Feel that mean edge creeping in? It's make up your mind time! Are the rest of the human race scum apart from yourself, and are you alone fit and ready to take the high-ground and give support to a Population Agenda which is once "... again on the Back-Burner"? Well Morons, Join them now, they are something new for a new Era of legitimised, rationalised - "Mans inhumanity to Man".
Yes, your early to sprout hatred, suspicion or detestation of your fellow man, really isn't of your own making, it's a media sponsored, elite sponsored thoroughfare of wickedness. But then again, we like wicked yeah, because we are flawed human beings, living and groaning and moaning day-in and day-out, here on Satan's World. Yes, this scrawny little Blue Planet. What a Sh*ithole, isn't it!
"If I was the only boy in the world, and you were the only Girl ... " — Sing-along-Now.
Go on, give them the Statcounter hits, which their inane Idiot of a Webmaster wants, and who gets paid for by the donations from the Church of Satan .... Go on, Feed on it, you machines of FEAR and LOATHING.
Population Matters UpdateJanuary 2012
“It is curious, looking through one’s postbag, how many of the pressing issues facing Britain today — housing shortages, congestion on roads and public transport, water shortages, pressures on public infrastructure of every kind — derive largely from a single, common factor: population growth.” Julian Brazier MP speaking in the House of Commons on 12 December 2011
As we enter 2012, a year without a billion day, we are back to basics in terms of our advocacy work. We will be systematically raising population in relation to the issues society faces. There are certainly enough from them, from global challenges like climate change and sustainable development to our national issues of housing shortages, planning pressure and widespread unemployment. We will also be promoting the solutions, from improved sex education and family planning services at home to defending the UK’s leading role in providing aid for family planning overseas. However, we are not back to square one. While media coverage of population may have returned to normal, the seven billion milestone has meant that the issue has been put in front of many more people. The ground should be more fertile than it has been in the past.
Each issue of the Update will feature a selection from our award winning Newswatch news monitoring service. You can read all the Newswatch stories on our website or via a daily email. See our website for details.
Carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels have increased by half in the last 20 years, giving the world much less chance of avoiding dangerous climate change, according to new data…The carbon footprint from consumption in the developing world has overtaken that of the developed world.
Nearly 18 million British people will experience more water shortages and 160,000 will be affected by coastal flooding by the end of the century if temperatures are left unchecked, according to new Met Office analysis…Nearly three-quarters of butterfly species which breed in the UK have seen their numbers decline over a decade, according to the biggest ever survey of the colourful insects.
With the global population pushing past 7 billion people recently, the global food chain is approaching a tipping point, according to Alison Watkins, CEO of GrainCorp Limited… World consumption of animal protein is everywhere on the rise. Meat consumption increased from 44 million tons in 1950 to 284 million tons in 2009, more than doubling annual consumption per person to over 90 pounds. The rise in consumption of milk and eggs is equally dramatic. Wherever incomes rise, so does meat consumption…Population growth, the increasing consumption of a global elite, and an international legal system skewed in favour of large scale investors are fuelling a worldwide rush for land that is unfolding faster than previously thought and is likely to continue, according to the largest study of international land deals to date.
500 tonnes of Christmas tree lights and at least 25m bags of plastic sweet wrappers, turkey coverings, drinks bottles and broken toys will be thrown away by UK homes this Christmas and New Year. But only a tiny proportion of this festive plastic waste will be recycled.
Population Matters chair Roger Martin attended the sixth African Population Conference in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso to lobby delegates. We also sent Population Matters promotional materials to Durban for the Climate Change conference.
Seventeen reproductive health organisations at the International Family Planning Conference in Dakar, Senegal, issued a call for a global campaign for safe abortion access. Approximately 22 million unsafe abortions take place annually, contributing to maternal mortality and morbidity.
Sexual rights are an important part of people being able to limit their family size, so it is good news that the UN Office for the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva has issued its first ever report on the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people recently. The report detailed that around the world people are killed or endure hate-motivated violence, torture, detention, criminalization and discrimination in jobs, health care and education because of their real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity, with lesbians and transgender women at particular risk.
The number of children needing foster carers has been rising for the last five years. Becoming a foster carer may be an alternative to having a large family for those who enjoy bringing up children.
In April 2013, local authorities will become responsible for the health of their area. We should start to ask how prepared they are to improve sexual health and reduce the unplanned pregnancies which can lead to so many social problems as well as contributing to population growth. Visit sexual health charity shoutloud for more details.
Our thanks to patron Aubrey Manning for taking part in a discussion in Bristol on population and nature broadcast in a special edition of Radio 4’s Saving Species.
BBC3’s Nightwaves also had an edition on population.
Roger Scruton is giving an RSA lecture on Green Philosophy on 18 January. You can attend in person and ask about population or listen to the event live. Note: this notice does not mean we necessarily endorse his views.
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