In this RSA Animate, renowned academic David Harvey asks if it is time to look beyond capitalism towards a new ORDER ... beyond the contradictions of Capital accumulation ... another wake-up call to sleeping Unionists, and middle-classes who firmly refuse to wake-up and prefer to continue sleep-walking into ... oblivion?
"Capitalism never solves its problems, it moves them around geographically ..."
"Any sensible person now would join an anti-capitalist organisation ... "
"The French or Germans would say: 'This is an Anglo-Saxon disease, and it's nothing to do with us'".This last comment by the narrator is Rubbish for a start; Marxist Propaganda to the unwitting, secondly.
It’s pure Marxism. If it’s the world you want to live in … be my guest.
Please read The Gulag Archipelago pages 562 & 563, ( in the two volume I & II US Harper and Row version) that begins “During the years when the prisoners .. “
& goes on to make the first mention, I believe, of a term now enshrined in Zeitgeist, namely that of ‘The Merchandise’. Where merchandise no longer refers to goods or services but to human slaves, ruled over now, from the Stolypin Transports onwards, by Former Thieves also held in Gulag. Prison Guards, like Police oversee the balance of power within the Siberian Labour Camps and indeed Death Camps as many were.
In socialist ridden societies, we already see the long standing Symbiotic relationship between Police and low-level criminal elements being emphasised and built upon ...
We are approaching a tipping point where people will be encouraged to go for this … but as the more and more impassioned diatribe of the YouTube narrator makes clear, there are distinct disadvantages to every system.
As long as I’m a camp commandant, I’ll be happy ... … I wonder how many simple-minded folk fantasize this way on the outcomes of Marxism.
... Or do you fantasize perhaps, that
you will be granted 'Politicals' status, in the New Order,
— and be thus given an easy time of it ...?