Jonnie Goodboy
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:11:19 am » |
1) Holding on to the passed down the food chain belief that 'all human behaviour is on a spectrum': To further clarify: During a recent meeting with local Social-Services, I had to raise issue when the workers in reference to how criminals apparently regard my law-abiding and hard working attitude and how they have been treating me and my property, used the phrase:
"If these people have difficulty with your choice of lifestyle ...". I have it on tape.
You see, this turn of phrase they used is born of the twisted belief-system that in the equally valuable criminals' mind, there is something at fault with law-abiding behaviour. They are removing the distinction of a attempt at a worthwhile productive lifestyle and that of the house-breaker and local small-time H·E·R·O·I·N dealer.
This is a massively Incorrect approach & I will attempt to invalidate it: — In the real world of moral behaviour and values, there is and always has been a good and a bad standard of behaviour. Which even most human beings still, amongst those above 35 yrs of age can perceive. Social Services now use anti-religious, anti-ethics hypocrisy to obscure this to a point where violent criminals are as worthy humans as their victims.
2) Human beings can adapt to any situation, including one where Crime-Families are embedded in the community around them. Social Services finance this via Social Housing. In a local Social Housing complex it is reckoned that 80% of the tenants have been convicted and have often served time as criminals.
3 They are wrong in assuming that I will be content to be, and expect to be quite reasonably happy with an arrangement where I am in the eyes of Local Government Departments, of no more value than a violent Felon.
4) It would be a mistake on Social-Services part or on the part of anybody else in assuming that one cannot muster up the energy to fathom out the problem, and they would also be in error if they underestimate the ability of determined intelligent people to be able to elucidate any forthcoming complaints. Get it!?
NB, It is usually the 'Justice' Section of your Local Social-Services that promote the interests of 'rehabilitation in the community' of offenders. They and other departments will be designed to be compartmentalised, so that in the parlance of the civil-servant, they 'don't step on one-anothers' feet'. But their common values system means that they quite happy already to go-along with things, not to mention the quarantee of a regular pay-check.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2012, 11:23:22 am by Jonnie Goodboy »
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