Jonnie Goodboy
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:18:56 pm » |
After Being Violently assaulted in his own home by a time-served House-Breaker, for complaining to a neighbour (I forgive him) about being slanderously and liabely labelled as a Paedo, Jonnie Goodboy feels like floating the Idea in the British Alternative Media for a LEGAL RIGHT FOR BRITISH CITIZENS TO OWN AND BEAR ARMS for SELF-DEFENCE.
The ASSAILANT plea-bargained after two hearings of 'not-guilty' and got a 1hr per week of 'community payback' - - for ~ 3 months!!!! People get more punishment for stealing a can of Cat-Food in this country.
He threatened to come back with a knife and 'DO ME'. For this he is firmly rewarded with 1hr per week of S.F.A.
I've had enough. I have gone to great lengths in my 55 years to not break the law, steal, assault or anything. And the one time I did get caught, at some tender age, smoking a joint, (along with 20Million Others) [sic], the manchester Drug Squad Labelled me a 'Known and wanted International Drug Fiend And Smuggler' and attempted in the High-Court to have me 'sent-down' like one of The Birmingham Six for a Decade ... — A Grand-Jury case that was in 10-minutes flat, literally laughed out of court.
But that's another story, - about Police Purgery isn't it!
—Yes it is!
I have had enough. And I will up with it, no more put.
Where are our LEGAL RIGHTS FOR SELF DEFENCE? Against Corruption, against theft, violence, The lot?
Have you seen them anywhere?
— No?! That will be because like every other unwritten aspect of our unwritten 'let's make it up as we go along' - "British Constitution", they don't exist. The courts will decide, on a case by case merit. And apparently, the victim and the innocent seem to be have been getting the SHORT-STRAW for DECADES in this land.
I officially float the Idea of A LEGAL RIGHT FOR BRITISH CITIZENS TO OWN AND BEAR ARMS for SELF-DEFENCE, in American 2nd Ammendment Rights Manner.
I mean Complete and Legal, Full-Training, Licensing, Re-testing, Driving Licence style, W.H.Y, Guns Ownership for British Citizens. Why not! What has any Freedom Respecting Subject of Her Majesty got left to lose?
If Americans are going to lose their right under the lost Constitution; it's about time we at least won our right.