« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 05:49:06 pm » |
Obviously the narrator of the videos didn't have a good scriptural understanding of the rapture. The passage in Matt. 24:40 is speaking of preparation for the judgement of the sheep and the goats in Matt. 25 not the rapture. Chapter 25 begins with the rapture where we see the foolish and wise virgins speaking of the coming of the bridegroom. This is the recovery of the truth of the rapture which occurred in the 19th century. The phrase "wherein the Son of Man cometh" doesn't appear in all mss. It was added in the TR and some others while it was omitted in a number of mss. Verse 31 introduces Christ as the Son of man coming in glory. This is the second coming to earth to judge the sheep and the goat nations. We have two distinct comings with two distinct judgements. The rapture is not the second coming to earth because the church is caught up in the air. In Acts 1:11 the apostles were told that He would return in like manner as they saw Him go. How did they see Him go? In secret to the rest of the world in a cloud. With regard to a shout and trumpet, God is able to make it so that only His true believers will hear it no matter how loud it is. With regard to those who are left behind they will be under strong delusions so they won't be anxious as to why the true believers are gone. In fact, they will be relieved to see them gone. As for the work of MS Rossing, I don't suffer women teachers.
For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not parish but have everlasting life.
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2011, 02:04:26 pm » |
I don't suffer women teachers.
I don't suffer misogynists