Jonnie Goodboy
« on: October 22, 2012, 12:27:31 am » |
BUT DON'T BE MISTAKEN. There is a REAL army of CIVVIES out there.
It's an ARMY of people-managers all waiting in line to take the millions of sick-and-disabled, mentally infirm, unemployable and malcontents off to their Training and Rehabilitation centres. For this is exactly what will PROBABLY HAPPEN once the almost inevitable decision comes from Europe, via a firstly independant European Backdoor into the UK via Scottish independance (which Cameron and the Scots Nationalists have now agreed upon a Referendum date before or during 2014.)
The Euroean DeskoCrats will say: We know The Socialists tried putting millions of the Healthy on benefits because they can no longer cope being abused, and whilst we applaud the Conservatives subsequently taking away much of these benefits, allegedly (enough to motivate the Public Vote in antipathy), Austerity Measures and futher Derivative Banker Bailouts have forced us to announce that Britain must now accede to placing the first 100,000 fit enough to physically work, benefits recipients into arms production (say) to accelerate the front in East-Eurasia ...
... whatever ....
You get the picture ... I've met them. There are Hundreds of thousands of anti-Benefit scrounger, ex-business school and ex fallen industry PEOPLE MANAGERS out there, who absolutely want to control the public as it 'falls by the wayside'.
They're a standing army. A particularly misinformed one strangely. Because they don't get it that they will be in the Front-Line once the actual and Real Fighting Starts. When the bullets start to fly and I no longer care about my Christian Principles, then they will be getting bullets in the back of the Head and falling into Pits.
— Because that's Human Nature ... expressing itself.
And they will do what they are told by the EU-ZONE, if it means a steady supply of Big Euros.
So there is a real threat out there ... and they are grouping ..., and they are experienced ... and they don't give a **** about your human rights ... and the law? The Law to them is an impediment and they are campaigning to have EUROPE overturn the basic laws of provision of benefits. — Because it will benefit THEM.
But this too, like so many of Jones' latter-day scenarios, IS also still only Hypothesis. But if it happens?: — We're all in a world of **** & pain. And I too, like Mr Jones don't want to go there again ....
My Advice: Get a big wad of money and keep it safe. For Generations it's been called: 'Money for a rainy day'.
We have lived under the shadow of Fascism and its crime-nexus derivatives for a very long time in the UK.
So you'se better start getting up early, and start trying to get a business going ... cos these roguish shadowy yet suited 'People-Managers' are waiting for their moment ... they're always waiting, because IT'S WHAT THEY DO AS A JOB. THEY ARE TRAINED. They are looking for their opening.
They'd even fool YOU into believing that they're humanitarians saving the unwanted and unwashed from a wasted life ....
We do live in very precarious times, when so-called HUMAN NATURE may determine that Labour-Camps are the future of business, ... If I were you, I wouldn't take the risk of counting on a state-benefit being around for ever ....
Just because the Government is going to re-schedule next year all benefits, (except a couple, at this stage) under a new Slogan: 'THE UNIVERSAL BENEFIT', doesn't I think warrant THE SMART from assuming it's going to be everywhere, when and when WE demand it ...
At that level. Yes, THEY are intending, accidentally on purpose, through 'Let it Happen, or Make it Happen' on purpose; - to Kill us.
Why wouldn't they? They too have an audience to appease courtesy of ALL zombie MEDIA and zombie public.
And many of YOU are going to LOVE THEM.
I have succeeded once again in Warning Myself, about The Devilish inherited flaw within 'HUMAN-NATURE'.