Tuesday, October 4, 2011The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately 'rich,' ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to 'fight' the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.
With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to 'occupy' branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.
Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.
Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don't wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.
Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on
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