Anglo-America once again mounts a now near certain Invasion by Proxy, this time of Libya ....
Anyway, with this Cameron Commits MAJOR POLITICAL & or course all importantly for some, NATIONAL SUICIDE, because each time a new PM succumbs through apparent stupidity, to the whims of the Military Industrialists who piggyback on the Globalist Political Agenda, they sign their own Political Death Sentence in the eyes of most clear thinkers and certainly in hindsight and retrospect as recorded in our historical accounts.
Again another British PM determined to further ruin the international image of The British Isles, as I might call it affectionately, for what that's worth. The libyans claim to have a huge 60% majority who are Pro-Gaddafi, and who are already chanting the anthem of 'death to Britain, Death to America'.
But then again there are those others who think Britain a much better place than Iran or Libya, blessed with liberty of free speech and where women are not stoned to death in public displays of medieval or Old Testament Macho Barbarity, and they are right of course, but still where is the excuse in that argument for further invasions? We're in the loop again, of history being written and quickly forgotten for its very emptiness, and purposelessness, by the same Stony-Faced do-gooders at the UN.
NB> Besides the no-doubt good intentions of the ladies and gentlemen of that organisation if one looks more deeply into the bigger historical role of that organisation as it unfolds its agenda, it fits perfectly to a fine tee, the prophecy of a Political organisation piggy-backed by Militarism, and that undermines the opportunity of all Nations to come to know the will of God, and instead takes to destructive Military Interventions, time-&-time-again. See the Biblical 'Wild-Beast' that goes off into Destruction.
You're a Bloody Liar Cameron like all the other Brits who never dared to actually expand their horizons and build actual empathetic bonds that seek first humanitarian solutions and relations with people outside their own hick neighbourhood, in your case,
the neighbourhood of Eton, and the Bullingdon Club ....For the unititiated,
Oxford University's extensive Bullingdon Club is/was a Copious Drinking, Wanton Destruction and Violence Club, of ill repute indeed, active until recent years, known for smashing up Expensive Restaurants and paying off the Owners in large sums of cash to keep them sweet ... former gang Members, Johnson and Cameron ...
... when will the old-boys ever grow up ...?Cameron's old haunt, the Bullingdon Club glamourises/ed Male Violence & Mobster Ethics as a means and ends in its own right, since it was also preserved in the national zeitgeist in the 2010, TV Drama 'The Riot Club', and which widely viewed, presented a sanitised version of the club's 1980's (foremostly, and for Cameron's era) age of antics.
I sadly predict, as a born optimist, quickly converted to born-again pessimist, that Cameron and Cronies (The French) will not be able to hold themselves back from giving Gaddafi's Regime a hiding and in so doing, fulfilling once more the Biblical prophecy: "
Along with Earthquakes in one-place-after another, there will be wars and rumours of wars" and in quick succession ...
Who'd have thought?