JG means, that he doesn't have to spell it out for you.
Unless you enjoy being told about Reality by Men ....
JG when a teenager knew a budding University type Feminist who once said whilst we were having a little picnic
down by a lake just out of East London, with the Tol of Church Bells from a nearby Steeple, some Sunday Morning...
"Everything Is Political". Some 35 Years Later, JG is still very occasionally Wondering about what that really meant. Was it Just over-simplification posing as Feminist Wisdom or a blatant Under-Statement he should have understood Immediately?
Don't know & Don't Care. But it confirms the idea, in hindsight, that no vestige of the life we should have, remains in this Satanic Planet.
The Georgia Guidestones. -[source] Wikipζdia.
And, the Ultimate Objective of Turning Mankind's Disgust of itself, (
much fake) into a truly venomous reason for Reducing The Planets' Population to 500 Million as clearly Declared on The Georgia Guidestones, - The 2001 Monoliths of this Brave New World; - surely speaks for itself, doesn't it.
It's not about Womens' Values as being about Equality. Just as Human Rights is not about Making Mankinds' Rights on a par and of equal Importance to Gods' Priviledges and Rights. That's a lost cause!
it's just another
game to play under the stars. Just more games to play for the Unquenchable Amusement of ....
..... The New Gods of this World.
The New Nephilim.... And therefore, we know that there will be a huge 'see to'; - an immense Cataclysm of unequalled proportions ...
Failed Mayan Prophecies aside, (
Oh, How Convenient), doesn't mean that Catastrophies will not befall False Gods.
Problem, Reaction, Solution ..... "Everything Is Political" ?
- Damned Right!
And Perhaps God is the Master Politician of All !!!!
NEWSFLASH: 'Global Peace' is Over. And a Cessation of Hostilities, or
Amnesty for Xmas Festival, as occured on the Fields of the Somme in 1914-18, is nothing more than it was then; -
Just empty Sentiment.