Jonnie Goodboy
« on: December 21, 2012, 09:56:05 am » |
So you see, really,TODAY was the END of the WORLD.
- Today is the end of your little world if you're looking for someone with Apparent Political Clout, to join the dots together and make it simple for you.
— Or maybe you want to hear someone (Alex Jones) when introducing a show-visitor; - saying things like: - "This guy dropped Napalm from Aircraft over VC territory, day-after-day. Now how Cool is that!"
I heard that myself, a few weeks ago on GCN. Yeah buster, so this is about you already?!
The Old World is Dead and Gone. And in that particular instance two-million vietnamese men, women & children went too.
You must surely want a very simplistic World View, if you think the way to acceptance and a million-bucks is appeasement. And IF You're still kow-towing to and carrying around the old Predjudices after you read this, - you died with that World-view.
I was born as any child is, with latent potential for developmental disorder and the Death of my Mum when I was 6-yrs Pushed me into a Prolonged phase of PTSD, (which any Childhood bereavement may, as according to the conclusions of the excellent 5-Year Intensive Yale University Study around 1975 and reported in the Book 'When a Child's parent Dies' by Urna Furman). - The results of that study never reached British Shores; it was all very much hushed up. Read the book. JG did, as he sat in a full-leg caste, with severe leg-fracture for 9-months, after being assaulted at Xmas 2002. I had all the time in the world to read that book from cover to cover and thoroughly digest and savour it. — Two-Years full (24-months) it took before I could walk again without crutches or a stick.
The combination of Single-child status mixed with the two aboves led to a very much different character developing than if everything had gone fine ...
... like my parents expected it to, them both.
Of course, that's exactly what didn't happen.
It's no use JG having to pretend to be entirely normal, something he tried, given no choice at for 53 years ...
The End of YOUR LITTLE WORLD VIEW and it's MEDIA-Forged Biases, and Propagated-Perceptions.
Obviously it would be almost Blasphemy for JG to seek to re-establish an old-order or work to maintain an order which made his life an unbearable trial for a long, long time, and it's only because of the IMMENSE RESILIANCE built up as a result of things like early Childhood Bereavement (hardening of the heart), an entirely science-based education and a life pretty much 'on-the-road', and JG means very much the Kerouac type of journey; - only because of all that and much more, that JG can confidently say that those who accompany him, could and may well get to that New World. Who knows, down the line, maybe I will in my lifetime see humans living on another Physical Planet. Not just a metaphorical or metaphysically conjured up one.
I hope so. Meantime, eat lots of Protein, it's good for the maintenance of Brain, Body and Soul.
Sure, IT WAS THE END OF THE WORLD TODAY. - Who is JG to deny a several thousand year-old prophecy!?