weather modification is not a science
is that scientists have made what they considered to be reasonable assessments of the relative size of forcing
technologies (such as wind generators, microwave heaters, or explosions) and determined that the large size of
weather systems make it useless to attempt to change weather patterns with human intervention.
In U. S. Patent 4,712,155 Eastlund states,"In one embodiment of the invention, electron cyclotron resonance
heating is carried out in the selected region at sufficient power levels to allow the plasma to generate a mirror
force which forces the charged electrons of the altered plasma upward along the force line to an altitude which is
higher than the original altitude. As the plasma moves upward, other particles from the atmosphere at the same
altitude as the selected region move horizontally into the region to replace the rising plasma and to form new
plasma. The kinetic energy developed by said other particles as they move horizontally is on the same order of
magnitude of as the total zonal kinetic energy of stratospheric winds known to exist at altitudes equal to the region
being altered. Since there is evidence that these stratospheric winds may be linked to certain weather patterns on
earth, the present method may be used to affect similar patterns."
In U. S. Patent 4,686,605 Eastlund states, "Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper
atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of
atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device."
Gravity waves have received much attention over the last 5 years as an important initiator or cause of some
severe weather phenomena.