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1  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 13, 2011, 10:13:51 am
Archive continues on the new GGF website:
2  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 13, 2011, 09:20:58 am
This archive continues on the new GGF website
3  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 12, 2011, 02:01:49 pm
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

On the Tuesday, October 11 edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with broadcaster, film-maker, and former equities broker Max Keiser on the latest developments in the European Union and the move toward totalitarianism on the part of the globalists.

Alex also talks with Alessio Rastani, a trader who claimed late last month that financial vampire Goldman Sachs rules the world.

Topics covered on tonight's show include a look at the sinister and morbid death cult murals on display at the Denver International Airport, Alex's protest against the Federal Reserve bankster cartel in Dallas and an interview of a man who talks about the autism his son developed after receiving a vaccine.

Alex also covers the latest developments in the Occupy the Fed movement and talks about the frightening possibility that the internet kill switch will become a reality.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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4  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 12, 2011, 01:59:53 pm
Today is Wednesday, October 12, 2011

          On the Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell talks with Alex about a reversal in the underwear bomber trial.

Alex also talks with journalist and author James Delingpole about his article, “Australia commits suicide,” that looks at the nation's decision to impose carbon taxes on its citizens.

Alex also talks about the co-opting of the Occupy Wall Street movement and the growing success of the Occupy the Fed effort that is growing by leaps and bounds around the country.

He covers the latest Republican debate and Ron Paul's taking Herman Cain to task as an insider and also the latest developments on AG Holder and the Fast and Furious op.

Alex takes a bunch of calls on today's broadcast.

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5  Multimedia Center / Documentaries / Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination (2011) on: October 11, 2011, 05:44:39 pm
Lethal Injection: The Story Of Vaccination

Uploaded by TheCorporationNation on Sep 30, 2011

Part 1 The definitive look into the history of vaccination. From cancer, to autism, to the purposeful sterilization of innocent people around the globe, find out why all of these things are perfectly legal according to U.S. CODE - why the government considers you no different than cattle in their own law.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to please download and re-post this video to every website possible. Make DVDs and place your activist group name on the menu. Edit pieces and Rickroll YouTube with vaccine truth! This is public domain, and no permission is needed to copy, reproduce, and give away this video and information.
6  Mass Mind Control / Social Engineering / Mind Control / Re: TV is a Psyco-Social Weapon For Mass Indoctrination/Mind Control on: October 11, 2011, 11:06:27 am
The Boob Tube Does Surveillance Porn
Person of Interest and Homeland

by Kelley B. Vlahos, October 11, 2011

Author Aldous Huxley once wrote, “Government-through-terror works, on the whole, less well than government through nonviolent manipulation of the environment and of the thoughts and feelings of individual men, women, and children.”

Writing this in 1958, Huxley hadn’t seen nothin’ yet.

But the eerily perceptive futurist, who in 1932 published the ultimate government-through-nonviolent manipulation nightmare, Brave New World, nonetheless pegged television as the medium through which his dystopian vision would be realized in the Western world. He was right: Television for decades has been the velvet whip with which powerful social, political, and commercial forces — the so-called establishment — have relentlessly endeavored to keep us all in a conformist stupor.

Well, he would have been really ratified by this pair of new dramas debuting on television this fall. Showtime’s Homeland and CBS’s Person of Interest are nothing less than post-9/11 government propaganda wrapped in slick, modern cinematography, fronted by pretty people and delivered with supposedly “complicated” plots and characters. Think 24 3.0 — except that now, we don’t cheer the government breaking every law of war and man to bag foreign terrorists. Instead, we countenance the suspension of the Constitution as it applies to us, the American citizen, in the interest of national security (Homeland) and law & order (Person of Interest).

One might be tempted to say “Who cares?” — television is an ancient medium that must compete with the Internet and every other social-entertainment device for attention. But TV is still one of the great equalizers and the hearth of the home. It’s where most people continue to get their news, and according to the A.C. Nielsen Co., the average American still watches four hours of programming a day, or 28 hours a week. The average household has at least two television sets. Total annual TV hours watched in America: 260 billion.

Don’t forget, you can watch TV online now too (that’s how I came across these “hot” new series), and let’s be serious, Huxley would be impressed at how deftly the Net itself has been corporatized and manipulated into the next-gen conformist tool: Millions of people a day spend millions of dollars and that many hours cultivating fake online farms and simulated friendships, producing nothing but profits for big game and social media moguls like Zynga, Facebook, and Google. “Time wasters” are the road to passivity and ignorance, and they don’t just come in the form of silly sitcoms and game shows.

But Homeland and Person of Interest are far from time wasters. They’re indoctrination. And here’s why.

Read More:****/

Note: replace **** in link with porn (Need to find a new hosting server for Global Gulag, this forced word censorship by the host is getting ridiculous).
7  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 11, 2011, 10:42:17 am
Monday, October 10, 2011

Kurt Haskell to Be Eyewitness for Underwear Bomber: Nightly News Special Report

Haskell maintains that Abdulmutallab was carrying a fake bomb and was the unwitting dupe in a case of government entrapment.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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8  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 11, 2011, 08:54:34 am
Today is Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Occupy DC
          On the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with activist and talk radio host Adam Kokesh about the DC Occupy movement. Kokesh was a Corporal in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and is a veteran of the Iraq War. He is an outspoken opponent of the U.S. military intervention in Iraq.

Additional guests include Lord Monckton, who will talk about the totalitarian EU, and musician Zak Carter of the Rock the Revolution Tour.

Alex also covers the latest breaking news, including the latest on the teetering economy and the growing End the Fed and occupation movement in numerous cities around the nation.

He also takes your calls.

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9  General / From Freedom to Fascism / Insane EU "Safety" Rules to BAN Children Under 14 From Having a Childhood on: October 10, 2011, 11:34:17 am
Children to be banned from blowing up balloons, under EU safety rules

Children are to be banned from taking part in traditional Christmas games, from blowing up balloons to blowing on party whistles, because of new EU safety rules that have just entered into force.

Whistle blowers are now classed as unsafe for
all children under 14 Photo: ALAMY

By Bruno Waterfield, Brussels
11:47PM BST 09 Oct 2011

The EU toy safety directive, agreed and implemented by Government, states that balloons must not be blown up by unsupervised children under the age of eight, in case they accidentally swallow them and choke.

Despite having been popular favourites for generations of children, party games including whistles and magnetic fishing games are to be banned because their small parts or chemicals used in making them are decreed to be too risky.

Apparently harmless toys that children have enjoyed for decades are now regarded by EU regulators as posing an unacceptable safety risk.

Whistle blowers, that scroll out into a a long coloured paper tongue when sounded – a party favourite at family Christmas meals – are now classed as unsafe for all children under 14.

The new rules are designed to protect children from the chance that a piece of the whistle could be swallowed and cause choking.

10  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 10, 2011, 10:55:39 am
Today is Monday, October 10, 2011

          Following his visit to three cities in Texas to protest the private banker cartel at the Federal Reserve, Alex returns to the airwaves today.

He talks with Michigan attorney Kurt Haskell about the so-called underwear bomber trial now underway in a federal court in Detroit. Haskell contends the would-be bombing by Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a government false flag event designed to provide a pretext to roll out naked body scanners. It is expected Mr. Haskell will be called to testify for the defense.

Alex also talks about the rallies at the Fed and other news items, including the ongoing OWS protests around the nation.

He also takes your calls.

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11  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 09, 2011, 08:42:32 pm
Today is Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fed Protests
          On the Sunday Edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex travels to San Antonio, Texas, to rally against the Federal Reserve. He broadcasts live from the scene as the growing movement standing in opposition to the bankers and their cartel masquerading as a federal agency gains momentum around the nation.

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12  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 08, 2011, 12:15:16 pm
Friday, October 7, 2011

Aaron Dykes sits in for Alex Jones as he kicks off the Occupy The Fed movement.

Aaron shows us the peopleâs response to out of control government with interviews from occupy the fed in Austin, Texas.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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13  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 08, 2011, 10:49:16 am
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Alex talks with Danny Panzella, who is a candidate for the New York State Assembly, about taking action in defense of our civil liberties under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Jones also talks about Obama's effort to channel Clinton with his "I feel your pain" mantra directed at the Occupy Wall Street crowd gathering outside Wall Street in Lower Manhattan. He also talks about "too big too fail" Bank of America's effort to impose a $5 surcharge on all credit card transactions.

Darrin McBreen's "Man On the Street" segment infiltrates EcoFest at the SXSW in Austin, Texas, and confronts Mark Tercek, President and CEO of The Nature Conservancy, on the Obama plan to close down coal-fired power plants and deny the American people a vital source of energy.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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14  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 07, 2011, 02:08:44 pm
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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15  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 07, 2011, 01:00:58 pm
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately 'rich,' ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to 'fight' the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to 'occupy' branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don't wait for orders from headquarters, go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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16  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 07, 2011, 11:15:15 am
Today is Friday, October 7, 2011

Fed Protests
          On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex files a report from Dallas where he is covering a protest of the Federal Reserve. After Dallas, he will move on to the bankster cartel headquarters in Houston and then San Antonio.

Aaron Dykes mans the command center in Austin while Alex takes on the Fed.

Aaron talks with Lyndon Larouche about the Occupy Wall Street protests and the increasingly popular idea that the Glass-Steagall Act of 1932 should be brought back to keep the hedge fund and derivatives vultures from infecting commercial banking.

Aaron also talks with regular Friday guest, Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster.

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17  General / Activism / >>>Occupy The Fed Posters for Spreading the Word<<< on: October 06, 2011, 04:19:08 pm
This poster is a remake of the V For Victory poster that I made a while back. Feel free to use it to spread the word to occupy the Fed. Also any artists on the forum please post your art to help make occupy the fed go viral. Thanks.
18  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 06, 2011, 11:28:34 am
Today is Thursday, October 6, 2011

George Noory
          On the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex welcomes back to the show the weekday host of the late-night radio talk show Coast to Coast AM, George Noory. George will touch on numerous topics with Alex and also talk about his latest book, Talking to the Dead.

Alex also talks with Debbie McKee of Campbell, Texas, about the growing effort to End the Fed and Danny Panzella, who is a candidate for the New York State Assembly. Panzella will talk with Alex about the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Tea Party.

We Are Change founder and activist Luke Rudkowski makes an appearance to talk about his beating at the hands of New York cops yesterday at the Occupy Wall Street demonstration.

Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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19  Health, Family & Eugenics / Codex Alimentarius / Codex: New EU Regulations Set Precedent for Crackdown on Natural Health on: October 06, 2011, 09:46:26 am
New Government Regulations Signify Crackdown on Natural Health

Anthony Gucciardi
Activist Post

After much deliberation, new European Union regulations have come into place banning hundreds of traditional herbal remedies. Under the guise of “protecting” consumers from these “dangerous” supplements, the European Union has opened the flood gates to an onslaught of new legislation designed to cut off access to alternative health supplements worldwide, setting the precedent for the government to tell us what we can and cannot put in our own bodies.

The rules allow for only “long-established and quality-controlled medicines” to be sold to consumers, limiting the advancement of any new companies or establishments that the government does not deem to be “quality” by their own terms. This type of governmental regulation of nutritional supplements may soon spill over to the food industry, where government involvement may be even more cause for concern.

Until now, the herbal supplement industry was governed by the 1968 Medicines Act, which was created when there were very few companies selling herbal remedies. Presently, about a quarter of all adults in the UK have used herbal medicine in the past two years, predominately purchasing it over the counter in health food stores and pharmacies.

With the widespread use of alternative remedies that cost very little compared to expensive pharmaceuticals and surgeries, comes the intensive regulation of such natural products. The main targets under the new system include echinacea, St John’s Wort and valerian, as well as traditional Chinese and Indian medicines. These are supplements that pose almost zero risk to one’s health as long as they are taken correctly and from high quality sources. How then could these natural health ingredients possibly be seen as a threat to the health of the consumer?

The main claim by the government in regards to the “risk” that these natural herbs pose is that they can interfere with pharmaceuticals. Instead of allowing consumers to choose if they are willing to take potentially health-damaging pharmaceuticals, the government is banning anything that could “interfere” with mainstream medicine.

Even the so-called experts behind the ban are members of various pharmaceutical organizations, such as the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Since these organizations and individuals couldn’t find any real side effects of these herbs that have been in use for countless decades, they were forced to say that it could potentially cause harm when taken in combination with the very pharmaceuticals they are backing.

“Patients might not realise that in some cases they should not take other medicines with them, or if they’re going for surgery they should tell their doctors they are taking these particular medicines because there may be complications,” said Prof Jayne Lawrence, chief science adviser to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

The draconian ban on natural herbal supplements that have been in use since the dawn of mankind signifies a complete crackdown on natural health supplements by the European Union. This is a landmark ban, as many other governments may follow with similar regulations and restrictions. The reasons behind this ban are truly ridiculous, as the very organizations behind it are the same organizations that back “conventional” pharmaceuticals over any other form of proven medicine. It is integral to the world’s health freedom that consumers take a stand against such acts of herbal tyranny and demand that the government allow for consumers to address their own health conditions without the “helping” hand of governmental control.


Learn About Codex Alimentarius -- The History of Health Tyranny
20  General / Activism / Infowars Press Release: The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now on: October 06, 2011, 09:05:08 am
The Revolution Against the Federal Reserve Starts Now

Infowars Press Release
October 6, 2011

Public sentiment has shifted– against the trends of Washington and Wall Street– and now, against the private Federal Reserve bank which controls or influences so much of the world’s finances. Where as only a few years ago many Americans were unaware of the true nature of the shadowy organization, recent polls confirm that the public overwhelmingly wants to audit and even abolish the Federal Reserve bank.

The momentum for a second American revolution is stirring, but the establishment is working overtime to steer the public’s anger into easy controlled avenues and big government solutions. Instead, by striking at the root of the true problems, we can attempt to reign in the predatory banking powers that plague our nation and begin to restore the Republic.

The Federal Reserve banking system is at the root of that problem and a perpetual impediment towards ending the global economic crisis that continues to grow. Join Alex Jones to “occupy” the Dallas Federal Reserve, or take the message to a Fed branch near you [see dates and times below]. We must start now by focusing media and political attention on this issue, and through our presence at these banks, start brushfires in the minds of men that will tip the momentum in favor of liberty and independence for all.


The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts
**Note: There are several dozen more branch locations. Please check the Federal Reserve district near you

Dallas Federal Reserve
Friday Oct. 7 @ 6pm
2200 North Pearl Street

Dallas, TX 75201-2272
(214) 922-6000

Houston Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sat. Oct. 8 @ High Noon
1801 Allen Pkwy
Houston, TX 77019-2507
(713) 483-3000

San Antonio Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve

Sunday Oct. 9 @ 10am – Noon

126 E Nueva
San Antonio, TX 78204-1020
(210) 224-2141



Targeting the Real Enemy: Occupy the Fed

Alex Jones urges supporters to take to the streets outside branches of the private Federal Reserve bank at locations across the country– not just to protest, but to “occupy” the source of real monetary tyranny in the U.S. The intent is to focus media attention not just on vague calls to ‘reform’ capitalism but to attempt to reign in the shadow banking cartel itself. The corruption of Wall Street is but a symptom of this unaccountable entity that holds a grip over finance, politics and freedom everywhere.

Alex himself will appear at three branches in Texas, including the head of the District 11 Federal Reserve in Dallas, as well as its subsidiaries in Houston and San Antonio (see dates & times below). However, it is hoped that a longer presence can be maintained at one or more of the locations throughout the nation, including possible campers and long-term demonstrators, in order to draw news coverage and expose the private bank that remains obscure and little known to most Americans. Join Alex in Dallas this Friday, Oct. 7 at 6 PM or head to the Fed near you and let’s use the momentum surrounding financial issues to point out the central role of the central bank that prints our money yet owes no allegiance to the people. Already, groups have spontaneously surrounded the Fed in Boston and other cities. Follow their example and peacefully send a message to the system that will reverberate to the very core!! The time is now to stand up for sovereignty and sound monetary policy– how else can we turn around the economic disaster that continues to spiral out of control across the globe?

Occupy the Federal Reserve; End the Fed ProtestsThe Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately “rich,” ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to ‘fight’ the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to “occupy” branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don’t wait for orders from headquarters– go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Bullhorns Federal Reserve branch in Dallas 11-22-2008
21  General / Activism / Re: Infowars Press Release: Occupy the Federal Reserve Movement Launched on: October 05, 2011, 11:36:47 am
Targeting the Real Enemy: Occupy the Fed

Infowars Press Release
October 5, 2011

Alex Jones urges supporters to take to the streets outside branches of the private Federal Reserve bank at locations across the country– not just to protest, but to “occupy” the source of real monetary tyranny in the U.S. The intent is to focus media attention not just on vague calls to ‘reform’ capitalism but to attempt to reign in the shadow banking cartel itself. The corruption of Wall Street is but a symptom of this unaccountable entity that holds a grip over finance, politics and freedom everywhere.

Alex himself will appear at three branches in Texas, including the head of the District 11 Federal Reserve in Dallas, as well as its subsidiaries in Houston and San Antonio (see dates & times below). However, it is hoped that a longer presence can be maintained at one or more of the locations throughout the nation, including possible campers and long-term demonstrators, in order to draw news coverage and expose the private bank that remains obscure and little known to most Americans. Join Alex in Dallas this Friday, Oct. 7 at 6 PM or head to the Fed near you and let’s use the momentum surrounding financial issues to point out the central role of the central bank that prints our money yet owes no allegiance to the people. Already, groups have spontaneously surrounded the Fed in Boston and other cities. Follow their example and peacefully send a message to the system that will reverberate to the very core!! The time is now to stand up for sovereignty and sound monetary policy– how else can we turn around the economic disaster that continues to spiral out of control across the globe?


The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts
**Note: There are several dozen more branch locations. Please check the Federal Reserve district near you

Join Alex at the Fed at these times/dates or find a Fed near you!
Dallas Federal Reserve
Friday Oct. 7 @ 6pm
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201-2272
(214) 922-6000

Houston Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sat. Oct. 8 @ High Noon
1801 Allen Pkwy
Houston, TX 77019-2507
(713) 483-3000

San Antonio Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sunday Oct. 9 @ 10am – Noon

126 E Nueva
San Antonio, TX 78204-1020
(210) 224-2141


Occupy the Federal Reserve; End the Fed ProtestsThe Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately “rich,” ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to ‘fight’ the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to “occupy” branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don’t wait for orders from headquarters– go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Bullhorns Federal Reserve branch in Dallas 11-22-2008
22  General / Activism / Infowars Press Release: Occupy the Federal Reserve Movement Launched on: October 05, 2011, 11:35:36 am
Occupy the Federal Reserve Movement Launched

Infowars Press Release
October 3, 2011

Occupy the Federal Reserve; End the Fed ProtestsThe Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately “rich,” ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to ‘fight’ the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to “occupy” branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Don’t wait for orders from headquarters– go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.


The Twelve Federal Reserve Districts
**Note: There are several dozen more branch locations. Please check the Federal Reserve district near you

Join Alex at the Fed at these times/dates or find a Fed near you!
Dallas Federal Reserve
Friday Oct. 7 @ 6pm
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201-2272
(214) 922-6000

Houston Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sat. Oct. 8 @ High Noon
1801 Allen Pkwy
Houston, TX 77019-2507
(713) 483-3000

San Antonio Branch of the Dallas Federal Reserve
Sunday Oct. 9 @ 10am – Noon
126 E Nueva
San Antonio, TX 78204-1020
(210) 224-2141

FLASHBACK: Alex Jones Bullhorns Federal Reserve branch in Dallas 11-22-2008
23  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 05, 2011, 10:55:14 am
Today is Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wall Street
          Alex talks with “Freeway” Ricky Ross, who was sentenced to life for dealing cocaine. His sentence was reduced after a series of articles by journalist Gary Webb in the San Jose Mercury News brought to light a connection between one of Ross's cocaine sources and the CIA as part of the Iran-Contra scandal. Ross was featured in Kevin Booth's documentary American Drug War: The Last White Hope.

Alex also talks with actress, comedian, writer, television producer and director Roseanne Barr. She has said Wall Street bankers should be sent to re-education camps and if that does not work they should be beheaded.

Alex also continues his coverage of the Occupy Wall Street protests that have fanned out over the country and spread to Europe.

He also covers other breaking news and takes your calls.

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24  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 04, 2011, 12:15:52 pm

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Infowars Special Report: The Occupy Wall Street Protests

Alex Jones gives his analysis on the Occupy Wall Street protests that have been swelling for weeks. His worst concerns have been confirmed about the true nature of who has been steering the demonstrations.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Exposing Internal Checkpoints: Alex shows us how itâs done when dealing with those unconstitutional checkpoints in His Home State of Texas.

Occupy The Fed Movement Launched: The Occupy Wall Street crowd has become predictably focused on issues like taxing the middle class and moderately ârich,â ending capitalism and even re-electing Obama to âfightâ the very elites who pushed him into power. Focus should instead be on the real source of power for the out-of-control bankster class- the private, unaccountable Federal Reserve bank that creates money out of thin air, issues secret loans to insiders and foreign governments and systematically institutes debt on the American people through their undue powers.

With this in mind, Alex Jones is calling on patriots to âoccupyâ branches of the Federal Reserve, with plans to appear at three locations in Texas this weekend in Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. The times and locations appear below. Further, people everywhere should converge upon Fed locations in their area to raise awareness about the real culprit behind the economic crisis.

Well meaning protesters who have joined the Occupy Wall Street effort, including solidarity activities in cities everywhere, need to be educated about the power held by this insidious institution, as well as the false solutions that have been proposed by leading figures on the left and right that only further expand the scope of big government, all while avoiding the elephant in the room.

Join Alex at locations throughout Texas or begin to address the issues at the Federal Reserve branch in your location. Donât wait for orders from headquartersâ go to the sound of the guns in this information war to awaken minds and stop the massive transfer of wealth being manipulated by the very offshore interests who control the Fed and even steer the protests at Wall Street.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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25  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 04, 2011, 10:58:23 am
Today is Tuesday, October 4, 2011

          Alex talks with the president and founder of the American Small Business League, Lloyd Chapman, about the Occupy Wall Street protests now entering a third week.

Mr. Chapman and Jones will also talk about the economy and how Obama's policies are hurting small business in America.

In addition to covering the latest breaking news, Alex will talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement and how it is being undermined and sold out by establishment Democrats and the globalists.

Alex also takes your calls.

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26  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 03, 2011, 10:41:53 am
Today is Monday, October 3, 2011

Wall Street
          Alex talks with William Gheen of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) about candidate Rick Perry and his stance on illegal immigration as governor of Texas.

Prison editor and journalist Paul Joseph Watson talks about his latest article detailing the globalist hijacking of the Occupy Wall Street movement and's plan to exploit the call for reining in the bankers.

Alex welcomes back to the show former trader and television host and commentator Max Keiser who will talk about the collapsing economy and other issues related to the globalist financial takeover.

Alex also takes your calls.

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27  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: October 02, 2011, 02:28:10 pm

Today is Sunday, October 2, 2011

Wall Street
          Alex calls in a special report on the Wall Street occupation and the against the banksters from the road at 2PM CST. Alex notes that the movement is suspiciously linked to the Democrats and Soros and designed to sideline any real reform.

Special Report archived here:,1301.msg4427.html#msg4427

At 4 PM CST, Alex presents a special premier rebroadcast featuring Jesse Ventura on his lawsuit against the TSA, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Gardasil and vaccines, author John Perkins on the globalist loan sharking system, and a recap of last week's news.

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28  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 01, 2011, 11:34:00 am
Friday, September 30, 2011

Tonight's Friday, September 30 edition of the Infowars Nightly News features an in-depth special report AIRING AT 7PM CENTRAL on the turning tide of water fluoridation across the Western world, with nearly 250 cities across the United States opting out of the mass-medication scheme once touted as one of the 10 greatest health achievements in the 20th Century. A special report filed by Alex Jones will show never-before-seen undercover footage shot at the Austin Water Treatment Facility showing the process of adding the corrosive and highly toxic chemical to the water supply. Further, our reporters speak with people on the street to get their take on the controversial practice that has garnered many highly-credible critics as public awareness grows. Government agencies are included in this, as many have now warned that fluoride levels must be reduced to decrease the risk of dental fluorosis, which most greatly affects developing children. Now, a new Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS) issued by Mosaic, one of the largest suppliers of hydrofluosilicic acid has also admitted the dangers posed by the industrial waste-product it sells to water treatment facilities.

Then, in-studio guests from Fluoride Free Austin will break down the victories beginning to emerge in their local fight to remove fluoride from the capital city of Texas. Dr. Griffin Cole, DDS and Laura Pressley, PhD. in physical chemistry, demonstrate the risks of fluoridation, while highlighting the increasing trends to remove it from public water supplies. Also featured is a clip from the roundtable interview Alex conducted with Dr. Paul Connett, a leading face in the fluoride fight, on his campaign across the Western world to convince cities that fluoride is not in the public's interest.

During the news blitz, Infowars Nightly News discusses top al Qaeda operative and CIA double-agent Anwar al-Awlaki, who was reportedly killed by a predator drone in Libya. Documents now famously prove that he dined at the Pentagon with top brass just months after 9/11, despite being connected to at least three hijackers and being interviewed by the FBI multiple times. Awlaki has since emerged as a key link between dozens of alleged terror plots inside the U.S. and abroad, including the Ft. Hood shootings, the Underwear Bomber, shoebomber Richard Reid and more.

INFOWARS NIGHTLY NEWS - Anwar Al-Awlaki, CIA lackey. Meanwhile, one Rezwan Ferdous has been arrested after an alleged plot to attack the Capitol and Pentagon buildings with a remote controlled model airplane carrying explosives that were ADMITTEDLY supplied by the FBI in a sting operation. Like literally dozens of other foiled terror plots, the FBI provocateured the suspects into action, including supplying them with bomb making materials or explosives, as the case may be. Even Fox News host Geraldo Rivera called out these repeated sting actions used to scare the public into believing the al Qaeda-terrorism threat is on-going as 'bogus.' This latest case appears to be little different, though no one was killed, unlike the 1993 World Trade Center bombing which leaked recording prove was also set-up and goaded-on using FBI informants.

Also in the news is the outrageous ruling from a Wisconsin judge that there is no fundamental right to consume or produce foods of one's own choice. This bizarre declaration echoes distant warnings of the founding fathers that a tyrannical government would also intrude on matters of food and medicine. It also goes hand-in-hand with a string of raids, arrests, and shutdowns across the country for what once seemed like wholesome living' from lemonade stands, to raw dairy, to Amish farmers, lemon trees, growing a garden and much more.

Other topics include the decision at Lambeau Field, home of the Green Bay Packers, to wand fans instead of instituting TSA-style patdowns as other NFL franchises have agreed to do, as well as more coverage about the dangers of vaccines, which many establishment figure continue to defend as safe, despite the admitted harmful effects and deaths that have resulted from inoculations.

Infowars Nightly News streams live every week day at 7 PM CST and is available for Prison subscribers.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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29  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: October 01, 2011, 09:54:05 am
Thursday, September 29, 2011

On the Thursday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex talks with Mike Adams of Natural News about the dangers of GMO and the attempt by the ATF to penalize gun dealers for selling firearms to medical marijuana patients.

Alex also talks about the efforts by local and state governments to control gardens and a Wisconsin judge who recently ruled that citizens do not have an absolute right to determine what they consume.

He also covers the journalist arrested in Lower Manhattan during the Occupy Wall Street protests and the threat it poses to the First Amendment and journalism.

Alex examines the FBI entrapment case against a Massachusetts man who supposedly plotted to fly explosives-packed model planes into the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.

Finally, Dr. Paul Connett talks with Alex about the deleterious effects of fluoride on the body. Connett will also talk with Alex tomorrow about the numerous victories in the ongoing war against the poisoning of the American people with the industrial toxin.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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30  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 30, 2011, 10:55:39 am
Today is Friday, September 30, 2011

Paul Watson
          On the Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News correspondent Aaron Dykes sits in while Alex is away on assignment.

Aaron talks with Prison journalist, editor and a frequent guest on the show, Paul Joseph Watson, who talks about his latest article on the complete idiocy of the corporate media when they discuss gold.

Aaron also talks with Alex Jones from the road about issues of the day and talks about the economy and related issues with regular Friday guest, Bob Chapman, publisher of the International Forecaster.

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31  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: September 29, 2011, 12:07:18 pm
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Alex welcomes guest Webster Tarpley to discuss the ongoing NATO bombardment and civil war in Libya, as well as why Al-Qaeda publicly backs the official 9/11 fable.

Alex also covers the recent controversy concerning an MSNBC talking head labeling the Associated Press "racist" for accurately transcribing Barack Obama's recent Black Caucus speech. Alex documents how Obama, Rick Perry, and Hillary Clinton have all adopted the speech styles of the audience they are talking to as a gimmick, and why the "racist" charge is another attempt to demonize all criticism, or merely unsympathetic portrayal, of Obama as bigotry.

We also cover the latest on electronic voting machine fraud, including how "Anyone with about $10, physical access to a Diebold voting machine and rudimentary knowledge of electronics can remotely hack into the device."

As the militarization of law enforcement continues its creeping lurch towards martial law, Alex covers the announcement that the Air Force is now working with local police in Wyoming to combat underage drinking.

Mad scientists are trying to geo-engineer the climate by blocking out the sun in the name of preventing "global warming," a cause that was again promoted at Australia's first geoengineering summit recently. Alex explains how geoengineering is already taking place through chemtrails and why this represents a dangerous threat to our environment.

Also coming up tonight - disturbing footage out of New Zealand showing the horrible side-effects of vaccines.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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32  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 29, 2011, 11:53:20 am
Today is Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mike Adams
          Chicago artist Chris Drew and Michael Allison talk with Alex on the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show.

Drew was charged with Class 1 felony under the Eavesdropping Act for recording his arrest for the crime of selling artwork on the street in Chicago.

Allison, a mechanic from southeastern Illinois, faced 75 years in prison for the same offense when he recorded a conversation with cops.

Mike Adams of Natural News will be in-studio to talk with Alex about the CDC going door to door on the pretense of educating the public on the H1N1 virus.

Alex also covers the latest breaking news and takes your calls.

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33  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: September 28, 2011, 11:47:33 am
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alex will cover a host of topics including the attempt to intimidate the parents of unvaccinated students with door-to-door innoculations. The effort is predicated on the hoax that vaccines are mandatory to attend school, despite the long-standing existence of a waiver policy.

With current focus on the police clamp down of Occupy Wall Street protests, Alex discusses a new lawsuit against Pittsburgh for its treatment of protesters during the G20 meeting in 2009. Infowars reporter Rob Dew is striking back for what he says was a false arrest and unfair treatment. Represented by Oath Keepers founder and lawyer Stewart Rhodes, Dew argues that he complied with police orders but was rounded up anyway, despite only being there to cover the event as a journalist.

In a news blitz, Alex discusses the blunt statements of trader Alessio Rastani, who told the BBC that a larger collapse is coming, adding that Goldman Sachs ârules the worldâ and cares nothing about the interests of ordinary people.

Alex also analyzes corporate subservience to Big Brother, with focus on recent admissions that OnStar technology is indeed used to actively spy on vehicle passengers for profit, as Alex has reported for many, many years. But in the larger picture, tech companies of all kinds are part of the game. TomTom, the satellite navigation company, was admittedly aiding law enforcement with tracking drivers, later claiming to back off from its role.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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34  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 28, 2011, 10:52:24 am
Today is Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wayne Madsen
          On the Wednesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with investigative journalist Wayne Madsen about the Occupy Wall Street protests now closing in on week two, the announcement by Iran that it may position warships off the U.S. coast, and Facebook's Big Brother posture as it follows users of the social network in their travels around the web. Madsen is a former Washington D.C.-based author, columnist, and investigative journalist specializing in intelligence and international affairs.

Alex also covers the latest news, including Jesse Ventura's offer to run in 2012 with GOP nomination hopeful Ron Paul.

Alex also takes your calls.

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35  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: September 27, 2011, 09:58:47 am
Monday, September 26, 2011

On the Monday, September 26, edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews economist and author John Perkins about the bankster elite and their globalist crime syndicate. Perkins is the author of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man and The Secret History of the American Empire.

Alex also talks about the rise and fall of the Rick Perry campaign and covers the Texas governor's numerous lies, including his claim that he does not support a NAFTA Super Highway in the state.

Other topics covered tonight include a recap of the Homeland Security terrorism exercise in Denver, Colorado, Mountain Guardian, the effort by the Fed to expand their surveillance grid through Twitter and Facebook.

Infowars Nightly News runs every weekday evening at 7 PM CST and is available for Prison subscribers.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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36  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 27, 2011, 08:50:47 am
Today is Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jesse Ventura
          On the Tuesday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with former Minnesota governor, Navy SEAL veteran, actor, wrestler and radio talk show and television host Jesse Ventura about his encounters with the TSA and his lawsuit against the agency and the Department of Homeland Security. Jesse's lawsuit charges that the agency has violated his rights under the Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures.

Alex also talks about Ron Paul's chances at the GOP presidential nomination now that Rick Perry's campaign is slipping.

He also confronts the latest news and takes your calls.

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37  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 26, 2011, 10:43:21 am
Today is Monday, September 26, 2011

Tad Lumpkin
          Alex talks in-studio with Tad Lumpkin, director of The American Dream, a 30 minute animated film by Lumpkin and Harold Uhl that reveals how the banksters have rigged the financial system. Lumpkin is an 11-year veteran of the entertainment business working both on the executive side and the creative side of film making.

Alex also runs down the latest breaking news and covers the unraveling of the Perry campaign, Ron Paul's chance at taking the GOP nomination, and the continued implosion of the economy in Europe and the United States.

Alex also takes your calls.

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38  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: ON TODAY'S SHOW: Live/Refeed, Guests, Topics & MP3 Archives (2011) on: September 25, 2011, 04:13:53 pm
Today is Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wall Street
          On the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show, We Are Change founder and activist Luke Rudkowski talks with Alex about the ongoing protests on Wall Street, where a large number of peaceful demonstrators were brutalized by the New York Police yesterday.

Alex also talks with editor and journalist Aaron Dykes about his coverage of the Mountain Guardian exercise held in Denver, Colorado, last week.

Alex also covers the latest news and takes your calls.

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39  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: September 24, 2011, 12:50:44 pm
Friday, September 23, 2011

Tonight, on the Friday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex covers in detail Operation Mountain Guardian, the Homeland Security funded and orchestrated martial law exercise under cover of preparedness for a terrorist event. correspondents Darrin McBreen and Aaron Dykes covered the exercise from the Mile High City, Denver, Colorado, earlier today.

Alex interviews former diplomat and professor Peter Dale Scott about the CIA and its efforts to withhold crucial information on the September 11 attacks. Scott will also review the tenth anniversary of the attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.

Tad Lumpkin, director of the animated short film The American Dream, will be in-studio with Alex to talk about the Federal Reserve and the bankster shake-down.

Additional topics covered tonight include: cancer vaccines and âcuresâ that do not mitigate the fatal disease but only increase fantastic profits for the pharmaceutical industry and Big Sisâ indoctrination telescreens to be installed in the private cars of Americans.

Infowars Nightly News is an informational show that runs every week night at 7 PM CST. It is available for live viewing by Prison subscribers. Please subscribe today and support our ongoing effort to get the truth out to counter the establishmentâs lies, misinformation, and propaganda.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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40  Multimedia Center / The Alex Jones Show / Re: Infowars Nightly News & Special Reports MPEG4 Video Archives (2011) on: September 24, 2011, 09:53:16 am
Thursday, September 22, 2011

On the Thursday edition of Infowars Nightly News, Alex Jones interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmannâs comment that Big Pharmaâs HPV vaccine is dangerous.

Alex also interviews award-winning actor and political activist Ed Asner on 9/11 and Building 7. Asner is now bravely treading dangerous, career-busting waters with questions about the demolition of the building not hit by a supposedly hijacker-commandeered aircraft on September 11, 2001.

In our Man On the Street segment, Infowars correspondent Darrin McBreen talks with folks in downtown Austin, Texas, about the NFLâs newly implemented and DHS instigated grope-down procedures at football stadiums across the country.

Additional items of tonightâs show: the crumbling economy and tumbling stock markets as the privately-owned Federal Reserve rolls out QE3 under the cover of bond manipulation.

Also covered tonight is British PM David Cameronâs call for more âhumanitarian interventionsâ where regimes either resist the dictates of the globalists or adopt policies contrary to their quest for world domination.

Join Alex and his guests week nights at 7 PM CST on

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