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General / General Discussion / Re: Philly requiring bloggers to pay $300 for a business license
on: November 25, 2010, 06:42:35 am
I can see this being fair if she is using ebay and selling. My business was always part-time and I rarely, if ever made a profit. Didn't matter. This is how it's been in Philly, which is why so many self-employed moved to the suburbs and only the courageous live in the City of Brotherly Love where murder and violence is so rampant that it rarely makes the news.
BTW, I am not defending this tax; I'm just explaining.
And they WILL catch you, sooner or later, and ignore the mob and big drug dealers. Lots of dirty cops, too.
General / Introductions / Re: Hey Guys!
on: November 19, 2010, 09:39:10 am
Dear IndependentWV
How about a post that will help us all stay healthy now that the cold weather is upon us ?
I would certainly appreciate it.
Best Wishes,
Amazon xoxoxoxo
General / Introductions / Re: Hey Guys!
on: November 19, 2010, 09:35:13 am
Is this where you are all hiding huh?
What would we do without this place!
Hey Phasma ! How about a posting that reflects that PhD brain that you got ? Congrats on finishing that dissertation ! You have successfully avoided that dreaded taste of living Hell reserved for ABDs ! xxxxx Amazon
General / General Discussion / Re: Talkin' Union Here on the GG Forum
on: November 08, 2010, 07:13:42 am
Bad Penny,
Am I correct in understanding that the point of your post is that many of today's unions have been hijacked and are in cahoots with the government and/or the corporate owners?
If I have missed the point again, would you please break down those compound-complex sentences and $5 words for me ? (Remember when we used to call them 50 cent words ? )
Although Sr John Bertrand OP used to punish us by sending us home with 50 of those sentences to diagram, my fibromyalgia has fried a few of my synapses.
Despite my PhD training, after years of helping to heal the working folks, I no longer have a posh vocabulary. If you don't use it, you lose it. In my case, this is true.
As usual, all the best ! ; )
PS Great song !
General / General Discussion / Re: Talkin' Union Here on the GG Forum
on: November 07, 2010, 04:11:13 pm
| my ! I wrote a serious piece on my experience with unions and FORGOT to SAVE it ! I am too distraught to rewrite it now at 10 pm. Let me briefly say that: I am a strong UNION supporter. I have always joined the UNION where I worked. I have NEVER and will NEVER cross a picket line. My UNION REP helped me receive a just settlement when I had to leave my last job because of illness, when my manager preferred to believe I was a disciplinary problem. I truly believe that even a bad UNION is better than no UNION at all. Check out the above link. Do you know how many people have died in the USA in order to help workers organise unions ? Way, way too many. They were our grandparents and great-grandparents and believed that they were making America a just and great nation. IMHO, they were right.
General / Introductions / Re: Hey Guys!
on: November 06, 2010, 09:27:16 am
Welcome ladies ! ER... PEOPLE... just in case I got your gender wrong.... Those with genderless names keep others guessing....
General / Introductions / Re: Just found this site
on: October 29, 2010, 02:12:27 pm
And a delayed , but well-meaning hello & welcome to you, james !
Used to love your wife's ice cream...until i actually read the ingrediants !
; )
The Wall / Personal Beliefs / Bible Thumping / Atheism / Re: Take the Atheist Challenge!
on: October 04, 2010, 10:57:48 am
I, too, have reached the end of my tether with these fundie so called Christians who seem to have an answer for everything. They have NO place on a forum like GlobalGulag, condemning others and preaching conversion to small mindedness religious bigotry.
I was in a religious christian school for 8 years of my life and NEVER heard that God makes you do anything ! That was what the gift of free will is for, which also implies taking responsibility for my own actions.
Those fundies think I am a demoness because I practice the WRONG flavour . Well, my flavour says we all have an opportunity for an afterlife, that people discover the Divine in various ways and that we each walk our unique paths to become more complex human beings.
Give me Christmas! And easter! And all the wonderful holidays that celebrate our humanity intermingled with the Divine .
The Wall / Off Topic / Whining / Re: Temporary Thread
on: September 01, 2010, 07:02:09 am
An excellent library for those just waking up, and those of us who find something new every time we look.
Well Done ! AGAIN!
And Thank You.
General / Ridiculous News / Oddball Stuff / Re: Pastor Plans 'Burn a Koran Day'—September 11
on: August 23, 2010, 11:13:04 am
I live, shop, eat, play and talk with Muslims on a daily basis.
the muslims i have spoken to, understand that the usgovt is after their destruction, NOT the american people.
Then i read sick stories like this.
I agree with the writer of the article: As Christians we are called by Christ to follow the golden rule.
General / Chat Rooms / Re: Global Gulag Chat Room
on: July 29, 2010, 05:07:44 am
AJ also plays:
"Blue Monday" by NEW ORDER, another 80's classic The DOCTOR WHO Theme by the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, most recent version 2010 "WAKE UP" by Shooter Jennings & Heirophant "White Wedding" by Billy Idol "Middle of the Road" by The PRETENDERS "The Wall" by PINK FLOYD
Just a few that came to mind after a good night's sleep. Maybe I can try to digg them up for you, as we have some of them.
; ) x0x
General / Chat Rooms / Re: Global Gulag Chat Room
on: July 28, 2010, 01:20:02 pm
Quite an excellent playlist you have put together... Just a little more Bob Seger(NIGHT MOVES ?) and John Melloncamp.. .maybe a Springsteen ,like "JungleLand" or "Streets of Pliladelphia"...
I've got loads of suggestions related to fighting NWO
But I do raelly love the list as it is