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Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N·E distribution?
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Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N·E distribution?
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Topic: Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N·E distribution? (Read 924 times)
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N·E distribution?
January 14, 2012, 03:09:28 am »
(to the Elite)
Lyndsey Williams hinted to us —
Is it a CODE WORD for
to the public of, -
, for their delictation. !!??
Think about it just a little while with me:
messiah, = a saviour or redeemer.
H·e·r·o·i·n, from Hero, = the Greek word Hērōs as applied to the female, usually H·e·r·o·i·n·e.
Coined in English 1387, the word hero comes from the Greek "·ρως" (heros), "hero, warrior",[2] literally
or "
"[3]. It is also thought to be a cognate of the Latin verb servo (original meaning:
to preserve whole
) and of the Avestan verb haurvaiti (
to keep vigil over
), In other words a chemical substance, which whilst killing you, through it's dependency building powers, can convince you that it is your SAVIOUR.
A DEVILS' "SAVIOUR", or MESSIAH, and perhaps too, that you, the addict, will absorb its potency, its strength and its character and one-day may become like it is, a very messenger of the Heroic Vigil, a Hireable Vigilanté?
— Going from DOOR to DOOR, TOWN to TOWN, as a religious proseletysor does.
A modern day PASSOVER too if you will. Not the passover you associate with cakes and bread but the mass-genocide ordered by Herod.
And all it brings, — from local crime, page 3 or front-page sensation headlines to large numbers of deaths, anything they want, YOU can now have. Imagine!
I have to print H·E·R·O·I·N·E as this board has been programmed by american sensitivities to blank words that the FCC's stoolies consider out of bounds. This is what you get: - ****! More American Idiots
Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 03:55:41 am by Jonnie Goodboy
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N distribution?
Reply #1
January 14, 2012, 08:49:23 am »
And if this drug problem is a facet of Operation
'Devils' Messiah'
then it's already got all the ground work lain for it.
1) Police being given leads to small 'wrap' dealers, whilst large fish get away for lack of evidence.
2) Criminal Justice Department of
becoming as big as a Government itself, here
) giving full support to
, and represent them with exhaustive 'reports' for the defence when these drug criminals are put up in court for their most common offences, house-breaking, theft, and theft-with violence. Social Services are working it seems, to get them maximum rehabilitation and an easy ride through the courts' system to an easy community sentence.
import, sales and use is ubiquitous, meaning everywhere you go now, and global. So there is nowhere to run away from the crime, crime-nexuses and attitudes and warped behaviours the drugs and thier users import with them into any neighbourhood chosen.
4) It's a global Pandemic and Afghani Popply fields guarded by our
in military drap are protecting them so the export of Afghanistans' soul commodity is safe-guarded. I guess it must be part of a bargain struck, whatever.
5) Operation
, going house to house, door to door, town to town, gradually like some anti-typical proselytiser. Yep, that's a name a really ingenious sick minded criminal nexus person could and indeed should use. Get it out in the open, where Social Services can talk about the risk 'hidden in plain sight', as they do, it's in their legislature, here; it's part of the 2007 adults at risk act.
6) And then they go and embed the
in your local housing association, so they can re-habilitate to 'the community' rather than serve a jail-term.
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Operation 'Devils-Messiah': An Agenda for sanctioned H·E·R·O·I·N·E distribution?
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