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Mass Mind Control / Social Engineering => Corporate "News" Media => Topic started by: Jonnie Goodboy on December 01, 2011, 12:10:29 pm

Title: Jeremy Clarkson Falls Foul of The Hate-Speech Pagent Class & Traitor Politique.
Post by: Jonnie Goodboy on December 01, 2011, 12:10:29 pm
Vicious Screams of Acrimony and Revenge are amongst calls for an Inquisition extraordinaire to be launched against Top-Gear Presenter Jeremy Clarkson.

The Accusation?: Incitement to Hate Crimes. No less.

The Charge was led by the battered and Beleagered Pauper Prawn Class known formerly as Public-Sector workers who were driven to desperate appeals for a beheading, across UK MSM, by Trade-Unionists after those few choice words were heard on the BBC's 'One Show', as expressed by the Man from "Clarkson Island"

A wonderful example of Self-Inflicted wound.

But that won't be allowed to pass. This pro-industrialist, pro-British type has been lambasted for these comments because, and how conveniently, the TUC (Trades Union Congress) who called out 2-Million Civil Servants, Immigration Officers, School-Teachers and others yesterday has not been, is not being and WILL NEVER BE LISTENED TO, by this Conservative OR ANY FORTHCOMING socialist Government.

You are now living in the emergent, Scientifically and fiscally engineered, economic crisis, post industrial,
Federalist european, Chinese Model, Top Down Dictatorship.

This and any other POLITICAL CLASS will never,  ever have to listen seriously to the public again; Not for any reason but re-election.

The Humans are now officially, apparently, "Fighting Amongst themselves", whilst the True Predator Class prepare the Death camps somewhere deep in the heart of the Ukraine, or wherever is most contaminated ...

"They Have guilt edge Pensions whilst the rest of us have to work for a living" - He said.