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Japan earthquake/nuke “accident” was a Tectonic/Nuclear/Stuxnet False Flag

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« on: March 30, 2011, 10:45:59 am »

Thanks KiwiClare!

This includes aerosol spraying/chemtrails, which is why it is posted here.  Ensure you read Leuren Moret's article that was in the Japan Times in 2004.  She foresaw what happened. It is at the link here:

Scientist: Japan earthquake, nuke “accident” are tectonic nuclear warfare

Independent scientist Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 65-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the “Japan earthquake and “accidents” at the Fukushima’s 6 nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the populations ecology of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

In her May 23, 2004 Japan Times article, Japan's deadly game of nuclear roulette, Ms. Leuren predicted, “It is not a question of whether or not a nuclear disaster will occur in Japan; it is a question of when it will occur. Like the former Soviet Union after Chernobyl, Japan will become a country suffering from radiation sickness destroying future generations, and widespread contamination of agricultural areas will ensure a public-health disaster. Its economy may never recover.”

Japan earthquake triggered by HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma weapon, to cause nuclear radiation mega leaks

Now, in an exclusive interview released March 20, 2011, independent scientist has set out the multiple reasons why the Japan earthquake was most plausibly conditioned and triggered by a HAARP-aerosol/chemtrails plasma weapon, to cause Chernobyl-like nuclear radiation mega leaks that, according to a report by the Swedish government, will be distributed over the entire Northern hemisphere of the planet.

Among the various aspects of the Japan earthquake discussed by Ms. Moret that fit the profile of a HAARP-triggered earthquake system are:

• The earthquake intensity and characteristics; the deliberate confusion by the U.S. around the scale of the earthquake;

• The foreshadowing sale of Japan Westinghouse (controlled by Rockefeller interests) in 2006 to Hitachi and other interests;

• The use of the Stuxnet virus in the Fukushima plant to cause the malfunctions of the cooling pumps and valves, thereby creating the dangerous radiation releases;

• The creation of HAARP-related vortex clouds over the San Francisco, CA Bay Area on March 18, 2011 to trigger a heavy rain out of the radiation from the first Fukushima plant explosion onto the population, food and ecology of the Bay area.

Watch interview with independent scientist Leuren Moret demonstrating Japan earthquake, nuke “accident” are tectonic nuclear warfare

Readers can watch the interview with Leuren Moret embedded in the article above or at the URL below:


The Stuxnet virus caused the Fukushima post-earthquake disaster 

Ms. Moret indicated that a new cybervirus was found in Japan.  The Stuxnet virus is designed to attack off-line servers via USB memory sticks

The Stuxnet virus was designed to cause malfunction in the Siemens controllers that are used in some nuke plants.  Fukushima had the same Siemens controllers that Stuxnet was designed for.  The Stuxnet virus was also used by Israeli intelligence – Mossad - to destroy the Bushar nuclear-related centrifuges in Iran. 

Ms. Moret stated, “The trouble after the earthquake was that the pumps and valves and controllers malfunctioned so the workers could not get the pumps working.  This just adds to the HAARP earthquake and much more evidence that it was a false flag HAARP event.”

Energy released by Japan HAARP earthquake equals 1 million nuclear bombs

During the interview, radiation expert Leuren Moret, who was an expert witness with the Tokyo International Tribunal for War Crimes in Afghanistan, reveals the calculations of a former Manhattan scientist that the Japan earthquake – a HAARP weapon of mass destruction – released approximately the energy equivalent to one million nuclear bombs.

Exposed spent rods in cooling ponds releasing radiation equivalent to 92,000 bombs per unit (total 4 units)

In the interview, radiation expert Leuren Moret also reveals calculations she developed regarding the amount of radiation being released by spent fuel rods that were being stored in cooling pools above each of the 6 reactors of the Fukushima plant.  Spent fuel rods from each unit of the Fukushima plant are releasing the equivalent of 92,000 nuclear bombs, Ms. Moret calculates.  Each unit has 400 assemblies of spent fuel rods, with 60 spent fuel rod for each assembly.  Each individual rod holds 72 pounds uranium, as opposed to a 20-pound uranium payload for a nuclear bomb.

This radiation from 4 units time 92,000 nuclear bombs is now being released into the troposphere, and traveling at below 300 feet altitude over Japan and the western United States.

HAARP-triggered rainout of Bay Area, California on March 18, 2011

During her interview, HAARP expert Leuren Moret notes the strange vortex clouds that appeared over the Bay Area, California the night of March 18, 2011, bringing large scale rains that night and continual predicted rains the week of March 21.

These HAARP-induced rains, Ms. Moret indicated, are for the purpose of intentionally causing the rainout of the first batch of serious radiation from the Fukushima nuclear plant explosions upon the people, food crops, and ecology of the Bay Area.

Japan HAARP earthquake of future Diablo Canyon HAARP quake/nuke event may be FEMA 3rd "predicted event"

Ms. Moret notes that on September 10, 2001, FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) "predicted" 3 future catastrophes on the U.S. continent, two of which (the false flag operations of 9/11 and hurrican Katrina) have occured and have been HAARP-related events.


One source notes, "In 2001, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ranked the most likely and deadly disasters that could befall the United States. The top three were a terrorist attack on New York, an earthquake in San Francisco and a hurricane in New Orleans. The list was announced at a FEMA conference on Sept. 10. The next day was 9/11."

"This news is so incredible that we need to stop right here, so we can accurately understand what we have just been told. On September 10, 2001, FEMA accurately "predicted" three" most likely and deadly disasters that could befall the United States". These deadly disasters foretold were:

"1) Terrorist attack on New York - The HAARP-directed false flag operation of 9/11

"2) A hurricane in New Orleans - The HAARP-enhanced and steered Katrina hurricane

"3) An earthquake in San Francisco - This HAARP-triggered event has yet to occur."

Ms. Moret notes that the false flag events of 9/11 and Hurrican Katrina have occured and have both been HAARP-triggered events.  She states that the Japan HAARP earthquake, with its nuclear warfare targeted on the west coat of the U.S., could be the 3rd FEMA "predicted" false flag operation.  A HAARP earthquake around the San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear plants in California could also be foreshadowed by the Japan HAARP earthquake, and be the 3rd event that the intelligent behind HAARP has in store for the population and ecology of the U.S.

For more go here:
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« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2011, 10:47:41 am »

New cybervirus found in Japan 
Stuxnet designed to attack off-line servers via USB memory sticks
The Yomiuri Shimbun
Oct. 5, 2010

Stuxnet, a computer virus designed to attack servers isolated from the Internet, such as at power plants, has been confirmed on 63 personal computers in Japan since July, according to major security firm Symantec Corp.

The virus does not cause any damage online, but once it enters an industrial system, it can send a certain program out of control.

Symantec says the virus reaches the servers via USB memory sticks, and warns against the careless use of such devices.

Systems at power plants, gas stations and water facilities are not connected to the Internet to protect them from cyber-attacks.

A Symantec engineer who has analyzed the virus said it was made using advanced technology, and it is highly likely a well-funded organization, not an individual, produced it. The virus has spread throughout the globe via the Internet.

After Stuxnet finds its way onto an ordinary computer via the Internet, it hides there, waiting for a USB memory stick to be connected to the computer, when it transfers itself to the memory stick. When the USB device is then connected to a computer linked to an isolated server, it can enter the system and take control of it.

As computers that harbor Stuxnet do not operate strangely, the virus can be transferred to a memory stick inadvertently.

According to the security company, the virus is designed to target a German-made program often used in systems managing water, gas and oil pipelines. The program is used at public utilities around the world, including in Japan.

The virus could cause such systems to act erratically, and it could take months to restore them to normal.

The 63 infected computers found in Japan were likely infected sometime after June.

According to the company, about 60 percent of the computers that have been infected with the virus were discovered in Iran. Since September, about 30,000 computers there have been found to be infected with the virus. The country's Industry and Mines Ministry has called the virus an electronic act of war.

Some computers at the Iranian Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is scheduled to begin operation in October, have been infected with the virus.

A supervisor at the plant said the virus has not damaged the facility's main computer system and would not affect its planned opening.

In Japan, no public utilities have been affected by the virus. Nevertheless, the Cabinet Office's National Information Security Center has urged electric power companies to exercise extreme care when using USB devices, and to scan any programs that may have been tampered with.

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« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2011, 10:48:48 am »

CDC Posts Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Reponse Info 2 Days Before Japanese Quake/Tsunami/Nuclear False Flag

Look at the dates these documents were added. The first 6 were posted by the CDC on March 9th, 2 days before the Japanese quake/tsunami/nuclear false flag. All the documents were added within the last 30 days. Evidence of foreknowledge at the CDC?

Screen captures:

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Jonnie Goodboy
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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2011, 05:06:17 pm »

CDC Posts Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Reponse Info 2 Days Before Japanese Quake/Tsunami/Nuclear False Flag

Look at the dates these documents were added. The first 6 were posted by the CDC on March 9th, 2 days before the Japanese quake/tsunami/nuclear false flag. All the documents were added within the last 30 days. Evidence of foreknowledge at the CDC?

Screen captures:

Still there:

Hmmm. Of course you will receive the same incredulity I did when on 22 Oct 2008 I uniquelly exposed the UK MoD's apparent foreknowleage of the H1N1 or other Influenza Pandemic, as Select Committee hearings documents published 3 months before the first outbreaks of the False flag Flu Pandemic showed clearly. It did however kick up a bit of a 'see to' none the less, ... and despite everything.

It does seem to fit a pattern though, of pre-awaredness and then you have the statements of Astrophysicist to the Illuminati Michio Kaku, who though conveniently labelled as mad, does say that his 'Class 1 Civilisations' are capable of Modifying the weather, causing earthquakes, enslaving whole populations and other nefarious deeds.

So: Coincidence Theorists, where are you?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 05:09:25 pm by Two Tenners » Report Spam   Logged

"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
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« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2011, 05:25:21 pm »

 And beyond 'Coincidence' the formatting and language (I suppose) of the CDC documents that appear en-masse about 5-weeks before the Earthquake/Tsunami and subsequent 3? Partial meltdowns is very reminiscent of the UK Government's RESILIENCE approach to information release regarding National Emergencies as defined under the then very new, NATIONAL SECURITY STRATEGY, or NSS. And that just prior to the 'False-Flag' of the H1N1.

One event's credibility could of course be annulled by the incredulous claims brought by coincidence.

So let caution prevail along with that ubiquitous, yeah overwhelming sense of mistrust of all things 'New World'. if only and simply because by my own eyes I have judged the men (& women), so-called being in charge of the implementation of 'A new world Order' are the wrong people altogether to be assuring anybody of anything 'new' or with 'order' in it.

They are Satan's seed and need to be removed from the face of the earth for 1000 years. This should come to pass.

That's all I know. And it's an allegation of fact that has chased me around all my life, and a re-occurence of it's validity as a solution returns so frequently, that I can only presume it to be worth seeing to fulfilment. ie A ridding of the earth of Illuminati, will be the proof of the pudding, as to whether they were any good for man or beast. 

We can always get a new bunch of Raving Psychotic Mass Murderers if it's proven that we can't live in Peace without the omniprescent threat of extermination hanging over our heads 24/6. (sic)!

Life is Hard. But probably well worth the misery.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2011, 05:27:24 pm by Two Tenners » Report Spam   Logged

"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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