CDC Posts Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Reponse Info 2 Days Before Japanese Quake/Tsunami/Nuclear False FlagLook at the dates these documents were added. The first 6 were posted by the CDC on March 9th, 2 days before the Japanese quake/tsunami/nuclear false flag. All the documents were added within the last 30 days. Evidence of foreknowledge at the CDC? captures:

Still there: Of course you will receive
the same incredulity I did when on 22 Oct 2008 I uniquelly exposed the UK MoD's apparent foreknowleage of the H1N1 or other Influenza Pandemic, as Select Committee hearings documents published 3 months before the first outbreaks of the False flag Flu Pandemic showed clearly. It did however kick up a bit of a 'see to' none the less, ... and despite everything.
It does seem to fit a pattern though, of pre-awaredness and then you have the statements of Astrophysicist to the Illuminati Michio Kaku, who though conveniently labelled as mad, does say that his 'Class 1 Civilisations' are capable of Modifying the weather, causing earthquakes, enslaving whole populations and other nefarious deeds.
So: Coincidence Theorists, where are you?