See it at: Bin Laden killed in mansion outside Islamabad: U.S. source
By Steve Holland, editing by Will Dunham | Reuters – 3 minutes 25 seconds ago
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital Islamabad, a U.S. source said on Sunday.
(Reporting by Steve Holland, editing by Will Dunham)
I wondered why EvadingGrid persisted in "coughing" in order to wake me early this morning.\
When I finally woke up,
he was at the bedroom door.
" Obama says they just killed Osama Bin Laden !"
My immediate reaction :
I burst into hearty laughter.
After a minute or two,
I said
"They should have announced this on April First !"
Funnily enough,
I saw this posted on PPF.
He steals my best lines !