Dear Buddy,
Thank you so much for this essential resource.
You, too, may have just helped me
save my life
and possibly the lives of others.
From the article:
We also saw this thyroid radioiodine connection with our own Nevada atomic bomb testing program in the 1950s and early 1960s. The National Cancer Institute Study Estimating Thyroid Doses of I-131 Received by Americans From Nevada Atmospheric Nuclear Bomb Tests 'worst case' estimate is that fallout from nuclear weapons testing here likely generated from 10,000 to 75,000 cases of thyroid cancer. Each year, more than 12,000 Americans find out they have thyroid cancer, though from various causes. About 1000 here in the U.S. die from it annually.'
It does make the Book 'Battlefield Earth' look rather tame in some respects don't it?!
I think there were ~500 Nuclear weapons tests during those years, worldwide. Because of the later Atmospheric Test ban(s) Treaty(ies) many of these were moved to UNDERGround Tests in the latter phases. Very heavy psychological Warfare, serving no other technical function for the scientist elite than to verify the dumbing down effects of Terror and Fear on the human psyche, IMO.
Also worth remembering for posterities' sake, the VERY BIG BUCKS for the PU
239 Weapons Grade Uranium » Plutonium Enrichment Cycle which has an interesting legacy. Enviro-Scientists get to blame the Human Race and Industrial Scale/Expansionism for the Need for so many CIVIL NUCLEAR reactors, ... and the linch-pin is: CIVIL nuclear power (electrical power grid generation) is COMPLETELY symbiotic ** That big word again folky folks, with Plutonium (PU) Production, otherwise known as the Military Nuclear Cycle, for want of a better name.
238/9 production, a.k.a Nuclear Weapons proliferation is so Money Intensive and Profitable that the two industrial branches, that are joined at the bow, get to divert a large wad from the proceeds of PU
238/9 or weapons production into the Civil Nuclear Industry, in order to displace the comparibly huge costs of Civil Reactor Decommissioning, a.k.a - shutting down, unloading radioactive parts, and subsequent massively tedious, time-consuming and costly procedure of making safe; then disposing of Middle and High Level Radioactive exposed Reactor Components. Virtually all the hardware has become viciously irradiated for 250,000 yr half-life etc, and there are miles and miles of stainless steel pipes and thousands of tons of more absorbant Concrete which will remain highly radioactive and which must be somehow isolated from the environment for the next 10.000 years bare minimum. (All this for just one reactor). The tick list goes on and on and so the cost of decomissioning a single reactor runs into tens or hundreds of millions of any major currency you fancy to name.
And this is why you see Nuclear Scientists standing around scratching their flea bitten and suddenly balded heads so much of the time; - when you have studied the historical archives as I have ... ha-di-ha.
Now, do you see why Weapons Grade PU
238/9 production (
bomb manufacture and sales) is so essential to maintain the civil reactor cycle?! And they get to blame the dirty Carbon emitting Scum Civilians and their industry for wanting that electrical energy in the first place. So they now call Nuclear Power a clean renewable.
This should give them the blank cheque needed to release all the goddamned radiation they want at any time and excuse it away as a 'life-force enhancing' green energy & Carbon-Offset Tariff Transaction. And whilst they're at it they can float a publicity campaign and jack up a sign that might read: '
We're having an open-day at the Boneyard: So come right on along with the whole family why don't you! Don't forget the kids, they get in for free.'.
—.... ('Sardonic Factor #9'. Now available at all good chemists.)
That's it in a nutshell. You see, displaced blame. Politicians, Eurocrats, Technocrats all jostling to displace the blame for Mutually Assured Destruction onto the Public. Yes, MAD indeed. Infact, as usual I'm fuming, and digging as fast as I can to get out this godarned Cuckoos Nest. But this is what I have learned to expect - barrow loads more of, from the soon to be highly irradiated and massively flawed, 21C Globalist Agenda.
'Happy Days are here again'.
— Sing along if you so wish.
May we be all richly blessed and given a break for a change.
As the French Say:
"C'est la Nucléaire ou rièn". (It's Nuclear Power or Bust).
Amen and Selah !