... What's going on up North in Manchester. Are they all Paedophiles in Manchester?
.... There's talk of 'Profiling' in the news today, in regard to Minority Report like production of suspects before even a crime has been committed, but what is the difference between this approach and indoctrinating your young people, at important moments in news history, with the idea that a Paedophile is lurking around every corner, waiting to pounce on the young of these perfect Nations? Well why are there so many Sex Fiends in Manchester? Can it be the University night life? Can it be the Socialism? Can it be profiled? Well Goddamn get your Punk Outfit on and let's go have a goddamned look!
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/abuse-teacher-jailed-indefinitely-2297256.html... The Mainstream today is re-exploiting these topics you, both radio and Newspapapers. From the floated subject on Radio Two's Midday show, "Should we allow our children to sell lemonade, on the pavement outside their parent's house", in order to allow them to experience self ascertion, and basic marketing skills, and then throwing the conversation onto the inevitable "It's not safe because a pervert is going to come along, every time" as happened on today's Vine Show.
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Eleven-Men-Arrested-In-Raids-In-Manchester-Over-Child-Sex-Exploitation-Investigation/Article/201106216011528?lpos=UK_News_Second_Home_Page_Article_Teaser_Region_0&lid=ARTICLE_16011528_Eleven_Men_Arrested_In_Raids_In_Manchester_Over_Child_Sex_Exploitation_Investigation.... Meanwhile this country IMO is not so much full of Paedo's as it's full of Control Mad Demented Alcoholics and Women who batter their husbands, and the further north you go, an increasingly noticeable liberal sprinkling of Red-Hot Socialists & Fabianist Ideologues all quickly going to their business of bartering for the human soul of the innnocents ...
But I notice that all the real Paedophiles according to the Photos above all have neatly cropped Short Back and Sides or Shaven heads and all come from the Heartlands of The Socialist North.
Dunnit just make you want to puke your Poisoned Guts right out, you Lobotomized Punk? And turn that Goddamned Rock n' Roll music off you Punk. Go on make my day!