I know my timing sucks, seeing as right now there are men and women of the Japanese Self-Defense Forces entering into non-survivable situations in selfless service to their fellow man (and please pray for them), but I intend no disrespect, and I offer this in the spirit of laughing with these guys, and not at them.
Let's start with a unit of the Royal Marines' Special Boat Service landing on a quicksand beach:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMc8DsVdmoI&NR=1&feature=fvwpHere are some Canadian boys trying to fire a malfunctioning ATGM:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGf-sS4js5Y&feature=relatedHere's a Russian guy getting the breechblock of an anti-tank gun in the gut (hey, dude: you don't stand right behind the breech when you fire the weapon!):
Here are some German soldiers trying to cross a stream (hey, is this really the same army that crossed the Meuse at Sedan in 1940?):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct4wwmK9aOA&feature=relatedThe titles say: "What we're showing you now is not the test for the "Seahorses" [a German government certification for beginning swimmers under the age of 18], rather, it's our training and training course (LETRA). The last title card reads: "...we have one more".
Finally, here's the US Army in Iraq operating the venerable Ma Deuce (Gun, Machine, Cal. .50 M2 HB):