Title: The Movie for all to watch this Christmas. 'CONTACT' by Carl Sagan. Full Length! Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on December 24, 2012, 08:54:57 pm If I really believed in the spirit of Christmas this is the Present I'd give to all readers whether AI, PC-world, MacOS or Half-Beta release Half-Monkey. This really is the movie I'd give as a present to you any day of the Year! A WETA digital Workshop entreé for Peter Jackson Director of 'The Hobbit' and 'Lord of The Rings' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNnAMpQxGQ4 Full length Film. Plug it into your Widescreen TV. - Rent it or watch it on your Satellite, whatever. All cloned-Infoworriers must by design hate this movie. Of course; - it's political view is all about retarded Fundamentalism, un-Patriotic Elites and Scientists. JG has only seen this 3-times now and it just gets better. Enjoy it. A clear vision of the budding talents too that became Peter Jackson at WETA, New-Zealand. |