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Topic: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) (Read 7199 times)
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Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
September 02, 2011, 11:42:33 pm »
, August 1, 2011
Infowars Special Report: Super-Congress Paves 'Super Highway' to Gun Control
An Infowars Special Report covers the breaking news that the unconstitutional powers now being handed to the Super-Congress under the debt ceiling deal will be used to pursue gun control legislation, which has been too inflammatory to introduce under regular House and Senate rules.
This, even as President Obama begins to restrict the 2nd Amendment via new ATF regulations placed on gun dealers throughout the Southwest United States in the name of stopping the flow of arms to drug cartels South of the border. Aaron Dykes reports.
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, August 4, 2011
Infowars Special Report: US Drug Running & Gerald Celente
Alex discusses recent revelations surrounding the U.S. government allowing co
ne to be trafficked into the United States by Mexican drug gangs.
He also welcomes Gerald Celente. Gerald sounds the bell about the fact that the US dollar isn't worth the paper it is printed on. Alex also talks with the trends forecaster about the debt deal and what's coming for the American and global economies down the road.
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, August 8, 2011
Barackalypse Now: Infowars Special Report
Alex Jones covers the United States' downgrade from AAA credit rating, the dramatic stock plunge, and the related exploding price of gold. He also touches upon other news stories he was unable to get to during the radio show, including the comments of former first lady Jackie Kennedy about LBJ concerning the JFK assassination.
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, August 11, 2011
Infowars Special Report: Globalists' Extermination List Exposed with Aaron Dykes
In a Special Infowars Report, researcher Aaron Dykes exposes the global population database apparatus used by eugenicists to target populations for reduced births, soft kill and extermination. From the IBM-developed Hollerith punchcards used in the 1890 U.S. census, to race-mixing studies for Cold Springs Harbor and concentration camps in Rockefeller-funded N
zi Germany, eugenicists have long tabulated vital statistics in order to attack subtly and with precision.
Now they are targeting our food supplies, water, air and environment in attempt to shut off our future. How will elites utilize the human genome code, blood samples and DNA they've spent decades compiling? Why do foundations of the rich spend so much on the 3rd World population reduction? Aaron Dykes reports on the New World Order's obsession with eugenics and population control.
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, August 30, 2011
Infowars Special Report: Al-Qaeda Takes Libya with Alex Jones, Pepe Escobar, Luke Rudkowski
In an Infowars Special Report, Alex Jones speaks with Asia Times reporter Pepe Escobar on the rule of al Qaeda in Tripoli and the emerging civil war in Libya. Later, We Are Change.org founder Luke Rudkowski discusses his most recent confrontation with World Trade Center leaseholder Larry Silverstein as the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 approaches. Alex Jones also covers the latest statements from Gibson Guitar CEO Henry Juszkiewicz on the raid of his company by green police and more.
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Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 05:02:14 pm by Route
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MP4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #1
September 03, 2011, 09:56:05 am »
Excellent! Thanks Route!!
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #2
September 03, 2011, 10:15:02 am »
, September 1, 2011
The debut inaugural broadcast of Infowars Nightly News with Alex Jones of prisonplanet.tv and infowars.com.
Alex covers the news and talks with guests Webster Tarpley and CEO of Gibson Guitars Henry Juszkiewicz.
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, September 2, 2011
Gun Running Scandal Threatens to Bring Down Obama:
Larry Pratt, director of Gun Owners of America, joins Alex to talk about Operation Fast and Furious, the covert ATF effort to arm murderous Mexican drug cartels and blame it on the Second Amendment and legal gun dealers in the United States. So far, the scandal has brought down the boss of the ATF, a U.S. attorney in Arizona, and threatens the Obama administration.
The Ron Paul Revolution, 2012:
Gary Franci of Restore the Republic talks with Alex about the exponential growth of a renewed and reinvigorated Ron Paul Revolution as millions of people stand behind Paul and prepare to catapult him to the presidency in 2012 and restore the constitutional republic.
BPA: The Plastic that Kills:
Aaron Dykes hosts a segment on Bisphenol A, the dangerous estrogenic in plastic drinking bottles and food containers. BPA is a known toxic substance outlawed in Canada and Europe, but still used in the United States, even though the FDA raised concerns regarding exposure of fetuses, infants and young children to the substance.
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Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 04:19:59 pm by Route
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #3
September 07, 2011, 10:25:20 am »
, September 6, 2011
Alex Jones LIVE: FEMA Stand Down in Texas
Alex Jones will start tonightâs episode of Infowars Nightly News LIVE with breaking information on the fires spreading across central Texas and FEMAâs order to volunteer firefighters and local response units to leave the scene.
This treasonous stand down under President Obama echoes the actions of FEMA under President Bush during Hurricane Katrina, where the devastation of natural events is made dramatically worse by the federal governmentâs response. In both cases, an even-greater federal power grab is at stake.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #4
September 08, 2011, 09:55:11 am »
, September 7, 2011
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #5
September 09, 2011, 12:14:48 pm »
, September 8, 2011
Infowars Nightly News: 2012 End of the World Hoax, Ron Paul Debate and More
Alex interviews engineer and scientist Dr. Brooks Agnew on 2012 and the Comet Elenin. Later, Alex speaks with economist, author and former Austin City Councilman George Humphrey on the widening global economic crisis, driven in large part by the massive derivatives bubble. Alex also covers the news, including highlights of Ron Paul in last night’s GOP debate, the cartel control of the U.S.-Mexico border, Big Sis’ new push for MRI scanners at airports, genetically-modified human organs grown in labs, the latest on the Gibson guitar raid and more.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #6
September 10, 2011, 12:10:26 pm »
, September 9, 2011
Infowars Nightly News delivered TelePrompTer-free. Get a subscription for a friend and help us grow.
Tonight Alex and the crew tackle the issue of the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11,
Aaron Dykes has an in depth report on the most prominent smoking guns of this false flag attack,
Darrin McBreen and Rob Jacobson take a public sample of Building 7, this report will floor you,
Alex covers the news and interviews Richard Gage of Architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. A true report from the front lines of 9/11 truth Ricard Gage is currently traversing North America to educate people on basic structural physics of the 3 buildings that collapsed that day.
Thank you for watching. Now Get Out There and Take on The New World Order.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #7
September 13, 2011, 03:59:34 pm »
, September 12, 2011
Infowars Nightly News delivered TelePrompTer-free. Get a subscription for a friend and help us grow.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #8
September 14, 2011, 09:56:14 am »
, September 13, 2011
A packed show! Alex exposes another dirty trick against Ron Paul. This time someone else won.
Then he illustrates the fake War on Drugs with the latest from the Sinaloa cartel head who claims he was given immunity from the "highest levels in governement."
Mike Adams joins Alex via skype to talk about a real extraterrrestrial threat, the sun, the latest on the Gardasil scandal and Mike's battle against the Bstrop area brush fires.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #9
September 15, 2011, 10:38:38 am »
, September 14, 2011
Alex talks with Christopher Monckton about warmist guru Al Gore and his 24 hours of BS and lies as the globalists push their insidious civilization reduction plan under the touchy-feely cover of saving the planet from carbon criminals.
Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers talks about the latest demonstration against the autocratic city council in Quartzsite, Arizona. In August, hundreds of people turned out at a similar protest, dubbed the Quartzite Liberty Rally, to oppose the actions of the council and police chief.
Rhodes also talks about the unconstitutional "Super Congress" and outs a number of supposed Tea Party patriots in Congress who signed off on the scheme to frustrate the will of the people.
Other topics covered tonight include Obama's effort to intimidate growing opposition to his administration and policies by launching a new Stasi-like website designed to inform on people who disagree with the government.
Alex runs through the latest on the DHS's "See Something, Say Something" informer program, the implementation of pre-crime face scanning technology for interrogations, the ludicrous claim by al-Qaeda that it is responsible for the "Arab Spring" movements sprouting up in the Middle East, and the serious yet underplayed and often ignored situation at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #10
September 16, 2011, 01:33:12 pm »
, September 15, 2011
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #11
September 18, 2011, 01:41:28 pm »
, September 16, 2011
Infowars Nightly News: NFL Pat Downs, Al-Qaedaâs Seat at the UN, Riots in America & More. Aaron Dykes sits in for Alex.
Infowars Special Report: "BOYCOTT THE NFL!" Alex Jones calls for mass boycott against The NFL, Big Sis and her TSA thugs
Alex Jones wants to launch a massive boycott against the NFL and their sponsors. Write a letter, send an email, make a phone call and vote with your dollars. We will not tolerate the TSA sticking their hands down our pants to engage in everyday life. In this video you will see that Alex is in the woods and there are no TSA/ government agents making sure that snakes wont bite him. And more people die from snake bites than from terrorism each year. This is the government looking for more excuses and places to get into your business. It is time to say no and resist this blitzing of the 4th amendment.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #12
September 20, 2011, 01:46:20 pm »
, September 19, 2011
On the Monday, September 19, edition of the Nightly News, we talk with Russell Blaylock and Alfred Adask.
Dr. Blaylock is a board certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, lecturer, and editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report.
He talks about the dangers of Gardasil and the upcoming flu vaccination season and the threat it poses to unsuspecting Americans who are inundated with flu vaccination propaganda on a daily basis.
Gov. and GOP presidential candidate Rick Perry is currently enveloped in controversy over his decision in February of 2007 to issue an executive order mandating that Texas girls receive the HPV vaccine.
In 2009, Blaylock told Newsmax that the 14,000 reported incidents of side effects is an underestimation. "Multiply the number of incidents actually reported by ten and you'll get an accurate number," he said.
Infowars also talks with constitutionalist Alfred Adask about the Liberty Dollar raid in 2007 and the conviction of its founder, Bernard von NotHaus, who was charged with "making, possessing and selling his own coins" in competition with the private banker cartel, the Federal Reserve.
"While these forms of anti-government activities do not involve violence, they are every bit as insidious and represent a
clear and present danger to the economic stability of this country," the Justice Department said about the case.
Additional news items include: Ron Paul's momentous win of the California Straw Poll, the Fed's impending decision to launch
QE3, and the NFL policy to treat fans like possible members of al-Qaeda.
Infowars Nightly News streams live every week day at 7 PM CST and is available for Prison Planet.tv subscribers.
If you're not a member, subscribe today and watch this vitally important and cutting-edge program and also take advantage of vast archives of the Alex Jones Show, his documentary films, ebooks, and other products.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #13
September 22, 2011, 10:43:33 am »
, September 20, 2011
On this edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones covers more on the Gardasil Vaccine controversy, an issue that has inflamed Big Pharma-friendly doctors since Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Congressman Ron Paul have brought up Gov. Rick Perry's close ties with Merck during GOP debates.
Alex also speaks with economic expert Peter Schiff on QE3 and his recent testimony before Congress warning about the economy and the government's inept attempt to create jobs through a stimulus. Instead, it is irresponsible monetary and fiscal policy that is undermining employment in America, according to Schiff.
Alex then speaks with eyewitness Kurt Haskell with the latest on the Underwear bomber trial, which is slated to begin jury selection after Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was ruled competent to stand trial. Haskell famously witnessed a 'sharp-dressed man' helping Abdulmutallab get on-board the plane, and despite being attacked by authorities, was later vindicated as correct.
During the news blitz, Alex will cover Big Sis' launch of coffee cups tagged with a Big Brother eye and an appeal to report suspicious behavior on behalf of the Department of Homeland Security. He also covers the Homeland Security and FBI raid on IHOPs in Ohio and Indiana over allegations of money laundering and undocumented workers. Alex then discusses more on vaccines, including the ties to media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #14
September 22, 2011, 04:33:25 pm »
, September 21, 2011
With the vaccine cover-up imploding as a result of national attention brought to the Gardasil issue by presidential candidates Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann, Alex welcomes Dr. Andrew Wakefield in studio to discuss the massive health risks associated with dangerous inoculations, as the establishment media and the pharmaceutical lobby launch another mass hoax in claiming that HPV shots are 'wonderfully safe' when the CDC's own figures show over 18,000 adverse reactions.
Alex also delves into the history of the Rockefeller Foundation's promotion and funding of the HPV vaccine. Why would elitists who openly advocate draconian population reduction measures be trusted to create vaccines that have led to thousands of illnesses and scores of deaths in the case of the HPV shot alone? In a related matter, Alex delves into why cancer has risen despite billions in research and a bevy of vaccines supposedly designed to prevent the illness.
Alex will also discuss today's admission by OnStar that from December 1 they will be selling customer data to anyone they choose, even if the customer cancels the service.
'What's changed [is that if] you want to cancel your OnStar service, we are going to maintain a two-way connection to your vehicle unless the customer says otherwise,' an OnStar representative told the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Of course, one of the primary target markets for this data will be law enforcement, with OnStar passing on GPS coordinates of its customers over lengthy periods of time, allowing authorities to build a complete dossier on the individual, representing a total violation of the 4th Amendment.
'Personal GPS location information, speed, safety belt usage, and other information can be sold to third parties, including law enforcement,' writes forensic scientist Jonathan Zdziarski. 'To add insult to a slap in the face, the company insists they will continue collecting and selling this personal information even after you cancel your service, unless you specifically shut down the data connection to the vehicle after canceling.'
In our regular 'man on the street' feature, we get the American public's reaction to the recent announcement by the NFL, spurred by its relationship with Homeland Security, that fans attending football games will be subject to airport-style grope downs.
Infowars Special Report: The Vaccine Cover-Up Implodes with Andrew Wakefield
Alex welcomes Dr. Andrew Wakefield in studio to discuss the massive health risks associated with dangerous inoculations, as the establishment media and the pharmaceutical lobby launch another mass hoax in claiming that HPV shots are "wonderfully safe" when the CDC's own figures show over 18,000 adverse reactions.
This is the full interview that is not available in the Weds Sept 21st Nightly News Broadcast.
Tune in tonight at 7PM CST at Prison Planet.tv and watch the show. If you're not a Prison Planet.tv member, please consider subscribing. We depend upon viewer support to keep the program alive and growing.
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Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 09:07:04 pm by Route
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #15
September 24, 2011, 09:53:16 am »
, September 22, 2011
On the Thursday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmannâs comment that Big Pharmaâs HPV vaccine is dangerous.
Alex also interviews award-winning actor and political activist Ed Asner on 9/11 and Building 7. Asner is now bravely treading dangerous, career-busting waters with questions about the demolition of the building not hit by a supposedly hijacker-commandeered aircraft on September 11, 2001.
In our Man On the Street segment, Infowars correspondent Darrin McBreen talks with folks in downtown Austin, Texas, about the NFLâs newly implemented and DHS instigated grope-down procedures at football stadiums across the country.
Additional items of tonightâs show: the crumbling economy and tumbling stock markets as the privately-owned Federal Reserve rolls out QE3 under the cover of bond manipulation.
Also covered tonight is British PM David Cameronâs call for more âhumanitarian interventionsâ where regimes either resist the dictates of the globalists or adopt policies contrary to their quest for world domination.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #16
September 24, 2011, 12:50:44 pm »
, September 23, 2011
Tonight, on the Friday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex covers in detail Operation Mountain Guardian, the Homeland Security funded and orchestrated martial law exercise under cover of preparedness for a terrorist event. Infowars.com correspondents Darrin McBreen and Aaron Dykes covered the exercise from the Mile High City, Denver, Colorado, earlier today.
Alex interviews former diplomat and professor Peter Dale Scott about the CIA and its efforts to withhold crucial information on the September 11 attacks. Scott will also review the tenth anniversary of the attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
Tad Lumpkin, director of the animated short film The American Dream, will be in-studio with Alex to talk about the Federal Reserve and the bankster shake-down.
Additional topics covered tonight include: cancer vaccines and âcuresâ that do not mitigate the fatal disease but only increase fantastic profits for the pharmaceutical industry and Big Sisâ indoctrination telescreens to be installed in the private cars of Americans.
Infowars Nightly News is an informational show that runs every week night at 7 PM CST. It is available for live viewing by Prison Planet.tv subscribers. Please subscribe today and support our ongoing effort to get the truth out to counter the establishmentâs lies, misinformation, and propaganda.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #17
September 27, 2011, 09:58:47 am »
, September 26, 2011
On the Monday, September 26, edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews economist and author John Perkins about the bankster elite and their globalist crime syndicate. Perkins is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire.
Alex also talks about the rise and fall of the Rick Perry campaign and covers the Texas governor's numerous lies, including his claim that he does not support a NAFTA Super Highway in the state.
Other topics covered tonight include a recap of the Homeland Security terrorism exercise in Denver, Colorado, Mountain Guardian, the effort by the Fed to expand their surveillance grid through Twitter and Facebook.
Infowars Nightly News runs every weekday evening at 7 PM CST and is available for Prison Planet.tv subscribers.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #18
September 28, 2011, 11:47:33 am »
, September 27, 2011
Alex will cover a host of topics including the attempt to intimidate the parents of unvaccinated students with door-to-door innoculations. The effort is predicated on the hoax that vaccines are mandatory to attend school, despite the long-standing existence of a waiver policy.
With current focus on the police clamp down of Occupy Wall Street protests, Alex discusses a new lawsuit against Pittsburgh for its treatment of protesters during the G20 meeting in 2009. Infowars reporter Rob Dew is striking back for what he says was a false arrest and unfair treatment. Represented by Oath Keepers founder and lawyer Stewart Rhodes, Dew argues that he complied with police orders but was rounded up anyway, despite only being there to cover the event as a journalist.
In a news blitz, Alex discusses the blunt statements of trader Alessio Rastani, who told the BBC that a larger collapse is coming, adding that Goldman Sachs ârules the worldâ and cares nothing about the interests of ordinary people.
Alex also analyzes corporate subservience to Big Brother, with focus on recent admissions that OnStar technology is indeed used to actively spy on vehicle passengers for profit, as Alex has reported for many, many years. But in the larger picture, tech companies of all kinds are part of the game. TomTom, the satellite navigation company, was admittedly aiding law enforcement with tracking drivers, later claiming to back off from its role.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #19
September 29, 2011, 12:07:18 pm »
, September 28, 2011
Alex welcomes guest Webster Tarpley to discuss the ongoing NATO bombardment and civil war in Libya, as well as why Al-Qaeda publicly backs the official 9/11 fable.
Alex also covers the recent controversy concerning an MSNBC talking head labeling the Associated Press "racist" for accurately transcribing Barack Obama's recent Black Caucus speech. Alex documents how Obama, Rick Perry, and Hillary Clinton have all adopted the speech styles of the audience they are talking to as a gimmick, and why the "racist" charge is another attempt to demonize all criticism, or merely unsympathetic portrayal, of Obama as bigotry.
We also cover the latest on electronic voting machine fraud, including how "Anyone with about $10, physical access to a Diebold voting machine and rudimentary knowledge of electronics can remotely hack into the device."
As the militarization of law enforcement continues its creeping lurch towards martial law, Alex covers the announcement that the Air Force is now working with local police in Wyoming to combat underage drinking.
Mad scientists are trying to geo-engineer the climate by blocking out the sun in the name of preventing "global warming," a cause that was again promoted at Australia's first geoengineering summit recently. Alex explains how geoengineering is already taking place through chemtrails and why this represents a dangerous threat to our environment.
Also coming up tonight - disturbing footage out of New Zealand showing the horrible side-effects of vaccines.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #20
October 01, 2011, 09:54:05 am »
, September 29, 2011
On the Thursday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with Mike Adams of Natural News about the dangers of GMO and the attempt by the ATF to penalize gun dealers for selling firearms to medical m
Alex also talks about the efforts by local and state governments to control gardens and a Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that citizens do not have an absolute right to determine what they consume.
He also covers the journalist arrested in Lower Manhattan during the Occupy Wall Street protests and the threat it poses to the First Amendment and journalism.
Alex examines the FBI entrapment case against a Massachusetts man who supposedly plotted to fly explosives-packed model planes into the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.
Finally, Dr. Paul Connett talks with Alex about the deleterious effects of fluoride on the body. Connett will also talk with Alex tomorrow about the numerous victories in the ongoing war against the poisoning of the American people with the industrial toxin.
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Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 09:55:50 am by Route
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #21
October 01, 2011, 11:34:00 am »
, September 30, 2011
Tonight's Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the mass-medication scheme once touted as one of the 10 greatest health achievements in the 20th Century. A special report filed by Alex Jones will show never-before-seen undercover footage shot at the Austin Water Treatment Facility showing the process of adding the corrosive and highly toxic chemical to the water supply. Further, our reporters speak with people on the street to get their take on the controversial practice that has garnered many highly-credible critics as public awareness grows. Government agencies are included in this, as many have now warned that fluoride levels must be reduced to decrease the risk of dental fluorosis, which most greatly affects developing children. Now, a new Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS) issued by Mosaic, one of the largest suppliers of hydrofluosilicic acid has also admitted the dangers posed by the industrial waste-product it sells to water treatment facilities.
Then, in-studio guests from Fluoride Free Austin will break down the victories beginning to emerge in their local fight to remove fluoride from the capital city of Texas. Dr. Griffin Cole, DDS and Laura Pressley, PhD. in physical chemistry, demonstrate the risks of fluoridation, while highlighting the increasing trends to remove it from public water supplies. Also featured is a clip from the PrisonPlanet.tv roundtable interview Alex conducted with Dr. Paul Connett, a leading face in the fluoride fight, on his campaign across the Western world to convince cities that fluoride is not in the public's interest.
During the news blitz, Infowars Nightly News discusses top al Qaeda operative and CIA double-agent Anwar al-Awlaki, who was reportedly killed by a predator drone in Libya. Documents now famously prove that he dined at the Pentagon with top brass just months after 9/11, despite being connected to at least three hijackers and being interviewed by the FBI multiple times. Awlaki has since emerged as a key link between dozens of alleged terror plots inside the U.S. and abroad, including the Ft. Hood shootings, the Underwear Bomber, shoebomber Richard Reid and more.
INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS - Anwar Al-Awlaki, CIA lackey. Meanwhile, one Rezwan Ferdous has been arrested after an alleged plot to attack the Capitol and Pentagon buildings with a remote controlled model airplane carrying explosives that were ADMITTEDLY supplied by the FBI in a sting operation. Like literally dozens of other foiled terror plots, the FBI provocateured the suspects into action, including supplying them with bomb making materials or explosives, as the case may be. Even Fox News host Geraldo Rivera called out these repeated sting actions used to scare the public into believing the al Qaeda-terrorism threat is on-going as 'bogus.' This latest case appears to be little different, though no one was killed, unlike the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which leaked recording prove was also set-up and goaded-on using FBI informants.
Also in the news is the outrageous ruling from a Wisconsin judge that there is no fundamental right to consume or produce foods of one's own choice. This bizarre declaration echoes distant warnings of the founding fathers that a tyrannical government would also intrude on matters of food and medicine. It also goes hand-in-hand with a string of raids, arrests, and shutdowns across the country for what once seemed like wholesome living' from lemonade stands, to raw dairy, to Amish farmers, lemon trees, growing a garden and much more.
Other topics include the decision at Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers, to wand fans instead of instituting TSA-style patdowns as other NFL franchises have agreed to do, as well as more coverage about the dangers of vaccines, which many establishment figure continue to defend as safe, despite the admitted harmful effects and deaths that have resulted from inoculations.
Infowars Nightly News streams live every week day at 7 PM CST and is available for Prison Planet.tv subscribers.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #22
October 04, 2011, 12:15:52 pm »
, October 2, 2011
Infowars Special Report: The Occupy Wall Street Protests
Alex Jones gives his analysis on the Occupy Wall Street protests that have been swelling for weeks. His worst concerns have been confirmed about the true nature of who has been steering the demonstrations.
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, October 3, 2011
Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Alex shows us how itâs done when dealing with those unconstitutional checkpoints in His Home State of Texas.
Occupy The Fed Movement Launched: The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately ârich,â ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to âfightâ the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.
With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to âoccupyâ branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.
Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.
Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Donât wait for orders from headquartersâ go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.
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Last Edit: October 05, 2011, 10:47:03 am by Route
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #23
October 07, 2011, 01:00:58 pm »
, October 4, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately 'rich,' ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to 'fight' the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.
With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to 'occupy' branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.
Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.
Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don't wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #24
October 07, 2011, 02:08:44 pm »
, October 5, 2011
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #25
October 08, 2011, 10:49:16 am »
, October 6, 2011
Alex talks with Danny Panzella, who is a candidate for the New York State Assembly, about taking action in defense of our civil liberties under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Jones also talks about Obama's effort to channel Clinton with his "I feel your pain" mantra directed at the Occupy Wall Street crowd gathering outside Wall Street in Lower Manhattan. He also talks about "too big too fail" Bank of America's effort to impose a $5 surcharge on all credit card transactions.
Darrin McBreen's "Man On the Street" segment infiltrates EcoFest at the SXSW in Austin, Texas, and confronts Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, on the Obama plan to close down coal-fired power plants and deny the American people a vital source of energy.
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #26
October 08, 2011, 12:15:16 pm »
, October 7, 2011
Aaron Dykes sits in for Alex Jones as he kicks off the Occupy The Fed movement.
Aaron shows us the peopleâs response to out of control government with interviews from occupy the fed in Austin, Texas.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #27
October 11, 2011, 10:42:17 am »
, October 10, 2011
Kurt Haskell to Be Eyewitness for Underwear Bomber: Nightly News Special Report
Haskell maintains that Abdulmutallab was carrying a fake bomb and was the unwitting dupe in a case of government entrapment.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #28
October 12, 2011, 02:01:49 pm »
, October 11, 2011
On the Tuesday, October 11 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser on the latest developments in the European Union and the move toward totalitarianism on the part of the globalists.
Alex also talks with Alessio Rastani, a trader who claimed late last month that financial vampire Goldman Sachs rules the world.
Topics covered on tonight's show include a look at the sinister and morbid death cult murals on display at the Denver International Airport, Alex's protest against the Federal Reserve bankster cartel in Dallas and an interview of a man who talks about the autism his son developed after receiving a vaccine.
Alex also covers the latest developments in the Occupy the Fed movement and talks about the frightening possibility that the internet kill switch will become a reality.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011)
Reply #29
October 13, 2011, 09:20:58 am »
This archive continues on the new GGF website
Last Edit: November 01, 2011, 06:53:23 pm by Optimus
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