Bad Penny
« on: May 02, 2011, 05:44:27 am » |
On yesterday's program(me), Alex said that Queen Elizabeth recently "suspended" Parliament in order to keep the Harper government in power.
The fact is that Queen Elizabeth (of whom I am absolutely NO admirer) DISSOLVED Parliament, in order that new elections (I'm really not kidding you: elections are currently underway!) might create a new Parliament, which fact does, indeed, throw Harper's future up into the air.
As I've said before, the fall of the Harper government is due to the action of a party (Bloc Quebecois) which I do partly support, whose Parliamentary actions stuck the stick into Harper's spokes!
But, if Alex wants to continue to destroy his own credibility in front of 33 million people, then I'm perfectly willing to acknowledge his right under the US Constitution so to do.
I only ask him to recognize the consequences of his willfully ignorant statements vis-a-vis the viability of our movement north of the border.
Are you taking over? Or are you taking orders? I ain't going backwards! We're going only forwards!
The Clash, White Riot
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2011, 03:09:47 pm » |
Agreed !
Way too many people know way too little about the CommonWealth, I among them.
And it all is still relevant as it involves not just the history of the USA, but our current state of affairs.
Jonnie Goodboy
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2011, 03:23:28 pm » |
... I have still a letter/envelope sent to me from the Middle US, the hometown of the real Popeye the Sailor man. They have a memorial to him by the River. It included a map of the Popeye monuments etc,. It was/is return addressed:
Name Street ZIP code 'The Colonies'
I'll scan and post it sometime, so you can see it for yourselves. Some Americans hold dear to other than traditional US patriotic values, and I can say i have the greatest respect for that. Because Tainted recent history has caused the admiration to be all lop-sided and the notorious 'special relationship' has only one possible translation, as defined in the international dictionary of subservience and it reads: "We are your 'AirStrip One' and bee-itch, and that's only the beginning of how low we'll go ..."
« Last Edit: May 02, 2011, 03:27:54 pm by Two Tenners »
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh". — Prov 29:2