So what's it going to be for 2013/4 doc! Mutton dressed as lamb, or The Wolf Revealed?
British NHS Doctor, Dr Harold Shipman. The World's most prolific Serial-Killer EVER; - accused of & tried for up to 500 intentional Murders. A long life, or no life? It's all in your incompetant yet seemingly efficient NHS hands. Another year at the NHS? No wonder the over-fifties folks not only prefer BUPA private Clinics but are CONSTANTLY BOMBARDED by Advertising from Private Health Care Hospitals and Insurance for Schemes. And good-luck with the Happy-New Year Baloney too! What of JG's new Local ROYAL-INFIRMARY (
General Hospital)!? What will that £25-30 Million Overspend Under-Budgetted Fiasco turn-out to be other than a
Massive CCTV, Private-Security Run Surveillance Hit-Job more interested in trying to Criminalise the In & Out-Patients, rather than being actually able to provide an EFFICIENT and RAPID-DELIVERY top-end Health-Care Provision?
— No doubt; - worst case scenarios being the DEFACTO DEFAULT position across the board today. — You Tangled Burocratic, Pencil Scribbling, Suspicious, Unempathetic, yet pathetically ego-inflated British National Health Service. You Doctors need a spell in the Armed forces in Afghanistan or Iraq; - in any other of the Axis of EVIL countries to give you a pointer in getting your sense of
'priority medicine' compass sorted out so you recognise what provision of
'Front-Line Services' means!
Pick a side! Are you with the People or against them? And make your Answer Known through your Works.
The Sadistic Autistic has spoken. The clouds are rent and the Rain; Yeah - Man it cometh!