JG have been given information by the Police, that leads me to this conclusion ...And has any sensient being noticed how the BBC has been upto now, and is continuing to VOLUNTEER it's GUILT around the Saville Allegations? What criminal do you know who pleads guilty and volunteers for Gaol before the accuser has even filed a formal legal proces? That's what happened in this case. GUILTY - DAY 1.
Is it just the bleeding out of guilty conscience of an organisation that's let people down; - or is it gullible humans unconsciously
'proving their worth' before their detractors, succumbing to intimidation from sheer fatigue?
Guilty before Proven.
The FEDERAL AMERICAN SYSTEM OF LAW.This video shows the frenzy that Epsilons and Ipsilons of 'The Brave New World' are to be presumed to be willing to quickly follow .....
¿A stooge/Stoolie?
He uses all the necessary terminology.
— To leave you with no alternative but to accept 'A witch-hunt'.
If you don't, then obviously you're a 'P' supporter, right! Yes, you are.
- The mob will come into line on this issue, and other closely related ones, very shortly indeed!
THE TERM CONSPIRACY is being hi-jacked once again.
The intention is that Britain's FREE PRESS, and Parliament are going to come under total scrutiny and now unavoidable reform because it is COMPLETELY FULL of Pædophiles, though not one has yet been identified except by a LIST provided by TOM WATSON and now being bandied around the Internet, as FACT.And of course it wouldn't be right if TOM wasn't a Dyed-in-the-Wool, Welsh Socialist from the Mining Valleys mad at Margaret Thatcher, and with a
chip on his Celtic Shoulder big enough to sink Titanic II and III. - (
Both of which are being built, in Australia)
— "Self-Regulation doesn't Work". This is the TERM now, as I type being used on the BBC regarding investigations.
It's good, I want it, Do it now, REFORM. Now why would you want a latter day
INQUISITION into the public affairs of the so-called (
BS) FREE PRESS in this country?
As a prelude to a FEDERAL EU/
American-Style Declaration of Martial-Law in Europe as a whole during 'possible' WARTIME, or during 'potential' CIVIL UNREST or 'potential for' MASS MOBILIZATION of Pedestrian Masses, it will be necessary.
Quite simple.
It will be necessary for the 'Regional Controllers' of this Brave New World Order, to apply their skillset.
You don't believe it. That's why it's so very possible.
Conspiracy Nut !
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZeUkNox_Kw&feature=player_embeddedSmokeless cigarette user closes M6. Passengers held 8 hrs.
This should be fun! Now. Let's get it on! Trust me! There's a LOT of PEOPLE out there, getting on in years now, who haven't seen the FULFILLMENT of their WISE vision for
TOTAL MILITARY LAW as a means to AN END.JG has met a few. Just trust him on that. When JG met them, they shocked him for their pride and haughty disdain.
- They don't see you or any of your concerns and interests to be of the least value whatsoever. You are Nil.
Good Luck to you!