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Science & Technology => EPA / Fake Environmentalism / Green Energy Scam => Topic started by: Jonnie Goodboy on March 13, 2012, 07:29:24 am

Title: DESALINATION Plant to displace UK Drought is Derailed by CLIMATE CAMP Extremists
Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on March 13, 2012, 07:29:24 am
My old very well-travelled RAF friend had a passionate belief that the solution to Britain's repetitive water shortages was to adopt the strategies of Saudi Arabia's Desalination Plant. This has been an idea in the offing for decades, here on our Island Fortress, which so frequently suffers Water-Company mandated Price hikes and Hosepipe bans due to Reservoirs across England & Wales running seriously low.

But clearly the Water Industry whilst having looked at this possibility as recorded on the WATER UK website in 2009 has been hijacked by the Fakery of AGW/CC scaremongering as revealed on the BBC today.
 'Oh, Water Surprise!!'
— A Spokeswoman for the organisation which works closely with Britain's Water industry stated on BBC radio today that the prime reason we will continue to find empty excuses for not Developing DESALINATION is the new THREAT of  the Supposed High Energy requirments and The Cost of DESALINATION as measured on the 'Carbon Production' Scale ....


1) Water companies are currently finalising 25-year water resource management plans, which have been widely consulted on and consider how demand for water should best be met.

2) The industry pursues a 'twin-track' water resources strategy involving a combination of demand management measures, including cost-effective metering, water efficiency and leakage management, and additional supply-side measures where these are needed.

3) Supply-side measures include improved connectivity and sharing of water within and between water company boundaries; new winter storage of water whne it is available in enlarged existing or new reservoirs; use of modern desalination technology.  

4) Factors that need to be taken into account include population growth, demographic and lifestyle changes that impact the demand for water, climate change, and the impact of raw water quality on water availability.