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***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
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***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
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Topic: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!! (Read 4903 times)
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***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
March 12, 2011, 11:57:02 am »
Japan Tsunami Update: Nuclear Power Plant in Meltdown
New America Media, News Report, Yoichi Shimatsu, Posted: Mar 12, 2011
TOKYO— A day after Japan’s devastating Tohoku earthquake and tsunami,
core meltdown is underway the Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant and, at this point, appears to be unstoppable. A mid-afternoon blast on Saturday demolished the structure housing an overheated and leaking reactor, raising the probability of a full-scale nuclear disaster, which could release radiation across the U.S. and even parts of Europe
Just past noon in Japan, the Industrial Nuclear Safety Agency reported that the radioactive isotopes cesium and iodine had been detected by a monitoring station near the Fukushima plant. The facility has six reactors, three of them operating at the time of the earthquake.
Two of these are overheating and Reactor 1 is leaking radioactive particles into the atmosphere.
The presence of these isotopes in air samples is a
sure indicator of an uncontrolled chain reaction
. Japanese nuclear engineers are explaining that
overheated uranium rods seared through their metal casings, triggering the start of nuclear fission
. The regulatory agency's statement contradicts the earlier claim of the plant’s operator, TEPCO, that all uranium rods were intact.
The afternoon explosion, which injured four workers, is hampering efforts by emergency workers to pump cold water into the reactor
and release steam through safety valves. The internal steam pressure inside the reactor vessel is more than twice the approved level of the original design.
Truck-mounted generators have restored electrical power. The government has been frantically trying to locate robots to reopen the control room, which is now 1,000 times more radioactive than safe levels for humans.
The cooling water is being provided by a common fire engine.
If temperatures and internal pressure cannot be significantly lowered soon, the likelihood of a fractured reactor barrier is increased. If the reactor shell cracks, the internal water will vaporize, creating conditions for uncontrolled fission and massive radioactive releases into the atmosphere.
Detox Your Body of Radiation
Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 01:49:36 pm by Route
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #1
March 12, 2011, 11:58:11 am »
West Coast USA Danger IF Japan Nuclear Reactor Meltdown
“If they can’t restore power to the plant (and cool the reactor), then there’s the possibility of some sort of core meltdown”. An alarming statement made by James Acton, a physicist who examined Japan’s Kashiwazaki nuclear plant after a 2007 earthquake, who told CNN that Japanese authorities are in race to cool down the Fukushima reactor.
Following the fifth largest earthquake in recorded world history, a magnitude 8.9 earthquake, has resulted in the closure of all Japan’s nuclear power reactors, one of which, the Fukushima reactor, is overheating and in danger of a meltdown if coolant is not restored soon. It’s like a pressure cooker… when you have something generating heat and you don’t cool it off or release the steam…
Reported from abc NEWS, Scientists said that even though the reactor had stopped producing energy, its fuel continues to generate heat and needs steady levels of coolant to prevent it from overheating and triggering a dangerous cascade of events.
They go on to say, “Up to 100 percent of the volatile radioactive Cesium-137 content of the pools could go up in flames and smoke, to blow downwind over large distances,”
“Given the large quantity of irradiated nuclear fuel in the pool, the radioactivity release could be worse than the Chernobyl nuclear reactor catastrophe of 25 years ago.” said Kevin Kamps, a nuclear waste specialist.
Fukushima I (there are two plant locations) is one of the 25 largest nuclear power stations in the world.
How would a nuclear plant meltdown unfold?
* Control rods are driven back down into the core upon emergency (if rods don’t make it all the way… trouble)
* The coolant (water) could cease if backup systems fail (electricity, pumps, generators, batteries)
* Reactor continues to produce heat
* Numerous venting valve systems would release pressure above ~1,000 psi into containment vessel
* Eventually the uranium fuel encasement metal will melt (2,200 deg F)
* Radioactive contamination then released into the reactor vessel
* Radiation escapes into an outer, concrete containment building
* Radiation escapes into the environment.
Not only would such a disaster be horrible for the local region and Japan, but other countries, namely the U.S. would be effected next by airborne radiation particles, the magnitude of which is yet to be determined.
Why would the west coast USA be in danger?
The prevailing jet stream winds are blowing from Japan directly across the Pacific ocean to the west coast of the United States. Any airborne radiation would make its way across with the jet stream, reaching the U.S. in approximately 36 hours, depending on the actual speed of the jet.
Image of the Jet Stream from Japan to the U.S.
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #2
March 12, 2011, 11:59:16 am »
Nuclear Fallout Map
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #3
March 12, 2011, 12:16:31 pm »
Quote from: Pilikia
Breaking News Alert: Explosion rocks Japanese nuclear power plant
March 12, 2011 5:10:15 AM
An explosion rocked one of Japan's nuclear power plants Saturday, causing a portion of a building to crumble, sending white smoke billowing into the air and prompting Japanese officials to warn those in the vicinity to cover their mouths and stay indoors.
In what may be
the most serious nuclear power crisis since the Chernobyl disaster
, the explosion followed large tremors at the Fukushima Daiichi number one reactor Saturday afternoon, injuring four workers who were struggling to get the quake-stricken unit under control.
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Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #4
March 12, 2011, 12:46:20 pm »
Hey, why worry? You've been Nuked by your own Government and Military Industrialists for decades ...
'National Cancer Institute Study Estimating Thyroid Doses of I-131
Received by Americans From Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests
The NCI's 'worst case' estimate is that fallout from nuclear weapons
testing likely generated from 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer!'
Executive summary of that report here:
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #5
March 12, 2011, 12:47:47 pm »
Japanese Nuclear Meltdown Would Be Hundreds of Times Worse Than Chernobyl
Kurt Nimmo
March 11, 2011
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #6
March 12, 2011, 12:48:54 pm »
Quote from: Two Tenners on March 12, 2011, 12:46:20 pm
Hey, why worry? You've been Nuked by your own Government and Military Industrialists for decades ...
'National Cancer Institute Study Estimating Thyroid Doses of I-131
Received by Americans From Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests
The NCI's 'worst case' estimate is that fallout from nuclear weapons
testing likely generated from 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer!'
Executive summary of that report here:
Better to be safe than sorry.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #7
March 12, 2011, 01:02:48 pm »
For this to happen in Japan is for me more than a little suspect.
I'll come straight out with it...
I'd suspect SABOTAGE as the reason that Reactor is in such a mess right now.
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Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #8
March 12, 2011, 01:12:41 pm »
Quote from: EvadingGrid on March 12, 2011, 01:02:48 pm
For this to happen in Japan is for me more than a little suspect.
I'll come straight out with it...
I'd suspect SABOTAGE as the reason that Reactor is in such a mess right now.
AH come on, You've never had it so good.
No time for your conspiracy theories now buddy-boy.
You'll have the Americans raving about Radiation Resistant Cockroaches in the wiring bundles being the cause .... I mean we had that once before at an American reactor when insects had eaten through cabling in a console, - Didn't we, or was that just another dream? Yes, it was a dream. It was the Brown's Ferry Reactor, when a Candle burnt through the cabling.
From there it's just a short flash-back step and you're back in the 1970's, with your own 'can' ....
Naw, my option. Head in a bucket of sand, - Cheap and Inconspicuous ....
All this 'murican huffin' and puffin'; it'll all blow-over.
Last Edit: March 12, 2011, 01:17:26 pm by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #9
March 12, 2011, 03:05:03 pm »
Meltdown Caused Nuke Plant Explosion: Safety Body
TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.
The same day, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), which runs the plant, began to flood the damaged reactor with seawater to cool it down, resorting to measures that could rust the reactor and force the utility to scrap it.
Cesium and iodine, by-products of nuclear fission, were detected around the plant, which would make the explosion the worst accident in the roughly 50-year history of Japanese nuclear power generation.
An explosion was heard near the plant's No. 1 reactor about 3:30 p.m. and plumes of white smoke went up 10 minutes later. The ceiling of the building housing the reactor collapsed, according to information obtained by Fukushima prefectural authorities.
At a news conference Saturday night, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano discounted the possibility of a significant leak of radioactive material from the accident. "The walls of the building containing the reactor were destroyed, meaning that the metal container encasing the reactor did not explode," Edano said.
The amount of radiation detected inside the plant after 4:00 p.m. slightly exceeded the dose people can safely receive in a year, according to information obtained by the Fukushima prefectural government.
The No. 1 reactor shut down automatically soon after a massive earthquake hit the area Friday, but its emergency core cooling system failed to cool the reactor's core sufficiently.
NISA is affiliated with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #10
March 12, 2011, 03:34:31 pm »
Quote from: Route on March 12, 2011, 03:05:03 pm
Meltdown Caused Nuke Plant Explosion: Safety Body
TOKYO (Nikkei)--The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the f*kushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.
The same day, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), which runs the plant, began to flood the damaged reactor with seawater to cool it down, resorting to measures that could rust the reactor and force the utility to scrap it.
Cesium and iodine, by-products of nuclear fission, were detected around the plant, which would make the explosion the worst accident in the roughly 50-year history of Japanese nuclear power generation.
An explosion was heard near the plant's No. 1 reactor about 3:30 p.m. and plumes of white smoke went up 10 minutes later. The ceiling of the building housing the reactor collapsed, according to information obtained by f*kushima prefectural authorities.
At a news conference Saturday night, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano discounted the possibility of a significant leak of radioactive material from the accident. "The walls of the building containing the reactor were destroyed, meaning that the metal container encasing the reactor did not explode," Edano said.
The amount of radiation detected inside the plant after 4:00 p.m. slightly exceeded the dose people can safely receive in a year, according to information obtained by the f*kushima prefectural government.
The No. 1 reactor shut down automatically soon after a massive earthquake hit the area Friday, but its emergency core cooling system failed to cool the reactor's core sufficiently.
NISA is affiliated with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
This whole description is very reminiscent of THREE MILE ISLAND< HARRISBURG< PENNSYLVANIA in 1979 I think it was. Same playing it down. There, as I described in my earliest post today, a partial Melt-down occured leaving a dangerous Pile of Fissile Uranium that had melted down out of thier ZIRCONIUM alloy fuel-rod assemblies, at the bottom of the reactor 'sump' underneath the containment 'pressure vessel', or inside it. There are pressure walls, double containment and stuff ... I forget.
Anyway, there is a Pyramid affair at the bottom of these sumps to prevent meltdown materials from accumulating into criticality masses. The explosions were big enough to lift the lid off the floor in the reactor room like at Chernobyl, reports say, so yes, I'd still summarise a pretty big, but partial meltdown. But by the way the Jap Corps are playing it down, like the NRC did at Harrisburg, the damage was significant and they won't release the full story for a while if they think they can get away with it ....
Now they are pumping Sea-Water in, which would have taken a lot of calculations as to rates, pressures, and risks of steam explosion 'excursions' they will have it safe, but with voluminous quantities of heavily contaminated sea-water.
But better in the water than in the atmosphere.
I'd say the danger is now over for that one, unless another quake hits...
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #11
March 12, 2011, 09:36:09 pm »
Japanese Nuclear Meltdown Confirmed
March 12, 2011
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #12
March 13, 2011, 09:03:45 am »
Japan races to avert multiple nuclear meltdowns
TOKYO, March 13, 2011
Japan’s nuclear crisis intensified on Sunday as authorities raced to combat the threat of multiple reactor meltdowns and more than 170,000 people evacuated the quake- and tsunami-savaged northeastern coast where fears spread over possible radioactive contamination.
Nuclear plant operators were frantically trying to keep temperatures down in a series of nuclear reactors — including one where officials feared a partial meltdown could be happening on Sunday — to prevent the disaster from growing worse.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano also said on Sunday that a hydrogen explosion could occur at Unit 3 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear complex, the latest reactor to face a possible meltdown. That follows a blast the day before in the power plant’s Unit 1, and operators attempted to prevent a meltdown there by injecting sea water into it.
“At the risk of raising further public concern, we cannot rule out the possibility of an explosion,” Mr. Edano said. “If there is an explosion, however, there would be no significant impact on human health.”
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #13
March 13, 2011, 09:09:46 am »
Media Coverup of Massive Chernobyl Event Underway in Japan
Kurt Nimmo
March 12, 2011
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #14
March 13, 2011, 09:49:35 am »
Japanese government fears meltdown at second f*kushima nuclear reactor
13/03/11, 9:39 am
THERE ARE NEW fears of a nuclear meltdown at the stricken f*kushima I nuclear power plant in Japan today, after authorities said they had begun to pump seawater into a second reactor at the plant.
The primary and backup cooling systems at the number 3 reactor were damaged in the aftermath of Friday’s earthquake and tsunami, and the plant’s operator TEPCO now fears that the temperatures in the reactor could result in a second hydrogen explosion, similar to that which destroyed a containment building around another reactor yesterday.
The government has warned that a meltdown at the number 3 reactor is now a distinct possibility.
That blast, at the number 1 reactor, is not thought to have damaged the reactor itself, with TEPCO insisting that the steel casing that houses the reactor itself remaining intact.
In spite of this, however, radioactive leakage has been observed near the site and a total of 19 people have now been hospitalised for radiation exposure.
Further reports suggested that a leak in the reactor had caused the co0ling fluid around the energy rods to leak out, briefly exposing the rods before new water could be pumped back inside.
Though the plant is relatively close to the seafront, thereby making sea water a fairly predictable source of emergency coolant, the tactic is a fairly unusual one – indicating the unprecedented gravity of the situation facing the plant.
Some air has been intentionally vented from the number 3 reactor building, in order to ease the pressure on the containment building and avoid a second explosion in as many days.
The International Atomic Energy Agency have begun distributing iodine tablets to those evacuated from the 20km exclusion zone around the plant, hoping to combat any radiation poisoning of the thyroid gland, which is particularly susceptible to such poisoning.
( Note: The
in Fukushima =
Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 09:52:59 am by Route
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #15
March 13, 2011, 10:08:13 am »
Full Core Meltdown In Japan Will Send Radiation Over United States
Jet Stream Analysis
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #16
March 13, 2011, 12:28:36 pm »
Tracking Page: Japan’s Nuclear Meltdown, Aftershocks & Fallout
March 13, 2011
Following Japan’s nuclear plant emergency, this page will continue to monitor the ongoing situation, and will include added content as we know more.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
Jr. Member
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #17
March 13, 2011, 01:06:50 pm »
Quote from: Route on March 12, 2011, 11:59:16 am
Nuclear Fallout Map
Holy f
ing s
Wait a minute -- WTF is going on here?!
Quote from: EvadingGrid on March 13, 2011, 03:29:33 pm
Millions Of Americans Will
Not Be Killed
By Nuclear Fallout In Two Weeks...
Millions Of Americans Will Not Be Killed By Nuclear Fallout In Two Weeks, It's Just A Fake Map
By Darryl Mason
Australian Radiation Services finds itself inadvertently caught up in a fast spreading
online hoax
, following the unnerving explosion at the f*kushima nuclear plant in Japan, after yesterday's 8.9 earthquake and 10 metre tsunami.
Nuclear Fallout Map is fake
simply because Australian Radiation Services don't issue such maps. It was likely chosen before ARS offices are closed until Monday, as they are most weekends.
Quote from: EvadingGrid on March 13, 2011, 03:36:06 pm
Check the
Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 04:01:37 pm by SUPREMEMASTER
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #18
March 13, 2011, 01:57:16 pm »
Sunday Show time is 4pm - 6pm CDT (11am - 2pm CDT on weekdays).
Quote from: Route on March 13, 2011, 01:37:37 pm
It is now Daylight Savings Time (DST) in the U.S.
International listeners that receive the
broadcast of The Alex Jones Show and that do not observe DST or Summer Time should note that the live show will now begin and end one hour earlier in your region. For the current time in Austin, TX -
Click Here
Today is
, March 13, 2011
In this Sunday edition, Alex brings you live updates on the emergency in Japan following the meltdown of one of its nuclear power plants and the aftermath of the devastating earthquake and tsunamai.
Infowars is tracking
the aftershocks, the risk of further plant failures, the fallout, radiation safety information and the unfolding crisis the island nation is struggling to contain.
Download the
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
Bad Penny
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #19
March 13, 2011, 10:01:36 pm »
KI is potassium iodide, not potassium iodate. Potassium iodate is KIO3
Am I the only guy on this forum who's ever cracked a science book???
Last Edit: March 13, 2011, 11:16:24 pm by Bad Penny
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Are you taking over?
Or are you taking orders?
I ain't going backwards!
We're going only forwards!
The Clash, White Riot
Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #20
March 14, 2011, 12:11:40 am »
Quote from: SUPREMEMASTER on March 13, 2011, 01:06:50 pm
Holy f
ing s
Wait a minute -- WTF is going on here?!
I noticed that as soon as this
it appeared on the
PrisonPlanet Forums
it also started being used by the BBC website and everywhere else.
So, it's most definttely monkeys on island but monkeys with very different ideas on which way to proceed!
Right now, the BBC is pushing a 2 or 3 Reactor Meltdown Catastroph Scenario.
I think I know which Monkeys' side they are on .... The Head Coper Monkeys' side ...
But we have to face the possibility that this FECKYOUSHIMA reactor is not only a situation being exploited for its worst possible outcomes but that it is also not entirely an unavoidable reaction. I'm now trying to figure out just what that is ....
Thing is, a reactor accident never stopped human progress before ....
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #21
March 14, 2011, 06:39:44 am »
There's a lot of holding back and disinformation going on here ...
In 1986 with Chernobyl (25th Anniversay - I smell a rat, and actually thought something might happen) the news was thick but not unhonest and at least we were told there was a full blown meltdown. (It was just an massive fire in the core, pretty much as bad)
Therefore again, we've only had Partial Meltdowns so far: They are a different Category than a full blown one.
In a Partial Meltdown some of the fuel rods melt their contents and this can start fires in the core. Radiation is of course released through the venting of pressure episodes, when filters, ('Cockroft Filters' in chimney Stacks) can't cope or are damaged due to fire.
A full-blown meltdown has only happened at most once, Chernobyl, and even that was a massive explosion, but not all fissile materials being consumed.
The Hypothetical 'China-Syndrome' (a term coined after the Movie with Jack Lemon and that Work-out woman, does videos) anyway is when the entire core becomes a molten mass and goes completely wild.
That is very unlikely especially when your reactor is built right on the coast, with hard wired cooling water inlets ...
From INFOWorriers.
“TOKYO (Nikkei)–The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (NISA) said Saturday afternoon the explosion at the f*kushima No. 1 nuclear plant could only have been caused by a meltdown of the reactor core.
The same day, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501), which runs the plant, began to flood the damaged reactor with seawater to cool it down, resorting to measures that could rust the reactor and force the utility to scrap it.”
DO YOU THINK that whether water enterering the reactor, then rusting it and causing them to scrap something (that is going to cost billions to tear apart and bury) is relevant if there has been a meltdown? Rust will be the last thing on any serious reporter or technician’s mind(s).
Why would they be bothered about rust?
It is my strong belief, that there has been at most a partial meltdown, HARRISBURG style. The fact they are right by the sea should mean that Coolant Sea-Water was available sooner rather than later. I don’t buy this FULL MELTDOWN STORY AT ALL> IT’S AN EXPERIMENT to see how the Globalised Useless Eater Village Responds. IMO.
And I tend to be right about Reactor Incidents, since I have been studying them since the 1970′s.
This is a fake report. — Remember, we had no Internet in 1986 and everyone in MEDIA wants to experiment with Mass concurrent disaster News Prompts.
My advice. Go there and see for yourself.
Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 06:46:41 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #22
March 14, 2011, 06:44:38 am »
Quote from: EvadingGrid on March 12, 2011, 01:02:48 pm
For this to happen in Japan is for me more than a little suspect.
I'll come straight out with it...
I'd suspect SABOTAGE as the reason that Reactor is in such a mess right now.
IF SO, the Nuclear Technocrats* did it on behalf of the Globalists. Those reactors should have been built to resist a Tsunami, but now that 3 are falling apart points towards bad design. Bad design is a different thing to Sabotage. StuxNet worm? I doubt that back up systems rely on computers, at that level of emergency it should be pretty much hard-wired response systems not software they rely upon.
But no, the Technocrat Elite did it. Just in case there's any doubt. Everything points to them ... I Mean they are developing the means to cause earthquakes now, according to Michio Kaku, renowned Sci-Fi channel lunatic.
Just because it sounds ridiculous, doesn't mean it's not.
* (French coined phrase originating from the forced Nuclear'ising of the country from thte 1970's ...)
Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 06:53:11 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #23
March 14, 2011, 11:17:17 am »
Quote from: Jackson Holly http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=203287.msg1214173#msg1214173
Monday, Aug. 23, 2010
f*kushima reactor receives MOX
f*kUSHIMA (Kyodo) Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Saturday loaded a nuclear reactor in f*kushima Prefecture with MOX, a controversial fuel made with reprocessed plutonium and uranium oxides, as it prepares to become the leading power utility's first facility to go pluthermal.
No. 3 reactor at Tepco's f*kushima No. 1 plant
will be the nation's third pluthermal facility, but only the first to be refurbished since the plant was built 34 years ago.
Tokyo Electric plans to activate the reactor on Sept. 18 and let it start generating electricity on Sept. 23.
22:01 13 MAR 2011
(AGI) Tokyo - After an explosion destroyed part of the building housing reactor n1 Saturday,
fears grow of a blast at reactor n3.
Japanese authorities fear that an explosion may occur also at the boiling water reactor (BWR) of the f*kushima nuclear-power plant. If such an explosion occurred, repercussions could be even worse because, unlike reactor number 1, reactor number 3, where pressure is rising, is charged with MOX Plutonium-enriched fuel consisting of a
mixture of plutonium oxide and uranium oxide. . .
Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel
Nuclear recycling has risks and benefits
Maggie Koerth-Baker at 8:08 AM Monday, Mar 14, 2011
There was another explosion at a Japanese nuclear power plant today. Same power plant, same cause, different reactor...
"Nuclear experts are particularly worried about the No. 3 unit, supplied by Toshiba Corp., because it uses an unconventional fuel called MOX fuel, short for mixed oxide.
It is made by mixing low-enriched uranium with plutonium that has been
recycled from a global stockpile of defunct nuclear weapons
This recycling is part of an international effort to decrease the number of nuclear weapons and move from "megatons to megawatts."
MOX fuel has greater concentrations of "actinides," or radioactive elements and runs hotter than conventional fuel, so a shut down plant would have to deal with more "decay" or residual heat from fuel rods.
There are at least two dozen MOX-burning nuclear plants globally. But some experts believe that
an accident at a nuclear power plant utilizing MOX fuel could be more dangerous than one that uses conventional uranium-based fuel
Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 11:22:42 am by Route
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #24
March 14, 2011, 01:29:05 pm »
Japanese Government Cover-up Foreshadows Mega-disaster
Kurt Nimmo | “Many Chernobyls” unfolding, but you wouldn’t know it listening to the Japanese government.
No Comments
Radiation From Fukushima Would Take 7 Days To Reach U.S.
Paul Joseph Watson | Prevailing wind conditions would send fallout drifting towards west coast cities.
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Nuclear Expert: Radiation Could Spread To US West Coast
Paul Joseph Watson | Fukushima crisis escalates after second explosion, officials admit reactor rods have been fully exposed.
Second Explosion at Crippled Japanese Nuke Plant
Kurt Nimmo | Japanese government continues to insist exploding nuclear power plants pose little risk to public.
Radioactivity Detected 60 Miles From Fukushima Power Plant
Zero Hedge | A toxic stew of exotic radioactive particles would spread on the wind and rain.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #25
March 14, 2011, 01:35:13 pm »
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #26
March 14, 2011, 01:43:51 pm »
Quote from: Route on March 14, 2011, 11:00:54 am
Today is
, March 14, 2011
Alex covers the latest on the unfolding nuclear situation in Japan where two containment facilities have exploded, two nuclear cores are exposed and emitting radiation, and another plant threatens to blow and spread more radiation over the earthquake stricken country and much of the northern hemisphere.
Alex also talks with trend forecaster, publisher of the
Trends Journal
, business consultant and author
Gerald Celente
Alex covers other important news and takes your calls.
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Detox Your Body of Radiation
Last Edit: March 14, 2011, 01:50:11 pm by Route
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #27
March 15, 2011, 07:44:03 am »
For those who argue that Alex Jones provides the best coverage in the world of this incident:
Well, as a refugee from the days of Chernobyl, I can safely say that looking at and listening to for instance the BBC's breakdown today of the whole subject: — .
............. Jones Would barely have to get out of bed to do better.......
It's unbelievable how the Anglo-American MSM seem to know that their public audience are dumbed down morons, unless and only unless people get past their firewalls with catastrophic personal stories of loss from Nuclear Incidents, to prove that there are actually people who have adapted to changing circumstances and are actually living beyond the Proto-Slime-Slurry pit of alleged human 'evolution'.
Is this how the Anglo-American MSM covered The Chernobyl Incident?
No wonder no-one blinks an eye or reacts with more than with a 'tut-tut' when they learn that 1-in-3 Westerners, even, develop a cancer in their lifetimes!
Shocked? I was devastated to learn about the Presumed General Level of Ignorance or Apathy.
THEY/YOU/IT is being prepared to be ruled over for the remainder of whatever there is of the 21C by Brave_New_World Types, Shaven Headed and Militarised with a 'healthy level of exposure' to Fluoride & Nuclear Fallout.
Do you want to be ruled over by Feckwits who glow in the feckin' dark!
Because the future is theirs, without nuclear power, soon to be scrapped (as if,) you tremble in awe and fear at the prospect of your nation having to live in reservations & on handouts, in the Post-Industrial West?
"C'est La Nucléaire ou rien" = ('It's Nuclear Power or Nothing') as one French Electricity worker expoused to me, just after Chernobyl, when I addressed him up his pole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You see, you are surrounded my Feckless Morons who insist they have total wisdom, insight, knowledge and the disposition, breeding and priviledge of position to take the reins of the world, and lead you humans all straight off the edge of a cliff....
Last Edit: March 15, 2011, 07:49:59 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #28
March 15, 2011, 10:36:13 am »
Explosion and Fire at Fourth Japanese Nuclear Reactor ... Government Says High Levels of Radiation Being Released
Kyodo News noted earlier that Reactor Number 4 has caught fire:
The Herald Sun reported:
RADIATION levels near a quake-stricken nuclear plant are now harmful to human health, Japan's government says after explosions and a fire at the facility.
"There is no doubt that unlike in the past, the figures are the level at which human health can be affected," said chief government spokesman Yukio Edano.
Although the number-four reactor was shut for maintenance when the quake and tsunami struck last Friday, "spent nuclear fuel in the reactor heated up, creating hydrogen and triggered a hydrogen explosion".
He said radioactive substances were leaked along with the hydrogen.
"Please keep in mind that what is burning is not nuclear fuel itself," Mr Edano said. "We'll do our best to put out or control the fire as soon as possible."
AP now says the fire has now been put out, although the Japanese government says that high levels of radiation are being released:
Prime Minister Naoto Kan said radiation has spread from four reactors of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant in Fukushima province, one of the hardest-hit in Friday's 9.0-magnitude earthquake and the ensuing tsunami that has killed more than 10,000 people. "The level seems very high, and there is still a very high risk of more radiation coming out,"
The fire was put out. Even though it was unoperational, the fourth reactor was believed to be the source of the elevated radiation release because of the hydrogen release that triggered the fire.
"It is likely that the level of radiation increased sharply due to a fire at Unit 4," Edano said. "Now we are talking about levels that can damage human health.
Hopefully, Edano is right, and the high levels of radiation were due to a temporary fire, which has been put out.
However, high radiation levels were reported before the fire, when reactor number 2 exploded earlier today, and the government said that its containment core had been breached.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
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Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #29
March 16, 2011, 10:57:25 am »
Quote from: Route on March 16, 2011, 10:50:28 am
Today is
, March 16, 2011
Red Alert
Alex talks about nuclear radiation reaching Alaska and the threat the U.S. faces from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe.
He also talks with
New York Times
-bestselling author and journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation,
Greg Palast
. He is also a former lead investigator in several government nuclear plant fraud and racketeering investigations and wrote recently about how Obama administration wants Congress to provide a $4 billion loan guarantee for two new nuclear reactors on the Gulf Coast of Texas.
Alex also takes your calls and covers other important news.
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Title 17, Chapter 1, Section 107: Fair Use
Jonnie Goodboy
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Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #30
March 16, 2011, 03:18:14 pm »
I think that the NRC chief’s later rather than sooner comments do however confirm that HEAVY WATER was required to house the 40 Years of spent rods. That means the HEAVY WATER LEAKED OUT, due to the quake.
Heavy water is a form of Deuterium and radioactive rods emit blue light (Cherenkov Radiation) when stored in it since the electrons (beta particles) from the spent fuel are actually now TRAVELLING FASTER THAN LIGHT in the medium of the HEAVY WATER.
especially those to the right of the photo – the area in which the spent fuel pools are located appears to be severely damaged
They can pump in sea-water but it certainly doesn’t have the properties of HEAVY WATER.
According to Wikipedia “
deuterium oxide, D2O or ²H2O, or as deuterium protium oxide, HDO or ¹H²HO
” – is a Neutron Moderator which is the vital tool to slow down the Fission Reaction or heating inbetween the stored rods.
— my addenda.
Without that vital moderator, it would explain a catastrophe in that STORAGE POND. A total or Partial Melt and explosion to air is HIGHLY PROBABLY in my estimates.
That could be what they are trying to cover-over, whitewash, hush-up. As for the other reactors, they may have, as I have been suggesting all along, suffered partial meltdowns.
I was at my new Dentist today and his surgery was covered with very cool ‘Danger —Radiation’ stickers. But he turned out to know absolutely nothing about the real dangers of FLUORIDE and like all influence hungry zealots denied any such dangers, falling just short of being fully in support of fluoridating the UK water supply.
That’s my daily Bread. Consume at your own risk.
Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 03:30:30 pm by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #31
March 16, 2011, 06:07:54 pm »
The situation at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has become extremely unnerving. The Tokyo Electric Power Company has now admitted that the spent fuel rods could go critical – that is, a nuclear chain reaction could restart.
“TEPCO said it is considering spraying Boric Acid by helicopter to try and prevent spent fuel-rods from reaching criticality again….” Turns out that sea-water for sure would slow the fission product Neutrons and allow them to be absorbed by other fuel components thus speeding up the chain reaction. “Without water the neutrons move to fast and are not absorbed …”
That’s different …
Hence the company’s proposal to add boric acid, which would mop up the neutrons and hopefully stave off the reactivation of a nuclear reaction. If this did happen, it does not mean there would be a nuclear explosion, but the rods would heat up, the zirconium cladding would probably split, and the likely release of radioactive material into the atmosphere would be significantly higher.
From Source:
In addition ...
‘We have known since yesterday that the reactors themselves were coming under control, and that the biggest threat came from the spent fuel ponds, where the water level has fallen and temperatures have risen. That could lead to the stored fuel rods breaking open, releasing their radioactive contents.
”The possibility of recriticality is not zero,” TEPCO said as it announced the envisaged step against a possible fall in water levels in a pool storing the rods that would leave them exposed.’
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 03:43:40 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #32
March 17, 2011, 08:35:40 am »
Is 'Chernobyl on Steroids' resolving into a Jap version of a RESILIENCE experiment and was it even foreseen, as part of an exciting technocratic gameplan?
RESILIENCE is, as you should know by now (
since I BROUGHT the term out of hiding into the Main Stream just before the Swine Pandemic on Oct 22 2008,
) a nomination to measures exacted by Government and local authorities to observe, manage, arbitrate through disaster scenarios and provide updated data on how humans can be observed, managed and negotiated with during times of major natural or state-facilitated disaster scenarios.
When used with a little r resilience seems strongly to infer a measure on how well local communities and individuals, unaided and on their own, without Agency intervention manage catastrophic scenarios.
It's not all just up for grabs you know; the management of the future.
Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 08:38:38 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
Jonnie Goodboy
Hero Member
Posts: 833
The Gulag Archipelago, - had 'Paradise Islands'.
Re: ***ALERT! Japanese Nuclear Plant in Meltdown! Get Potassium Iodate Now!!!
Reply #33
March 17, 2011, 05:36:19 pm »
But thinking not of myself, now why would I? and presuming those on the West Coast or elsewhere don't have the surety of being saved by Fortean Events, then try this excellent product.
Made by:
They produce a massive range of user friendly radiation meters used widely by Fire, Paramededics, EMT, Police and Government.
In 1981 I personally can boast as having used the very early but original first generation prototype of this unit when it was in a 4" × 4" ally box, lent to me by the founder of Solar Electronics International.
But be warned before you give your money to these people, they are most likely closely tied in with their friend Albert Bates, Climate Change advocate and Peak-Oil protagonist. Their interest in anti-nuclear stems from a 60'/70's hippy based detestation of Heavy Industrial America, and thereby as a leverage against it. Nice people no doubt but could do with straightening out a bit, perhaps. It's a long-long time since I had any face-to-face with any of them.
Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 06:39:17 am by Two Tenners
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"When the righteous become many, the people rejoice; but when anyone wicked bears rule, the people sigh".
— Prov 29:2
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