Since the INTERNMENT and RE-Settlement Document
FM 3.39.40 came to light a week ago it's spread like wildfire. I don't know if the MSM TV news have mentioned it but they may as well Have.
Today alone I did biz with two Professional people.
1) Humble Bank-Clerk at my local Branch, Scotland. UK
2) Electronics Professional in Santa-Fe, California.
Both knew of the recent documents. The later referring already to it as the 'I/R revelations'; though he had a positive take on it; viz the losening up of previously stockpiled and unwanted defence electronics gear for the market-pool in which he swims, ie re-cycling and re-sale of hi-spec industrial electronics.
Maybe a bit of a 'rose-tinted-spectacles' view of it all, but at least EVERYONE already KNOWS about:
FM 3.39.40The Original Source of the Documents would be this extensive 'LIVE' & Current army archive: